Austrians Still Love Hitler

Photo ~ Members of the League of German Girls wave Nazi flags in support of the German annexation of Austria in Vienna, Austria, March 1938 (Photo courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)More
Photo ~ Members of the League of German Girls wave Nazi flags in support of the German annexation of Austria in Vienna, Austria, March 1938 (Photo courtesy of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum)
Seventy-five years after the Nazi invasion and occupation of Austria, a newspaper in country has asked citizens about their opinion of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi annexation during World War II. Jewish leaders who have been raising the alarm about anti-Semitism in Austria say the results were not surprising.
Forty-two percent said life was not all bad under Hitler, while 61 percent said they would be interested in a strong-armed leader who did not have to deal with democratic challenges like political opponents and elections. The survey, published this weekend, is getting prominent play in the media in Israel, which is home to some 250,000 Holocaust survivors. That’s half the number of survivors who arrived in the country since Israel was founded in 1948.
“If accurate, the results are …More
Holy Cannoli
According to AP, Hitler was initially welcomed into Austria by cheering and saluting crowds and there is now "widespread acknowledgement" that Austrians were among some of Hitler's committed accomplices.
Austrians Believe Nazi Party Could Win Parliament Seats Today
The president of Austria has become the country's first head of …More
According to AP, Hitler was initially welcomed into Austria by cheering and saluting crowds and there is now "widespread acknowledgement" that Austrians were among some of Hitler's committed accomplices.

Austrians Believe Nazi Party Could Win Parliament Seats Today

The president of Austria has become the country's first head of state to admit that a large number of its citizens welcomed Adolf Hitler with open arms when the dictator annexed the country.

In addition many had celebrated Hitler's initial military successes, he said.
Surveys show that most Austrians continue to deny that 200,000 people welcomed Hitler's troops as they marched into Austria, despite the overwhelming evidence that ecstatic crowds gathered at Heldenplatz in Vienna's city centre to hear him deliver a rousing speech.

The view most commonly held still is that the Anschluss was forced on a reluctant people.

We welcomed Hitler, admits Austria's head__

John 8:32
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (D/R)

Austrians still love Hitler. Austira's Love Affair With Nazism.
Wherefrom come these idiotic statements?
The left wing Austrian Standard published a poll, based on the answers of 502 Austrians. Rather representative, eh?
Excellent !
But then Reuters data were taken by Mrs Sharona Schwarz of Bliss. From her blissed article stems the present article here. …More
Austrians still love Hitler. Austira's Love Affair With Nazism.
Wherefrom come these idiotic statements?
The left wing Austrian Standard published a poll, based on the answers of 502 Austrians. Rather representative, eh?
Excellent !
But then Reuters data were taken by Mrs Sharona Schwarz of Bliss. From her blissed article stems the present article here. Somewhere in this procedure the facts became fame. The present tiny rest of information is now blown up and –to make the brain-wash complete– garnished with Swastika waving girls. Lets take a convincing photo, from US Holocaust Museum. Unfortunately a wrong one: In March 1938 in Vienna these German uniformed girls must have been brought together (or some time before) with the invading German troops to be able to wave them hello. Where are the Austrian girls with their beautiful Dirndl, their traditional dress. Obviously place and date are not in Austria, especially not in Vienna (the buildings in the background are not at all Viennese ones).
Nazi Nazi:As to the term Nazi one must avoid its improper use.
In the 1930-s the slang word coined by the Austrian conservatives to name their enemies, the then illegal(!) "Nationalsozialisten" was Nazisozi. Similarly the "Sozialisten" were named Sozi. This made clear that both were left-wing ideologies. (The third left wing people, the "Kommunisten" were called Kummerln).

My catholic and conservative grandparents broke into tears when the radio announced the invasion of the German troops.

Austria as a state was not at all celebrating the invasion. In the contrary. It is correct, to state that it was the first victim of Hitlers occupations. That there was a considerable number of persons that greeted the union with Germany is irrelevant.
It were the loyal Austrians who went into the concentation-camps – not only the jews !
Our fathers – no matter if conservative or Sozi – were forced to serve in the German Wehrmacht and many former illegal Nazi-Sozi regretted later their lack of support for an independent Austria in the 1930s.

My coins into the Korban!
Actually it's not anti-Semitism when the Jews complain about Hitler. Anti-Semitism is not people hating the Jews, it's the Jews hating the Goyim, becsuse these smart people have exposed the lies and corruption of the Jews and their criminality. Hitler cleaned up Germany from the Jewish onslaught of filth and perversion. The Weimar Republic was ablaze with homosexuality and perversion. Hitler finally …More
Actually it's not anti-Semitism when the Jews complain about Hitler. Anti-Semitism is not people hating the Jews, it's the Jews hating the Goyim, becsuse these smart people have exposed the lies and corruption of the Jews and their criminality. Hitler cleaned up Germany from the Jewish onslaught of filth and perversion. The Weimar Republic was ablaze with homosexuality and perversion. Hitler finally got rid of it and thus those who were behind it, the Jews. America is where that Republic was before Hitler took over.

Just my two cents.