One man's experience of discovering the Latin Mass:

I Didn't Like My First Latin Mass - OnePeterFive

I was riding in my boss’s car, absentmindedly staring out the window. He was taking my coworker and me to lunch, and he turned down a side street to take …
OnePeterFive? No thanks.
@JTLiuzza, could you please just offer a sincere comment about the article-if you wish-and not bash the entire site? Or I guess that's how some play it? Maybe we should ask Gloria.tv for a "block user" option so you no longer have to look upon any of my posts because I dared to post a onepeterfive.com article? Yeesh. Gloria.tv seems to have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this week... ☕
That was a sincere comment.
...and so you write a general comment about a group in response to a single article?
No. I wrote a specific comment not about a group, but about a website. The fact that it apparently sees fit to publish an article disparaging the Mass that nourished the entire Church, her faithful, and all her saints for about 1,400 years pretty much illustrates my point. You want to visit there? Knock yourself out. If you have a thin skin about people's comments beneath the things you post, there …More
No. I wrote a specific comment not about a group, but about a website. The fact that it apparently sees fit to publish an article disparaging the Mass that nourished the entire Church, her faithful, and all her saints for about 1,400 years pretty much illustrates my point. You want to visit there? Knock yourself out. If you have a thin skin about people's comments beneath the things you post, there are a few ways that spring to mind whereby you can spare yourself the anguish.
JT, if you read the article, you'll see the point of the article was to praise the Latin Mass.
@JTLiuzza I say "group" you say "website" and I'll restate my comment: You will not take the time to read a (short) article, but you will take the time to bash a "website"? I don't visit onepeterfive.com. I believe I saw this article on a TLM Facebook page.
Thanks, isaac.
Consider hearing a Catholic mass in the Syriac rite. I suspect the Syriac liturgical language will speak to those of Hindustani descent more beautifully. God Bless you.
Latin Mass is the most beautiful thing on earth. Novus Ordo is just for Susan from the parish (Google her if you don't know her yet)
That was the most wasteful 120 seconds I can remember expending in my lifetime in reading this detracting pessimistic diatribe. May God have mercy on your soul.
What? You really needed to go for a full 130 seconds... 🙄
In any case, go listen to this Syro Malankara Catholic ritual in communion with the Pope. Latin as a liturgical language is designed for the acoustics of my people, not yours. www.youtube.com/watch
I may indeed listen to what is NOT for "my people" ...right after I resolve whatever you have suggested requires the mercy of God on my soul. ( This exchange doesn't appear to be going anywhere good.)