Anne_Fallible shares from Abramo
Blessed beyond words!
Oratory build - Timelapse. It has been in making for while (or "not in the making" - which was the problem), but my hermitage finally received its final altar piece. Enjoy and stay creative. UT IN …More
Oratory build - Timelapse.
It has been in making for while (or "not in the making" - which was the problem), but my hermitage finally received its final altar piece. Enjoy and stay creative. UT IN OMNIBUS GLORIFICETUR DEUS
Anne_Fallible shares from Gloria.TV News
Details Behind the Viganó Revelations. Details Behind the Viganó Revelations The Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli who helped whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó to write his statements, …More
Details Behind the Viganó Revelations.
Details Behind the Viganó Revelations
The Italian journalist Aldo Maria Valli who helped whistle-blower Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó to write his statements, revealed details in an interview with Riscossa Cristiana. Valli describes Viganó as not an easy character. Quote: “He is not able to be empathic, as they say today and he did not do anything to ingratiate himself with me.” But Valli was impressed by Viganó’s suffering and fear of God.
Throrough Interrogation
Archbishop Viganó asked Valli to proofread a draft of his August statement in front of him, and to ask necessary questions. Valli says that he subjected Viganó to a – quote “thorough interrogation”. Viganó never pulled back, was never confused nor did he contradicted himself. Only sometimes he siad, “I do not remember this.”
“We All Had the Same Impression”
The first two meetings with Viganó took place in Valli’s apartment because the journalist wanted his wife and children to be present …More
Anne_Fallible shares from LawrenceOP-Fan
Dominican Rite Mass in Lancaster. "Come to this hallowed mountain on which Jesus is transfigured. Do not come looking for glory or for sentimental bliss, but rather for the lessons of holiness He …More
Dominican Rite Mass in Lancaster.
"Come to this hallowed mountain on which Jesus is transfigured. Do not come looking for glory or for sentimental bliss, but rather for the lessons of holiness He teaches you by His self-abasement. Come, and by your love and self-denial, be transfigured into Jesus Christ in His Sacrament while waiting to be transfigured into Jesus Christ in His heavenly glory." – St Peter Julian Eymard. Photo taken during a Dominican rite Low Mass celebrated in the Lancaster University Catholic Chaplaincy on 24 October 2018. Photo by Carlos Rodriguez.
Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr