
The Holy Rosary. The Glorious Mysteries led by Mother Angelica to pray on Wednesdays and Sundays

This is pretty. Why aren't more girls "running" this video site pretty like this?

Apostate Abp. Gregory’s Pro-LGBT Efforts Honored in Diocesan Newspaper

God, put him deeper in Limbo, but protect him against demons. Make him deaf to their nonsense too.

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

In any case, go listen to this Syro Malankara Catholic ritual in communion with the Pope. Latin as a liturgical language is designed for the acoustics of my people, not yours.

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

Consider hearing a Catholic mass in the Syriac rite. I suspect the Syriac liturgical language will speak to those of Hindustani descent more beautifully. God Bless you.

Interview with Bishop Fellay: “More Than Anything, Today's World Needs Priests”

We require holy men married to holy women in more processional rituals to demonstrate how much beauty and majesty we've acquired after practicing for over 2,000 years now in the Body of Christ. Naturally romantically disinclined people will want to become priests and nuns then.

Cardinal Kasper: Francis Ready To Abolish Celibacy

Such as?

Cardinal Kasper: Francis Ready To Abolish Celibacy

It would apply to new priests I'd imagine, otherwise, current priests would have to admit their lifetime vow of chastity was not sincere. God might say, "HA! GOTCHA!"

Sweden will become like Africa. Sweden will become like Africa

Why is this at the top of my list, Mr. Biden (Delaware corporation)? I want to study Christ in social media.

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

That was the most wasteful 120 seconds I can remember expending in my lifetime in reading this detracting pessimistic diatribe. May God have mercy on your soul.