
Death Penalty: "The Holy See is apparently in error"

@CarolineA03 your endless ranting makes you look desperate

On to Northern Ireland

@CarolineA03 the Vatican struck by lightning twice after Benedict. Maybe that lightning was meant for you.

Death Penalty: "The Holy See is apparently in error"

@CarolineA03 How funny you say that I am not suitable for judging if you are a suitable Catholic. YOU have judged the hierarchy of the Church as FALSE. You have judged. You are found wanting. Just take time out of your vitriol online and think in quiet before the blessed sacrament about how damaging you are to Christ's body.

Death Penalty: "The Holy See is apparently in error"

@pauljamesdwyer I hope he will be removed. If he cannot accept the magesterium, he has no place representing the Bishop.

Francis Changes Catechism - Believes That The Church Was Wrong Until He Came

He does not contradict the Church as the Church now says something new and better in light of a better understanding of Love and of the dignity of the human person.

Death Penalty: "The Holy See is apparently in error"

@CarolineA03 You answer your rant in your own comment. OLD Testament. Our Lord draws us on into a deeper love and respect than that shown in the OT. I hope you are not a "Catholic" for if you claim to be, you have no right as you have no respect for the Magesterium. I hope one day you will find Our Lord in the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church and be an obedient and faithful servant …More
@CarolineA03 You answer your rant in your own comment. OLD Testament. Our Lord draws us on into a deeper love and respect than that shown in the OT. I hope you are not a "Catholic" for if you claim to be, you have no right as you have no respect for the Magesterium. I hope one day you will find Our Lord in the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church and be an obedient and faithful servant of Pope Francis.

Death Penalty: "The Holy See is apparently in error"

@mattsixteen24 that may be so but it has now changed. That is the authority of the magesterium. If you don't accept that authority it is not the Pope who is a heretic it is you.

Death Penalty: "The Holy See is apparently in error"

No sir, you are wrong. If life in the womb is sacred, so is the life of a sinner. And for the heretic that says the Pope is a heretic, go find a protestant Church where you can be happy.