
Why Bishop Schneider Didn’t Sign ContraRecentiaSacrilegia.org

Bishop Schneider didn't sign ContraRecentiaSacrilegia.org because the last Council asked the laity to speak out frankly, he told Die-Tagespost.de (15 November). He would also have wished that the …More
Bishop Schneider didn't sign ContraRecentiaSacrilegia.org because the last Council asked the laity to speak out frankly, he told Die-Tagespost.de (15 November).
He would also have wished that the appeal had been formulated "more respectfully” in some places.
Schneider admits however that, according to the experience of the last years, discussions with Francis on topics where he disagrees, were "not fruitful."
As examples, he cites the Dubia of the four Cardinals and his own statements on the Abu Dhabi Document.
Nonetheless, he calls ContraRecentiaSacrilegia.org a profession of faith and an act of charity for the salvation of souls.
Schneider criticised Francis because he attended the Pachamama worship and even justified it. This has caused "great damage to the salvation of souls".
The bishop said that the Church was "no dictatorship", "where a public admonition of the dictator could become life-threatening".
He probably meant: The Church has indeed become a dictatorship where a public …More
Gesù è con noi
Monsignor Athanasius Schneider is FAITHFUL to Bergoglio knowing that Bergoglio is unfaithful to GOD. In other words, he has placed Bergoglio above God. Athanasius Schneider continues to serve Bergoglio knowing that he has Pachamama as his god and that he has declared war on the Holy Trinity in his apostate Abu Dhabi document. Whoever OBEYs those who disobey God disobeys God. Athanasius Schneider is …More
Monsignor Athanasius Schneider is FAITHFUL to Bergoglio knowing that Bergoglio is unfaithful to GOD. In other words, he has placed Bergoglio above God. Athanasius Schneider continues to serve Bergoglio knowing that he has Pachamama as his god and that he has declared war on the Holy Trinity in his apostate Abu Dhabi document. Whoever OBEYs those who disobey God disobeys God. Athanasius Schneider is in full communion with Bergoglio which is NOT in full communion with God but has openly declared war on God.
I would not have signed (had they asked) due to the false base premise that Bergoglio is pope. Antipope Francis the Apostate is not now nor has he ever been pope.
Hugh N. Cry
If I wore a pointy hat, I’d sign it.
Sadly, as times goes on and the anger subsides many will continue to align their allegiances to Bergoglio and his magisterium. Out of servile obedience or worse becasue in the end they truly believe that the UN should have their obeisance.
Frà Alexis Bugnolo
This is profoundly shameful. A man who has no righteous anger for treachery to his Creator.