
Pachamama Petition: Priest Of Fraternity Of St Peter (FSSP) Retracts

Father Stefan Dreher, the prior of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) in Stuttgart, Germany, retracted his signature from the petition „Contra recentia sacrilegia“. In a German November 15 …More
Father Stefan Dreher, the prior of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) in Stuttgart, Germany, retracted his signature from the petition „Contra recentia sacrilegia“.
In a German November 15 statement Dreher wrote that he signed the petition as a private man without talking to his superiors and that he wanted to deliver a message against the use of Pachamama statues.
Now, he believes that in the "public reception" [?] the petition was perceived as an "inappropriate attack" against Francis, "I would like to dissociate myself from that.”
He asserts that it was not his intention "to attack Pope Francis personally.”
While they want to ask their heirarchy for permission to be faithful to Holy Mother Church, they lead their faithful to servile obedience to this “pontiff” they pridefully think themselves in ‘good standing’ with. When will we see that ED orders are just there to serve the faithful with the beauty of the liturgy and not the fullness of the faith. Just tragic.
Libor Halik
Just tragic.
Gesù è con noi
Antonio Abad: Shameful Mr. Prior !!! and you have also questioned your community and the principles it professed in the Catholic world. It would be very convenient for the Brotherhood and for you to resign from your position as prior, so that another person of Catholic character and commitment can take on a pillar of the true Catholic and Apostolic Church. You do not deserve to be the Prior of the …More
Antonio Abad: Shameful Mr. Prior !!! and you have also questioned your community and the principles it professed in the Catholic world. It would be very convenient for the Brotherhood and for you to resign from your position as prior, so that another person of Catholic character and commitment can take on a pillar of the true Catholic and Apostolic Church. You do not deserve to be the Prior of the FSSP !!!
Gesù è con noi
@Walter: I think he should strip himself of the cassock and resign ...
Gesù è con noi
In other words, Father Stefan Dreher FSSP refuses to publicly defend the rights of God and the Catholic doctrine that was trampled by Bergoglio, who violated the First Commandment by placing the false god Pachamama before God.
Stefan Dreher is faithful to Bergoglio and unfaithful to Christ.
Gesù è con noi
Shame on you!
Very unfortunate in my opinion.
Christ is The King..
Coward! Sorry but Pope Francis is the cancer in the church.
Thanks Dictator Jorge of the Pachamamas.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Pathetic. Papolatry galore.
The pachamama saga ,was bad ,but at the same time ,a chance to separate the wheat from the weeds ,Right ?