Donna Bethell
Donna Bethell

Lebanon: Bishops Use Coronavirus to Introduce Communion in Hand

No painting is the Gospel, only an artist's idea of what happened. At the Last Supper, the Apostles were becoming bishops. We are not the Apostles.
Donna Bethell

NASA: Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus

There is no conflict. The first photo was taken a few dozen miles above the surface of the moon, so the moon looks huge and the earth looks a quarter million miles away, because it is. The second photo is taken a million miles away from either the earth or the moon, it doesn't say, but at that distance the moon appears much closer to its actual relative size with respect to the earth, about 1/4 the …More
There is no conflict. The first photo was taken a few dozen miles above the surface of the moon, so the moon looks huge and the earth looks a quarter million miles away, because it is. The second photo is taken a million miles away from either the earth or the moon, it doesn't say, but at that distance the moon appears much closer to its actual relative size with respect to the earth, about 1/4 the earth's diameter. If you see a full moon and hold your thumb up to cover it, do you conclude that your thumb is bigger than the moon?
Donna Bethell

Cardinal Hummes: “Ordination of Married Men Will Be Re-Discussed”

But QA fully incorporates Synod Doc by reference, making it just as magisterial as QA, no matter what ++Baldisseri says.
Donna Bethell

Ratzinger/Sarah Book Provoked “Anger of Hell” - Bishop Schneider

Where does +Schneider say that the election of Francis was uncanonical?
Donna Bethell

Ratzinger/Sarah Book Provoked “Anger of Hell” - Bishop Schneider

+Schneider, in his new book Christus Vincit, details several errors of Vatican II that should be corrected.
Donna Bethell

Ratzinger/Sarah Book Provoked “Anger of Hell” - Bishop Schneider

Please tell us what is "the manly thing."
Donna Bethell

Ratzinger/Sarah Book Provoked “Anger of Hell” - Bishop Schneider

Could you explain more about how +Schneider should give the antipope his marching orders?
Donna Bethell

Nick Donnelly - Interview with The Most Famous Deacon in the English-Speaking World

Getting along is not the objective. Only the salvation of souls is the proper goal. For this Christ was incarnated, taught us the Way to the Father, suffered and died, and rose to new life. "I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly." Salvation comes on God's terms, not ours.
Donna Bethell

Bishop Schneider Starts Own Website – Answers Private Questions

Bishop Schneider did not accept the Pope's private acquiescence. He asked him for an official correction and he asked all Cardinals and Bishops to ask him for an official correction. This isn't over yet.