Austria Wants More Homosexuals -- "DINKs" (Double Income No Kids)

Photo ~ Gay Viennese Waltz In the past couple of years, the tourism mafia of Austria has discovered a new target group: Gay and lesbian tourists. Since then, the amount of advertising to this group of …More
Photo ~ Gay Viennese Waltz
In the past couple of years, the tourism mafia of Austria has discovered a new target group: Gay and lesbian tourists. Since then, the amount of advertising to this group of people has steadily increased - to a suspicious extent, given that Austria is a thoroughly conservative country.
This has a simple reason: Many homosexual couples on tour are "DINKs" (Double Income No Kids) and thus spend more money than the average tourist. This makes gays and lesbians attractive guests for hotels, bars and shops, which have started to develop "custom-made" offers for homosexuals.
The tourism mafia behaves as if the needs and interests of homosexual guests were in some way fundamentally different from the rest of Salzburg's millions of visitors. Have you ever come across a "hetero-friedly hotel"? Seen an article on "Salzburg for Heteros"? We haven't.
Vienna's Queer Ball
Holy Cannoli
International gay movement promotors, tourism mafia and their Austrian serfs are to be blamed.
How about international gay promoters including those within Austria?
Politicians, religious leaders and the media reflect the will of the dominant culture within their respective society. Austria, like most of the EU and the West, are pro-homo anything because this is the will of an malformed, decadent,…More
International gay movement promotors, tourism mafia and their Austrian serfs are to be blamed.

How about international gay promoters including those within Austria?

Politicians, religious leaders and the media reflect the will of the dominant culture within their respective society. Austria, like most of the EU and the West, are pro-homo anything because this is the will of an malformed, decadent, 'what's in it for me' materialistic sewer.

What could be the cause of such decay in Austria that was once among the strongest Catholic states in Europe?

Look to a do-nothing hierarchy and a do-nothing Vatican that has allowed dissent and heterodoxy to flourish among its clergy along with an absence of strong traditional Catholic teaching that would counter the influence of a decadent society.

An uninformed uneducated conscience has led to a secular/atheistic conscience where homo crap is considered simply a viable alternate life style that must be readily accepted by everyone under the penalty of law.
Sorry, Holy Can, you are addressing the wrong one:it is not AUSTRIA that wants the gay money. International gay movement promotors, tourism mafia and their Austrian serfs are to be blamed. Austrians who love their country have today no voice in the public, because the media are in the hands of Austria's enemies. To these enemies belong also the mayority of our politicians and our "religious" leaders …More
Sorry, Holy Can, you are addressing the wrong one:it is not AUSTRIA that wants the gay money. International gay movement promotors, tourism mafia and their Austrian serfs are to be blamed. Austrians who love their country have today no voice in the public, because the media are in the hands of Austria's enemies. To these enemies belong also the mayority of our politicians and our "religious" leaders. Sin ? Devil ? What?? But, surprisingly, there is also no public outcry from the Rabbis. Why not?
Homosexuality can affect a towns tax income. In the USA, Provincetown MA, had to close the high school because gays obviously don't have kids...that's what I was told anyway....
Holy Cannoli
Dear Austria,
Societies, including governments, have an interest in facilitating and preserving heterosexual unions for the continuation and stability of society.
Consensus is that scrutinizing every proposed union for procreative potential is unnecessary and inappropriate; however, if the proposed union is flatly incapable of procreation based on no more information than the genders involved, such …More
Dear Austria,

Societies, including governments, have an interest in facilitating and preserving heterosexual unions for the continuation and stability of society.

Consensus is that scrutinizing every proposed union for procreative potential is unnecessary and inappropriate; however, if the proposed union is flatly incapable of procreation based on no more information than the genders involved, such sociopolitical facilitation and preservation of that union is a non-sequitur.

Your promoting of sodomy and sodomite activity clearly does not flow from any sense of fairness or equality or an appeal to your higher angels. You are doing it for the lowest and most base of infernal motives. You are doing it for the MONEY.

Effeminates nor Sodomites will possess the Kingdom of God..(1Cor 6:10) Fairyland