Kathey Osenbau
Kathey Osenbau

Francis' Obsession with Vestments Continues

So true! Pope Benedict is most likely at the side of our Lord looking down sadly at the state of the church under this Marxist wearing white. I can’t even imagine how much this is breaking our Lord’s heart! One of the hardest decades for me to pray through is the crowning with thorns, not only for the incredible pain Jesus suffered as they shoved that onto His sacred head, but because of what the …More
So true! Pope Benedict is most likely at the side of our Lord looking down sadly at the state of the church under this Marxist wearing white. I can’t even imagine how much this is breaking our Lord’s heart! One of the hardest decades for me to pray through is the crowning with thorns, not only for the incredible pain Jesus suffered as they shoved that onto His sacred head, but because of what the guards were doing as they did that: spitting on Him, mocking Him & hitting Him. That is exactly what I see Pope Francis & his thugs in the Vatican, as well as the many homosexual cardinals, bishops & priests around the world, doing to our Lord Jesus Christ right now, all over again. They are spitting on Him & hitting Him, but mocking Him most of all. I cry every time I pray that decade & every time I pray for the Church. But God will not stand for this much longer. His striking the statue of St. Peter on Bergolio’s birthday was just a warning shot of what’s to come for them.
Kathey Osenbau

Francis' Obsession with Vestments Continues

I believe Pope Francis’ end goal is taking the Catholic Church down the road to the One world Religion, this ushering in or making way for the anti-Christ. Father John, I think you are spot on.
Kathey Osenbau

Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and the writings of the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Her writings are so beautiful & so divinely inspired! I’m studying the Book of Heaven now & it makes me long for that day when I finally see the Beatific Vision, that moment when I’m finally home! I highly recommend the Book of Heaven to anyone who wants a glimpse into Our Heavenly Father’s eternal home & Christ’s Kingdom!!