Exclusive: Important Analysis of Francis' Mexico Interview. Exclusive: Important Analysis of Francis' Important Mexico Interview The American lawyer and journalist Chris Ferrara commented for Gloria.tv …More
Exclusive: Important Analysis of Francis' Mexico Interview.

Exclusive: Important Analysis of Francis' Important Mexico Interview

The American lawyer and journalist Chris Ferrara commented for Gloria.tv on Pope Francis’ May interview with the Mexican journalist Valentina Alazraki. He describes the interview as outstanding because this was the first time that Francis was downright interrogated by somebody.

Francis Finds Dirty Work "Fantastic"

Alazraki asked Francis whether or not Whistleblower Archbishop Viganò had informed him in 2013 about the McCarrick scandal. Francis replied evasively that he had been silent about the case so far, and had instead asked the media to do their own research. Francis qualifies this research as – quote - "fantastic" job because, as Francis explains, instead of inquiring the Viganò facts, the media reported on a private inheritance dispute among the Viganó family members. For Ferrara, this answer shows that Francis had asked the media to throw dirt at Viganò in order to damage his credibility. What Ferrara finds even worse is that Francis spread the rumour that Viganò had been paid for making his revelations.

What kind of person is this?

Ferrara asks the question, what character would without proof present his opponent as a paid liar and be pleased that he is vilified. For Ferrara, in this Francis shows the slyness of a politician who does not seek the truth, but attempts to save his own reputation and to silence his opponent. Even before the Pope's election, Bergoglio was known for protecting his friends and destroying his critics.

Catholic lip service, liberal deeds

Ferrara describes Francis as somebody who serves the needs of the moment, but at the same time "relentlessly" pursues his own goals. Francis will admit that abortion is a crime, but will not take any concrete action. His fight against the death penalty was different. He performed concrete actions and even attempted to change the catechism. The same applies to celibacy. Verbally he calls celibacy a gift, but at the same time, he uses the Amazon Synod to abolish it.

Insults without end

Ferrara notes that Francis makes fun of Catholics who take the faith seriously and formulate Dubia and questions. In the May interview, Francis explained that he finds such requests “amusing" and claims that he treats his critics with - quote - "fatherly tenderness". But Ferrara argues that Francis almost on a daily base defames his critics as Pharisees, rigid, stubborn, cold-hearted, vinegar-faced and so on.
L'avocat et journaliste américain Chris Ferrara a commenté pour Gloria.tv l'interview du pape François avec la journaliste mexicaine Valentina Alazraki en mai. Il décrit l'entrevue comme exceptionnelle parce que c'était la première fois que François était …More
L'avocat et journaliste américain Chris Ferrara a commenté pour Gloria.tv l'interview du pape François avec la journaliste mexicaine Valentina Alazraki en mai. Il décrit l'entrevue comme exceptionnelle parce que c'était la première fois que François était carrément interrogé par quelqu'un.

François trouve le travail sale « Fantastique ».

Mme Alazraki a demandé à François si Mgr Viganò, l'archevêque lanceur d'alertes, l'avait informé en 2013 du scandale McCarrick. François a répondu évasivement qu'il était resté silencieux sur l'affaire jusqu'à présent, et avait plutôt demandé aux médias de faire leurs propres recherches. François qualifie cette recherche de travail « fantastique » car, comme François l'explique, au lieu de s'enquérir des faits de Viganò, les médias ont parlé d'un différend successoral privé entre les membres de la famille Viganó. Pour Ferrara, cette réponse montre que François avait demandé aux médias de jeter de la boue sur Viganò afin de nuire à sa crédibilité. Ce que Ferrara trouve encore pire, c'est que François répandit la rumeur que Viganò avait été payé pour faire ses révélations.

Quel genre de personne est-ce ?

Ferrara pose la question, quel caractère présenterait sans preuve son adversaire comme un menteur payé et serait heureux qu'il soit vilipendé. Pour Ferrara, François montre en cela la ruse d'un homme politique qui ne cherche pas la vérité, mais tente de sauver sa propre réputation et de faire taire son adversaire. Avant même l'élection comme Pape, Bergoglio était connu pour protéger ses amis et détruire ses critiques.

Le catholicisme de pure forme, les actions libérales

Ferrara décrit François comme quelqu'un qui sert les besoins du moment, mais qui en même temps poursuit « sans relâche » ses propres objectifs. François admettra que l'avortement est un crime, mais ne prendra aucune mesure concrète. Son combat contre la peine de mort est différent. Il a posé des gestes concrets et a même tenté de changer le catéchisme. Il en va de même pour le célibat. Verbalement, il appelle le célibat un don, mais en même temps, il utilise le Synode amazonien pour l'abolir.

Insultes sans fin

Ferrara note que François se moque des catholiques qui prennent la foi au sérieux et formulent des Dubia et des questions. Dans l'interview de mai, François explique qu'il trouve ces demandes « amusantes » et affirme qu'il traite ses critiques avec - je cite - « une tendresse paternelle ». Mais Ferrara affirme que François diffame presque quotidiennement ses critiques comme des pharisiens, rigides, têtus, sans cœur, au visage de vinaigre et ainsi de suite.

[Cette interview de l'Antéchrist est absolument épouvantable et horrible. La voici ici en français en plusieurs épisodes tellement elle est longue et indigeste et avec quelques commentaires bien salés : FRANÇOIS à TELEVISA ]
Gesù è con noi
Gloria.TV News
Servicio católico de labios, hechos liberales:
Ferrara describe a Francisco como alguien que atiende las necesidades del momento, pero al mismo tiempo persigue "implacablemente" sus propios objetivos. Francisco admitirá que el aborto es un delito, pero no tomará ninguna medida concreta. Su lucha contra la pena de muerte fue diferente. Realizó acciones concretas e incluso intentó …More
Gloria.TV News
Servicio católico de labios, hechos liberales:
Ferrara describe a Francisco como alguien que atiende las necesidades del momento, pero al mismo tiempo persigue "implacablemente" sus propios objetivos. Francisco admitirá que el aborto es un delito, pero no tomará ninguna medida concreta. Su lucha contra la pena de muerte fue diferente. Realizó acciones concretas e incluso intentó cambiar el catecismo. Lo mismo se aplica al celibato. Verbalmente llama al celibato un regalo, pero al mismo tiempo, usa el Sínodo del Amazonas para abolirlo.
Col. Buckshot
Thank-you. May God, please, continue to Bless your work! +JMJ+
Holy Cannoli
A pleasant Good morning, Doina. 🤗
He (Chris Ferrara) describes the interview as outstanding because this was the first time that Francis was downright interrogated by somebody.
In my opinion, the interview was not outstanding. The "interrogation" fell short and I question the usefulness of an interview with an interviewer even when it involves someone as reputable as Ferrara.
A pleasant Good morning, Doina. 🤗

He (Chris Ferrara) describes the interview as outstanding because this was the first time that Francis was downright interrogated by somebody.

In my opinion, the interview was not outstanding. The "interrogation" fell short and I question the usefulness of an interview with an interviewer even when it involves someone as reputable as Ferrara.
ROME - The Vatican communications office on Wednesday corrected the Italian transcript of Pope Francis’s comments about disgraced ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Earlier, it had omitted Francis’s claim that he didn’t remember if he had been told in 2013 of McCarrick’s penchant for sleeping with seminarians.

The omission gave the impression that Francis flatly denied knowing anything about McCarrick, whereas the full comment, provided initially only in the Spanish version, makes clear he didn’t remember. That distinction is at the root of the scandal over the Vatican’s years-long cover-up of McCarrick. cruxnow.com/…/vatican-omitted…

A “good” interviewer would have directly asked Papa Francisco, “Was
Archbishop Viganò being untruthful when he related that, in 2013, he said that he told you about the McCarrick scandal?”

But, Valentina Alazrak didn’t ask that.

Why not?

She did not want to lose access so she bent down and kissed the pope’s ring which was in his back pocket at the time of her interview. 🤫

In a revision made after the interview, the Vatican says that the pope simply forgot and did not remember whether he was told or not told about the serial abuser ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Pope Francis: "I said (to Archbishop Viganò) that several times, that I didn't know, no idea… otherwise I wouldn't have kept quiet". 🤨
dear Cannoli..is not something better than nothing? those of us moralizing from a position of no risk find criticism effortless don't we?
Holy Cannoli
laurelmarycecilia writes:
dear Cannoli..is not something better than nothing?
Something is not better than nothing particularly when that "something" is sinful or fosters error. You should know that. In addition, we simply make our opinions on this board. Some moralize but I don't. Furthermore, if you or anyone else doesn't like/approve of/disagree with my personal opinions, then, Arrivederci Baby. 😘More
laurelmarycecilia writes:
dear Cannoli..is not something better than nothing?

Something is not better than nothing particularly when that "something" is sinful or fosters error. You should know that. In addition, we simply make our opinions on this board. Some moralize but I don't. Furthermore, if you or anyone else doesn't like/approve of/disagree with my personal opinions, then, Arrivederci Baby. 😘

In addition, why don't you put your thinking cap on and see if you can make a substantive comment on the subject matter of this thread instead of making a critique of my post which seems to be a modus operandi of yours? If you are unable to write something substantive, it is understandable. 🤗
Thanks for that.