Janusz C
Janusz C

Guitar Blessing: Blasphemy in the Name of "Unity" (Video)

if this would be a Catholic priest he would never do something outrages. He is one of many pretenders. Like mr Cupich from Chicago for example. Communists and masons form 1920's planted people like this poor guy do destroy Church from within.
Janusz C

Ottawa Police: Unprecedented Brutality

unfortunately you r right. Trump was the only one who did not belong to the "club" so they ousted him.
Janusz C

Covid Scientist: Francis Should Apologise for Injection Propaganda

the fact is a lot of people died and got hurt from "vaxx" which does not work.
Janusz C

No Surprise: Anti-Catholic German Synod Votes For "Priestesses,", Married Priests etc

those people looks like monkeys in these diapers on their faces. How they can not see that wearing these things is so dehumanizing not to mention they do nothing to prevent spread of sanktus covidus.
Janusz C

Prominent Jesuit Suggests Following Unjust Laws

This poor guy forgot that when he will die he will b judged by GOD Himself and not by USCCB bishops