Andre Luiz
Andre Luiz shares from alfre1240
JMJ Rio - 23 a 28 de JULHO 2013 Jornada Mundial da Juventude - Rio 2013 23 a 28 de JULHO 2013 O logotipo oficial do designer Gustavo Huguenin, de 25 anos, foi o vencedor …More
JMJ Rio - 23 a 28 de JULHO 2013
Jornada Mundial da Juventude - Rio 2013
23 a 28 de JULHO 2013
O logotipo oficial do designer Gustavo Huguenin, de 25 anos, foi o vencedor do concurso, que contou com mais de 200 trabalhos enviados de todas as partes do mundo para o Comitê Organizador Local (COL).
"Para mim, é uma alegria muito grande saber que o meu trabalho vai ser usado no maior evento católico do mundo, ainda mais com a presença do Santo Padre, e que essa imagem estará associada ao encontro pessoal que os jovens do mundo inteiro terão com Jesus Cristo", comemorou Huguenin.
O símbolo escolhido tem as cores da bandeira brasileira e assemelha-se a um coração. A imagem traz o Cristo Redentor como figura central e ainda faz referências ao Pão de Açúcar e ao litoral brasileiro.

JMJ Río 2013: Copacabana y base aérea serán sede de eventos centrales

RIO DE JANEIRO, 01 Jun. 12 / 12:29 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).- El Arzobispo de Río de Janeiro (Brasil), Mons. Orani João Tempesta, reveló hoy que la Playa de Copacabana y la Base Aérea de Santa CruzMore
RIO DE JANEIRO, 01 Jun. 12 / 12:29 pm (ACI/EWTN Noticias).-
El Arzobispo de Río de Janeiro (Brasil), Mons. Orani João Tempesta, reveló hoy que la Playa de Copacabana y la Base Aérea de Santa Cruz serán las sedes de los principales eventos de la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud (JMJ) Río 2013 a la que asistirá el Papa Benedicto XVI.
Concretamente, dijo el Prelado en conferencia de prensa, Copacabana será el lugar de la Misa de acogida a los peregrinos en la inauguración del evento que está programado del 23 al 28 de julio del próximo año. También se realizará allí el recibimiento al Papa y el Vía Crucis con él.
Por su parte, la Base Aérea de Santa Cruz, en la zona oeste de la ciudad, será sede de la Vigilia del sábado 27 de julio y de la Misa de clausura del domingo 28, en donde se espera unos 2 millones de jóvenes. Esta base pertenece a la Fuerza Aérea Brasileña y cuenta con un terreno de 5,7 kilómetros cuadrados.
El Arzobispo de Río, acompañado de dos de sus Obispos Auxiliares, estuvo …More
Andre Luiz shares from Irapuato
JMJ Rio - 23 a 28 de JULHO 2013 Jornada Mundial da Juventude - Rio 2013 23 a 28 de JULHO 2013 O logotipo oficial do designer Gustavo Huguenin, de 25 anos, foi o vencedor …More
JMJ Rio - 23 a 28 de JULHO 2013
Jornada Mundial da Juventude - Rio 2013
23 a 28 de JULHO 2013
O logotipo oficial do designer Gustavo Huguenin, de 25 anos, foi o vencedor do concurso, que contou com mais de 200 trabalhos enviados de todas as partes do mundo para o Comitê Organizador Local (COL).
"Para mim, é uma alegria muito grande saber que o meu trabalho vai ser usado no maior evento católico do mundo, ainda mais com a presença do Santo Padre, e que essa imagem estará associada ao encontro pessoal que os jovens do mundo inteiro terão com Jesus Cristo", comemorou Huguenin.
O símbolo escolhido tem as cores da bandeira brasileira e assemelha-se a um coração. A imagem traz o Cristo Redentor como figura central e ainda faz referências ao Pão de Açúcar e ao litoral brasileiro.
Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) geobeats on Sep 10, 2010 Christ the Redeemer (Portuguese: Cristo Redentor) is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; considered the largest …More
Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
geobeats on Sep 10, 2010 Christ the Redeemer (Portuguese: Cristo Redentor) is a statue of Jesus Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; considered the largest Art Deco statue in the world and the 5th largest statue of Jesus in the world. It is 39.6 metres (130 ft) tall, including its 9.5 metres (31 ft) pedestal, and 30 metres (98 ft) wide. It weighs 635 tonnes (625 long,700 short tons), and is located at the peak of the 700-metre (2,300 ft) Corcovado mountain in the Tijuca Forest National Park overlooking the city. A symbol of Brazilian hospitality, the statue has become an icon for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil.[1] It is made of reinforced concrete and soapstone, and was constructed between 1922 and 1931.[2][3][4]
Andre Luiz shares from Rodrigo†
NOSSA SENHORA DA CONCEIÇÃO APARECIDA - textos - músicas - vídeos
Divulguem: Oração pedindo que Nossa Senhora Aparecida livre o Brasil da maldição do aborto. Oração pedindo que Nossa Senhora Aparecida livre o Brasil da maldição do aborto ÓRainha do Brasil, nesta hora …More
Divulguem: Oração pedindo que Nossa Senhora Aparecida livre o Brasil da maldição do aborto.
Oração pedindo que Nossa Senhora Aparecida livre o
Brasil da maldição do aborto

ÓRainha do Brasil, nesta hora de tantos perigos para a nossa Pátria, afastai dela o flagelo da matança dos inocentes mediante o aborto.
Não permitais que consiga instaurar-se em nosso País, nascido e formado sob o influxo sagrado da civilização cristã, leis que promovam o assassinato de nascituros ainda no ventre materno.
Para isso, ó Senhora, conservai viva e aumentai a rejeição que o aborto encontrou em todas as camadas sociais do povo brasileiro. Ajudai-nos a respeitar o mandamento divino que proíbe o assassínio deliberado de todo ser humano inocente, como o são as crianças que ainda estão no seio materno.
Tocai, ó Mãe Nossa, o coração das mães que neste momento possam estar vacilando entre a bênção da maternidade e o crime hediondo contra o fruto de seu próprio ventre.
Fazei, Senhora Aparecida, com que nosso País …More
One page
Andre Luiz shares from
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies. Fruit of Medjugorje - www.marytv.tvMore
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies.
Fruit of Medjugorje -
Festival Medjugorje and Alaska. Testimony from Alaska, a student of theology in ViennaMore
Festival Medjugorje and Alaska.
Testimony from Alaska, a student of theology in Vienna
Andre Luiz shares from Adelita
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies. Fruit of Medjugorje - www.marytv.tvMore
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies.
Fruit of Medjugorje -
Medjugorje mladifest Padre Bennet. Testimony of p. Tierney Bennet on International youth festival in Medjugorje (author of song Virgen Morenita) Youth festival MedjugorjeMore
Medjugorje mladifest Padre Bennet.
Testimony of p. Tierney Bennet on International youth festival in Medjugorje (author of song Virgen Morenita) Youth festival Medjugorje
Andre Luiz shares from
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies. Fruit of Medjugorje - www.marytv.tvMore
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies.
Fruit of Medjugorje -
Festival Medjugorje, Sister Samuela. The testimony of Sister Samuela, a Franciscan Sister of SlovakiaMore
Festival Medjugorje, Sister Samuela.
The testimony of Sister Samuela, a Franciscan Sister of Slovakia
Andre Luiz shares from MartoneNicola
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies. Fruit of Medjugorje - www.marytv.tvMore
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies.
Fruit of Medjugorje -
Miracles of MEDJUGORJE - One. Medjugorje is the "lung of the world"...just watch this famous lady's testimony about her conversion and be inspired by the amazing Love that the Lord has for us. DOUBT …More
Miracles of MEDJUGORJE - One.
Medjugorje is the "lung of the world"...just watch this famous lady's testimony about her conversion and be inspired by the amazing Love that the Lord has for us. DOUBT NO MORE BUT BELIEVE...
Andre Luiz shares from Irapuato
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies. Fruit of Medjugorje - www.marytv.tvMore
Fruit of Medjugorje : testimonies.
Fruit of Medjugorje -
John Wayne's Grandson Fr. Matthew Muñoz Medjugorje Testimony. MarytvMedjugorje on Oct 4, 2011 The grandson of actor John Wayne, Fr. Matthew Muñoz , shares his thoughts and insights on Our Lady's coming …More
John Wayne's Grandson Fr. Matthew Muñoz Medjugorje Testimony.
MarytvMedjugorje on Oct 4, 2011 The grandson of actor John Wayne, Fr. Matthew Muñoz , shares his thoughts and insights on Our Lady's coming to Medjugorje.
Andre Luiz shares from Bob Jones papist
Religious Travel Planning Guide. Texts , Maps and GuidesMore
Religious Travel Planning Guide.
Texts , Maps and Guides
PILGRIMAGE-Inside The Vatican. Assisi, Norcia, Cascia,Vatican,/ ---------------------------------------------
PILGRIMAGE-Inside The Vatican.
Assisi, Norcia, Cascia,Vatican,/
One page
Religious Travel Planning Guide. Texts , Maps and GuidesMore
Religious Travel Planning Guide.
Texts , Maps and Guides
LIBRO: EGERIA, la peregrina de Tierra Santa (EN INGLÉS) Egeria nos describe en este famoso escrito su itinerario por TIERRA SANTAMore
LIBRO: EGERIA, la peregrina de Tierra Santa (EN INGLÉS)
Egeria nos describe en este famoso escrito su itinerario por TIERRA SANTA
342 pages
Andre Luiz shares from Irapuato
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of …More
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions.
Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for these holiday makers, rather they are searching for spiritual enlightenment; for a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and for cures for everything from addiction and loneliness to cancer.
Pilgrims looks into these issues of faith and spirituality as it follows a group of pilgrims from Northern Ireland as they make their way to the world-renowned shrine in the small town of Medjugorje.
While Mary is reported to have appeared for a short time in Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal and Knock in Ireland, it is said that she appears on a daily basis in the town of Medjugorje.
'Our Lady of Medjugorje’ was first reported to have appeared on June 24, 1981 to six Herzegovinian Croat children, who claim to have since …More
2 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 2- Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 2 The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. …More
2 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 2-
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 2
The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for them.
Andre Luiz shares from Irapuato
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of …More
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions.
Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for these holiday makers, rather they are searching for spiritual enlightenment; for a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and for cures for everything from addiction and loneliness to cancer.
Pilgrims looks into these issues of faith and spirituality as it follows a group of pilgrims from Northern Ireland as they make their way to the world-renowned shrine in the small town of Medjugorje.
While Mary is reported to have appeared for a short time in Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal and Knock in Ireland, it is said that she appears on a daily basis in the town of Medjugorje.
'Our Lady of Medjugorje’ was first reported to have appeared on June 24, 1981 to six Herzegovinian Croat children, who claim to have since …More
1 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 1 Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 1 The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. …More
1 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 1
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 1
The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for them.
Andre Luiz shares from Irapuato
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of …More
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions.
Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for these holiday makers, rather they are searching for spiritual enlightenment; for a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and for cures for everything from addiction and loneliness to cancer.
Pilgrims looks into these issues of faith and spirituality as it follows a group of pilgrims from Northern Ireland as they make their way to the world-renowned shrine in the small town of Medjugorje.
While Mary is reported to have appeared for a short time in Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal and Knock in Ireland, it is said that she appears on a daily basis in the town of Medjugorje.
'Our Lady of Medjugorje’ was first reported to have appeared on June 24, 1981 to six Herzegovinian Croat children, who claim to have since …More
Final- BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 5 Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 5 The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje …More
Final- BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 5
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 5
The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for them.
Andre Luiz shares from Irapuato
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of …More
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions.
Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for these holiday makers, rather they are searching for spiritual enlightenment; for a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and for cures for everything from addiction and loneliness to cancer.
Pilgrims looks into these issues of faith and spirituality as it follows a group of pilgrims from Northern Ireland as they make their way to the world-renowned shrine in the small town of Medjugorje.
While Mary is reported to have appeared for a short time in Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal and Knock in Ireland, it is said that she appears on a daily basis in the town of Medjugorje.
'Our Lady of Medjugorje’ was first reported to have appeared on June 24, 1981 to six Herzegovinian Croat children, who claim to have since …More
4 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 4 Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 4 The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. …More
4 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 4
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 4
The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for them.
Andre Luiz shares from Irapuato
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of …More
BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Triplevision Productions.
Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for these holiday makers, rather they are searching for spiritual enlightenment; for a vision of the Blessed Virgin Mary; and for cures for everything from addiction and loneliness to cancer.
Pilgrims looks into these issues of faith and spirituality as it follows a group of pilgrims from Northern Ireland as they make their way to the world-renowned shrine in the small town of Medjugorje.
While Mary is reported to have appeared for a short time in Lourdes in France, Fatima in Portugal and Knock in Ireland, it is said that she appears on a daily basis in the town of Medjugorje.
'Our Lady of Medjugorje’ was first reported to have appeared on June 24, 1981 to six Herzegovinian Croat children, who claim to have since …More
3 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 3 Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 3 The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. …More
3 BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 3
Pilgrims - BBC documentary on Medjugorje - Part 3
The story of the thousands of Northern Irish pilgrims who flock to the controversial shrine of Medjugorje. Every year around 25,000 people from Northern Ireland travel to the unlikely destination of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the small town of Medjugorje. But sun, sand and silly souvenirs are not high on the list of priorities for them.
Andre Luiz shares from pescageo
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie. Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...More
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie.
Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...
Chiesa di Gesu' Misericordioso a Surmanci (Medjugorje) Il villaggio di Surmanci nella valle della Neretva appartiene alla parrocchia di Medjugorje, ma è distante otto chilometri dalla Chiesa Parrocchiale …More
Chiesa di Gesu' Misericordioso a Surmanci (Medjugorje)
Il villaggio di Surmanci nella valle della Neretva appartiene alla parrocchia di Medjugorje, ma è distante otto chilometri dalla Chiesa Parrocchiale. A causa di quella distanza, gli abitanti di Surmanci per la Santa Messa domenicale si riunivano negli spazi della scuola o nel cortile della scuola, a seconda delle condizioni del tempo. Nella speranza che la Provvidenza venisse loro in aiuto e che anch’essi avrebbero ricevuto la loro Chiesa filiale, essi pregavano con fede e perseveranza. Il progetto della costruzione della Chiesa venne intrapreso nel 1998 dall’allora parroco di Medjugorje fra Ivan Landeka. I lavori proseguirono durante il servizio di parroco del Dott. fra Ivan Sesar e sono terminati durante il tempo in cui fu parroco fra Branko Rados. Una delle più grandi difficoltà fu fin dall’inizio il reperimento di un terreno adatto. Grazie all’impegno ed alla perseveranza del defunto fra Ivan Bradvica, esso venne trovato e …More
Andre Luiz shares from
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie. Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...More
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie.
Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...
Viaggio a... Claudia Koll. Viaggio a... del 21 marzo 2012 - breve estratto, Claudia KollMore
Viaggio a... Claudia Koll.
Viaggio a... del 21 marzo 2012 - breve estratto, Claudia Koll
Andre Luiz shares from Piero
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie. Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...More
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie.
Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...
Immagini da Medjugorje, 25.6.09 Alcune immagini da Medjugorje nel pomeriggio del 28. anniversario, girate nei campi e vicino alla chiesa, prima dell'arrivo della pioggia.More
Immagini da Medjugorje, 25.6.09
Alcune immagini da Medjugorje nel pomeriggio del 28. anniversario, girate nei campi e vicino alla chiesa, prima dell'arrivo della pioggia.
Andre Luiz shares from vittoriobo
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie. Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...More
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie.
Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...
Miracolo a Medjugorje - ("L'Anima") per gentile concessione di Stefano Gagliardi produttore e conduttore del programma L'Anima sul circuito 7 GOLDMore
Miracolo a Medjugorje - ("L'Anima")
per gentile concessione di Stefano Gagliardi produttore e conduttore del programma L'Anima sul circuito 7 GOLD
Andre Luiz shares from
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie. Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...More
Pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie.
Vi consigliamo di visitare in pellegrinaggio a Medjugorie - To complete the pilgrimage, you must visit ...
Viaggio a... Don Luigi Guanella. Estratto dalla trasmissione di Rete 4 del 27 marzo 2012More
Viaggio a... Don Luigi Guanella.
Estratto dalla trasmissione di Rete 4 del 27 marzo 2012