
Austria Wants More Homosexuals -- "DINKs" (Double Income No Kids)

Homosexuality can affect a towns tax income. In the USA, Provincetown MA, had to close the high school because gays obviously don't have kids...that's what I was told anyway....

Austrians Still Love Hitler

Actually it's not anti-Semitism when the Jews complain about Hitler. Anti-Semitism is not people hating the Jews, it's the Jews hating the Goyim, becsuse these smart people have exposed the lies and corruption of the Jews and their criminality. Hitler cleaned up Germany from the Jewish onslaught of filth and perversion. The Weimar Republic was ablaze with homosexuality and perversion. Hitler finally …More
Actually it's not anti-Semitism when the Jews complain about Hitler. Anti-Semitism is not people hating the Jews, it's the Jews hating the Goyim, becsuse these smart people have exposed the lies and corruption of the Jews and their criminality. Hitler cleaned up Germany from the Jewish onslaught of filth and perversion. The Weimar Republic was ablaze with homosexuality and perversion. Hitler finally got rid of it and thus those who were behind it, the Jews. America is where that Republic was before Hitler took over.

Just my two cents.

Disturbing child abuse case links Australians to paedophile ring

The Bible shows that this would happen by people who have "reprobate minds"
Rom 1:28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
When one agrees with the Gay movement you are expounding all this that goes with it.More
The Bible shows that this would happen by people who have "reprobate minds"

Rom 1:28 And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not fitting;

When one agrees with the Gay movement you are expounding all this that goes with it.