
Interesting: Why Francis “Never Denied Communion to Anyone”

Nobel simplicity.

Love and Commandments: Francis Again Gets It Wrong

ambiguous. Bergoglio is slips from talking about the ritual and dietary aspects of the law to the 10 commandments.

Declaration of War: Francis' Two-Stage Fight Against Summorum Pontificum

That would create even more catholic who question the legitimacy of this pontificate.

Son of Former Polish Prime-Minister Laisised

Sad. Pray for him and his eternal salvation. Let him not be deaf to the call of the Eternal King.

New Theory: “God Is Present In Homosex Relationships”

No, that is not enough. He commits blasphemy if he said as the headline indicates that God is present in such relationships based on the inclination to and committing of a mortal sin.

New Theory: “God Is Present In Homosex Relationships”

Son of a Kant. That statement inverts the objective-subjective relationship. The Catholic Church makes truth claims e.g., the creed. That is her nature. Overbeck, follows Kant, who followed Luther. Such statements should not surprise us. What should surprise us is that he is still a Bishop.

German Catholicism: Woman Concelebrates At Midnight Mass (Video)

Why do people continue to think that the Germans are smart and disciplined?

Covid Allegedly Killed 5% of the Priests

Traditional Catholics, Lay and Clerics, have practice questioning official narratives. If your willing to question an Ecumenical Council which broke with historical dogmatic precedent it is not hard to question Dr. Fauci and supposed experts who broke with historical medical precedent.

What If Somebody Doesn't Wear A Mask? “Stop Mass!"- Says Archbishop

If a priest is concentrating on offering the Holy Sacrifice how would he know if someone took off their mask?

Shock! Cardinal Burke Seen – Without Mask (Video)

The new world order crew and the one world religion crew push the CV19 panic narrative so as to impose police state restrictions on vast segments of the world. God given constitutionally recognized rights be damned. This is not about public safety!