
Cardinal Kasper: Francis Ready To Abolish Celibacy

If the eight bishops’ conferences of the Amazonian region will ask Pope Francis during the October Amazonian Synod to abolish celibacy, “the pope, in my opinion, would in principle be ready to do so …More
If the eight bishops’ conferences of the Amazonian region will ask Pope Francis during the October Amazonian Synod to abolish celibacy, “the pope, in my opinion, would in principle be ready to do so”, Cardinal Walter Kasper told fr.de (May 27).
Kasper said that Francis will [pro forma] hear the bishops and their arguments, and then decide.
This is not how Francis has run the synods so far. Rather, the results were decided beforehand, independently from the opinions expressed by the bishops during the synods.
Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsMpammkzgqq
Wise Men SeeK
Don't be confused. Celibacy is not a doctrine, it is a discipline only. But, the issue of women's ordination is NOT a discipline, it IS A DOCTRINE. If they do away with celibacy they will use this to push for women's ordination because most people today do not distinguish between a discipline and doctrine. The ordination of women will never happen.
Kasper is off the wall, and has been for decades.
It would apply to new priests I'd imagine, otherwise, current priests would have to admit their lifetime vow of chastity was not sincere. God might say, "HA! GOTCHA!"
They hate Catholics and they hate Christ.
Francis promotes that opinion through his followers, then presents it as a request that he supports.
resist reject refuse evil idiologies
Such as?
Those who cause scandal will end up burning forever in hell. Lord save us from these homoheretics.