
Francis Manipulates History, Insults Christians

The Pachapapa speaks of revisionist history, ignoring that Muhammed listened to a devil. Ignoring that Islam has spread through a sword, rape, pillaging, and plundering lands. Lord have mercy on us.
Do we deserve this papacy? It has been a long time in the making, revolution has now come to the light, devils must be driven out with light. Prayer and fasting delivers us much faster.More
The Pachapapa speaks of revisionist history, ignoring that Muhammed listened to a devil. Ignoring that Islam has spread through a sword, rape, pillaging, and plundering lands. Lord have mercy on us.

Do we deserve this papacy? It has been a long time in the making, revolution has now come to the light, devils must be driven out with light. Prayer and fasting delivers us much faster.

Pachamama Petition: Priest Of Fraternity Of St Peter (FSSP) Retracts

While they want to ask their heirarchy for permission to be faithful to Holy Mother Church, they lead their faithful to servile obedience to this “pontiff” they pridefully think themselves in ‘good standing’ with. When will we see that ED orders are just there to serve the faithful with the beauty of the liturgy and not the fullness of the faith. Just tragic.

Surprise: President Of Vatican's Financial Watchdog Agency Resigns

Bergoglio is not to be trusted.

Why Bishop Schneider Didn’t Sign

Sadly, as times goes on and the anger subsides many will continue to align their allegiances to Bergoglio and his magisterium. Out of servile obedience or worse becasue in the end they truly believe that the UN should have their obeisance.

Dominican Priest Calls Gregorian Chant “Infantile”

The banality and personal penchants of these boomers is what has driven the faithful out of Church. Oh and so has their defunct nouvelle theology, their heresies, and abuses.