
“Satan is alive and well and very active in the Vatican”

Smeaton, why dont you be a man, resign from the committee and join a schismatic cult
Their is nothing more offensive that saying "Satan is alive an active in the Vatican"
The first one I can source to this statement is that fraud Malachi Martin.
I hope he made millions of dollars with his rubbish. He broke his vows, His obituary in the New York Times points out that Martin lived with a female …More
Smeaton, why dont you be a man, resign from the committee and join a schismatic cult
Their is nothing more offensive that saying "Satan is alive an active in the Vatican"
The first one I can source to this statement is that fraud Malachi Martin.
I hope he made millions of dollars with his rubbish. He broke his vows, His obituary in the New York Times points out that Martin lived with a female companion. In a few words he was a very nasty man

As for Smeatons judgement on Bishops and Cardinals and habitual mortal sin, he needs to dust off his Baltimore Catechism and read it.
71. How can a sin be venial?

A sin can be venial in two ways:

when the evil done is not seriously wrong;

when the evil done is seriously wrong, but the sinner sincerely believes it is only slightly wrong, or does not give full consent to it. (eg Fee Will,)
More than a little sick tired and disgusted with so called slandering "Traditionalists"
about as traditional as the nuerotic priests, Calvin. Luther and Knox.