
Francis' Obsession with Vestments Continues

Fashion style is a recurring obsession in Francis' "Magisterium", for example when he repeatedly tells priests and seminarians what to wear and what not to wear. This obsession has reached a new level …More
Fashion style is a recurring obsession in Francis' "Magisterium", for example when he repeatedly tells priests and seminarians what to wear and what not to wear.
This obsession has reached a new level. A year after the death of Benedict XVI, the supreme commander of Santa Marta ordered his master of ceremonies and the staff of the sacristy of St Peter's to remove the coat of arms of Benedict XVI from a set of chasubles in four of the five liturgical colours, writes SilereNonPossum.com (31 December).
The coat of arms will be replaced by the tiara and the keys of St Peter. The vestments with the coats of arms of Paul VI, John XXIII and John Paul II are [still?] in place.
SilereNonPossum.it calls this "a crazy expense". It would have been cheaper to buy new chasubles instead of carrying out this "damnatio memoriae".
After Benedict XVI's death, Francis showed all his contempt for his predecessor when he wanted Benedict XVI's corps to be loaded onto a minibus at dawn and brought into the …More
Live Mike
Vindictive, spiteful, vengeful?
Aaron Aukema
I don't really get Bergoglio's disrespect for Ratzinger. Ratzinger demonstrated much of the same sentiments immediately after Vatican 2 that Bergoglio has said now. BXVI was all for the new rites, and transforming the church into something different, saying the "old ways of doing things" don't work, and we can't be so rigid. Heck, he was upset that V2 relied so heavily on the heretic and excommunicated …More
I don't really get Bergoglio's disrespect for Ratzinger. Ratzinger demonstrated much of the same sentiments immediately after Vatican 2 that Bergoglio has said now. BXVI was all for the new rites, and transforming the church into something different, saying the "old ways of doing things" don't work, and we can't be so rigid. Heck, he was upset that V2 relied so heavily on the heretic and excommunicated de Chardin, instead the heretic and excommunicated Martin Luther. Perhaps its because Ratzinger was more muted in his revolutionary mindset than Bergoglio?
Geminiano Secundo
The Jesuit George Bergoglio is perfect as the destroyer of the visible, corrupt anty-Church. Someone had to do it to prepare a place for the Kingdom of God on earth - I recommend to your attention the 'Prophecy of the popes' given to Saint Malachi by the Lord the Savior. The 112th paragraph of the 'Prophecy' deals with the destroyer of the Church:
In perſecutione extrema S.R.E. ſedebit.
Aaron Aukema
Pope Pius XII teaches the perrenial doctrine of the Church that the Church of Christ IS the Catholic Church, and visible, "institutional" Church is the same as the Mystical Body of Christ. Both are, as Christ is, fully Divine and fully Human. As Christ is, both are incorruptible and indefectible. If what is visible is corrupt, then it can not be the Catholic Church.
Yes, certain members can be …More
Pope Pius XII teaches the perrenial doctrine of the Church that the Church of Christ IS the Catholic Church, and visible, "institutional" Church is the same as the Mystical Body of Christ. Both are, as Christ is, fully Divine and fully Human. As Christ is, both are incorruptible and indefectible. If what is visible is corrupt, then it can not be the Catholic Church.

Yes, certain members can be corrupt. Yes, there can be policies and practices can be imperfect. However, the Church, the Church of Christ, CANNOT produce universal laws, practices, teachings, etc that can 1) contradict what has been taught before, 2) are vague in their formulation, and thus can lead souls astray, or 3) actively lead souls to sin and away from God. Christ founded His Church with the express mission of the salvation of souls, and that Church is guided in this mission by the Holy Ghost. To think that the Church can be corrupt is to say the Church is not the Church of Christ.
Geminiano Secundo
@Aaron Aukema Thank you for drawing my attention, I corrected it - anti-Church.
Kathey Osenbau
So true! Pope Benedict is most likely at the side of our Lord looking down sadly at the state of the church under this Marxist wearing white. I can’t even imagine how much this is breaking our Lord’s heart! One of the hardest decades for me to pray through is the crowning with thorns, not only for the incredible pain Jesus suffered as they shoved that onto His sacred head, but because of what the …More
So true! Pope Benedict is most likely at the side of our Lord looking down sadly at the state of the church under this Marxist wearing white. I can’t even imagine how much this is breaking our Lord’s heart! One of the hardest decades for me to pray through is the crowning with thorns, not only for the incredible pain Jesus suffered as they shoved that onto His sacred head, but because of what the guards were doing as they did that: spitting on Him, mocking Him & hitting Him. That is exactly what I see Pope Francis & his thugs in the Vatican, as well as the many homosexual cardinals, bishops & priests around the world, doing to our Lord Jesus Christ right now, all over again. They are spitting on Him & hitting Him, but mocking Him most of all. I cry every time I pray that decade & every time I pray for the Church. But God will not stand for this much longer. His striking the statue of St. Peter on Bergolio’s birthday was just a warning shot of what’s to come for them.
Opera 369
Only an envious individual with no 'peace or charity' in his body (he has no soul clearly) could want to "erase" the identity of the Pope that preceded him! Pope Benedict XVI is likely at the side of the Lord, on this 1 year anniversary of His passing, looking down on the 'ugliness and vileness' of this man without a soul, dressed in white, who keeps throwing stones and heresies at whatever represents …More
Only an envious individual with no 'peace or charity' in his body (he has no soul clearly) could want to "erase" the identity of the Pope that preceded him! Pope Benedict XVI is likely at the side of the Lord, on this 1 year anniversary of His passing, looking down on the 'ugliness and vileness' of this man without a soul, dressed in white, who keeps throwing stones and heresies at whatever represents the true CATHOLIC CHURCH! RIP Benedict XVI, you, the last Pope in the Vatican.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
My advice to Pope Francis is that you better worry more about the state of your own soul, Buddy Man, instead of trying to trash the legacy (even down to the vestments he wore) of your beloved predecessor, From what I read today, several thousand packed St. Peter's to assist at a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Georg Ganswein, in honor of Pope Benedict XVI. He is still very much loved and respected in …More
My advice to Pope Francis is that you better worry more about the state of your own soul, Buddy Man, instead of trying to trash the legacy (even down to the vestments he wore) of your beloved predecessor, From what I read today, several thousand packed St. Peter's to assist at a Mass celebrated by Archbishop Georg Ganswein, in honor of Pope Benedict XVI. He is still very much loved and respected in Rome and in the Church.
This vindictive and totally in character cryel act of you, Francis, will insure that next to no one will mourn your passing like millions did for Benedict XVI, but instead cheer and applaud .
And even more so when your successor is nearly the same as Benedict XVI in outlook and agenda.
Benedict XVI will remembered for 50+ years.
Francis and his agenda will be forgotten in 50 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary K Jones
I appreciate your youthful enthusiasm Kenjiro, and I enjoy your comments. I sincerely hope you are correct. Happy new year to you!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Mary K Jones -Thank you very much Mary!! Happy New Year to you also!!
Bonnie Louise
His "Papacy" should be erased, he is not now, and never was the Pope.
Wilma Lopez
2023 began with the muted funeral of Benedict. Pope Francis worsening health has meant that he has been unable to celebrate Mass for almost two and half years.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Regarding Pope Francis' worsening health, too bad so sad! But what was done to Benedict XVI vestments is a disgrace.....it will only make Francis hated more, not only by the general faithful especially in Italy, but among the Cardianls as well....even men Francis appointed himself. Come Francis' swiftly approaching death, don't be surprised if hardly any people show up to view his decomposing corpse …More
Regarding Pope Francis' worsening health, too bad so sad! But what was done to Benedict XVI vestments is a disgrace.....it will only make Francis hated more, not only by the general faithful especially in Italy, but among the Cardianls as well....even men Francis appointed himself. Come Francis' swiftly approaching death, don't be surprised if hardly any people show up to view his decomposing corpse. Also, don't be surprised if the next Pope is a 100% rejection of Francis and his tyranical and heretical regime.
What a thought! Only Our Lord knows where we are headed in 2024. Praying many Rosaries here!
Aaron Aukema
Bergoglio's health is, I believe, a "false flag". He used his bad knees to explain why he doesn't show any reverence at the Novus Ordo, yet has no problems kissing the feet of Muhammadan women prisoners, or migrants. He admitted in 2013 that " liturgy is not my thing ". Liturgy wasn't Luther's thing, or de Chardin's thing, or Calvin's thing, or Cranmer's thing either.
Kathey Osenbau
I believe Pope Francis’ end goal is taking the Catholic Church down the road to the One world Religion, this ushering in or making way for the anti-Christ. Father John, I think you are spot on.