IN GOD WE TRUST (ORIGINAL MUSIC VIDEO) Singer/Songwriter Eric Horner sings his original, new song "In God We Trust". Eric was asked to write this song for American Family Association. Copyrights belong …More
Singer/Songwriter Eric Horner sings his original, new song "In God We Trust". Eric was asked to write this song for American Family Association. Copyrights belong to His Tune Publishing, Eric Horner, Veritas Records & American Family Association.
The Torchlighters: The Richard Wurmbrand Story Trailer. The trailer to the latest installment of the Torchlighters series, focusing on the life of Richard Wurmbrand. The Torchlighters is an animated …More
The Torchlighters: The Richard Wurmbrand Story Trailer.
The trailer to the latest installment of the Torchlighters series, focusing on the life of Richard Wurmbrand. The Torchlighters is an animated series telling the stories of great heroes of the faith.
Tortured for Christ. An excerpt of the video presentation "Tortured for Christ", recorded in the late 1960s. Rev. Richard Wurmbrand speaks about his time spent in Communist prisons. This video is part …More
Tortured for Christ.
An excerpt of the video presentation "Tortured for Christ", recorded in the late 1960s. Rev. Richard Wurmbrand speaks about his time spent in Communist prisons.
This video is part of the Centennial Celebration at
full interview, see: Richard Wurmbrand - Tortured for Christ God Bless,More
full interview, see: Richard Wurmbrand - Tortured for Christ
God Bless,
Austrian MP Ewald Stadler adresses Turkish Ambassador. German with English subtitlesMore
Austrian MP Ewald Stadler adresses Turkish Ambassador.
German with English subtitles
Provokation im Liebfrauendom: Käßmann lobt die Pille. Ökumene - das steht für ein Miteinander der Kirchen. Diesmal nicht. Die ehemalige EKD-Präsidentin Käßmann provozierte bei ihrer Rede im katholischen …More
Provokation im Liebfrauendom: Käßmann lobt die Pille.
Ökumene - das steht für ein Miteinander der Kirchen. Diesmal nicht. Die ehemalige EKD-Präsidentin Käßmann provozierte bei ihrer Rede im katholischen Liebfrauendom in München mit den Worten: "Man kann die Pille auch als Geschenk Gottes sehen."
Life resource
Liebe Gläubige, Die Nidationshemmung der Pille bedeutet, dass ein Mensch getötet wird, auch die sogenannte Minipille etc. Es werden nicht die Erbanlagen …More
Liebe Gläubige,
Die Nidationshemmung der Pille bedeutet,
dass ein Mensch getötet wird,
auch die sogenannte Minipille etc.
Es werden nicht die Erbanlagen eines
Menschen in einem Zellhaufen beseitigt,
sondern der Mensch samt seiner Anlagen.
wissenschaftliche Infos: "ALL" deckt auf:
Hier ein LINK zur Innenansicht des Liebfrauendoms. UNITATE! hat recht, dass es sich bei Minute 1.24 nicht um den Liebfrauendom handelt. In dem ZDF …More
Hier ein LINK zur Innenansicht des Liebfrauendoms.
UNITATE! hat recht, dass es sich bei Minute 1.24 nicht um den Liebfrauendom handelt.
In dem ZDF Video wurde ungeschickterweise der Kommentar zur Pillenaussage Käßmanns im Liebfrauendom unter einen Filmausschnitt aus einer anderen Kirche gelegt.
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Report Mainz hetzt gegen Pius-Bruderschaft (SWR, 19. April 2010) Bericht von Report Mainz in der ARD vom 19. April 2010 um 21.45 Uhr.More
Report Mainz hetzt gegen Pius-Bruderschaft (SWR, 19. April 2010)
Bericht von Report Mainz in der ARD vom 19. April 2010 um 21.45 Uhr.
Die meisten Pfarrer haben gar keine "Kanzel" mehr und steigen daher auf die "Dialog-Predigten" um....laufen mit dem Mikro durch die Kirche und halten …More
Die meisten Pfarrer haben gar keine "Kanzel" mehr und steigen daher auf die "Dialog-Predigten" um....laufen mit dem Mikro durch die Kirche und halten einen Vortrag über "Gott und die Welt"... 😁
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Interview - Küng: Catholicism heading back to Middle-Ages. A small town in southern Germany was the scene of a meeting of minds between two members of the Catholic church in the 1960s. Theologian Hans …More
Interview - Küng: Catholicism heading back to Middle-Ages.
A small town in southern Germany was the scene of a meeting of minds between two members of the Catholic church in the 1960s. Theologian Hans Küng invited his colleague Josef Ratzinger to Tübingen to teach at the university's Catholic faculty. Shocked by the student revolt of 1968 Ratzinger became increasingly conservative.
Harry Knox. Homosexual member of Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood PartnershipsMore
Harry Knox.
Homosexual member of Barack Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
And in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts working that which is filthy, and receiving in …More
And in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error. And as they liked not to have God in their knowledge, God delivered them up to a reprobate sense, to do those things which are not convenient. (Rom 1:26-28)
Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind, because it is an abomination. (LV 18:22)
SEE also: Rom 1:24....Lv 20:13....1Cor 6:9-10.....1Tim 1:10
poor analogy cyprianus-the homosexual agenda is being rammed down the public's throat in order to normalize the PERVERSION THAT IS HOMOSEXUALITY. The …More
poor analogy cyprianus-the homosexual agenda is being rammed down the public's throat in order to normalize the PERVERSION THAT IS HOMOSEXUALITY. The Christian is told that THEY are the problem and that the HOMOSEXUAL should be able to promote their perversion as a normal lifestyle-unfortunatley it is anything but normal. Up until 30 years ago homosexuality was known in psychiatry as a mental disorder (it is) but due to the process of "Gradualism" society has been infiltrated year after year with perversion being taught as normalcy-lie again and again until people see the lie as truth-The Doctrine of Satan. "Go and sin no more"-is what Jesus said to the woman-Jesus did not say-if you are gay continue to commit sodomy. A homosexual must remain celibate-sodomy is mortal sin-plain and simple. A homosexual must make the choice between homosexual sex on earth or their eternal destination. Free Will-you choose temporal sodomy for eternal damnation-quite a stupid choice indeed.
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