
Death Penalty: "The Holy See is apparently in error"

The parish of the Fraternity of Saint Peter in Westwood, Kansas, has placed the following announcement in the bulletin for this weekend Dear Parishioner, You may have read that the Congregation for …More
The parish of the Fraternity of Saint Peter in Westwood, Kansas, has placed the following announcement in the bulletin for this weekend
Dear Parishioner,
You may have read that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has recently announced that the Catechism of the Catholic Church will be amended to teach that the Death Penalty, i.e. the judicial condemnation of an evil-doer to death, by competent authority, is now to be considered always inadmissible.
Leaving aside any discussion of particulars, and making reference only to the general principle, such a position runs contrary to the natural law and constant teaching of the Church.
The Holy See is apparently in error, and in my view, no Catholic should feel himself bound to the Catechism in this regard.
Please pray for the Pope and the bishops.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Father John Fongemie #newsUomvgsilee
If you think this to be another "Rant" (which I suspect you will) God help me to continue "ranting" in case I submit to false rule, Caesar's Governments, being obediant to the Devil, totally ceasing to be Catholic, and instead turn helplessly into some demonic driven, addled, heretical twit who believes that Christ and the Devil are ONE - instead of Christ and the Father.
By the way......…More

If you think this to be another "Rant" (which I suspect you will) God help me to continue "ranting" in case I submit to false rule, Caesar's Governments, being obediant to the Devil, totally ceasing to be Catholic, and instead turn helplessly into some demonic driven, addled, heretical twit who believes that Christ and the Devil are ONE - instead of Christ and the Father.

By the way........Claiming those who respect Traditional Catholicism are "ranting" is a common insult launched at Catholics aiming to be faithful to Christ's true teaching,, by some under the power of the enemy who would rather we all just gave in to their hedonistic, (often adulterous) apostate church rule., Such false shepherds prefer that Christ's Bride alters to suit themselves and their false agenda. These are the "Serpentine" Shepherds who if they were honest would admit to us that they don't love Christ & hate all He genuinely taught. Yet they carry on, claiming they SERVE Christ, hoping to convert Christ's spotless, unchangeable Church into a godless alternative which preaches the heretical ramblings of Lucifer and the fallen host! Look around you! Who are you under the rule of? As Our Lady said at La Salette, - "the anti Christ " All around us Lucifer's false clergy, behaving like sexually deviant perverts, gaining the HIGHEST positions (just as Our Lady said at La Salette ....again) In fact it now appears that they don't get promoted untless they first leave the straight & narrow way, commit foul, Godless practices and pervert Christ's sheep! Some of those false Shepherds make no pretense at all about serving Christ.

They term themselves "Ecumenical" ...however, "Ecumenical behaviour" according to Sacred Scripture is not a gift from God, but a mortal sin incurring His wrath! The true name for allowing others to serve false gods is "adultery" Where, the so-called faithful Bride of Christ, run cow-towing to heretics, rather than converting them to His TRUTH so that He, their Spouse might rejoice at them having been saved from eternal hellfire. In fact, It is clear in the Old Testament that God's Wrath came down on Solomon when he allowed his wives to worship their pagan gods - building them temples to do so in! His former "ecumenical " "faith friendly" "do what you like" attitude has led to him being forever remembered as the one who did not faithfully serve the Lord - God withdraw from him to the extent that he did not even realise that what he was doing was evil (Romans 1:27) It is His punishment when we sin so badly that we offend Him. He blinds our eyes, so that we are blind in our sin... If He sees we repent - He restores the grace to serve, and worship Him correctly.. After all HE IS A JEALOUS GOD. He does not become complaissant when we go astray to follow the Doctrines of Demons as it is described in one of the letters of St Paul.

Today, Satan's flock who truly SEEK to destroy the Church are perhaps now falsely believing that the Battle is over, it's game set and match to them, they've WON & the Church's authority is now with Satan. However, they harbour under a delusion - they forget in their impiety (Romans 1) that Satan can not do ANYTHING unless Christ first gives him formal permission to test & tempt His flock to sin.. According to Pope Saint Leo XIII, Satan was given on the 13th October 1874 full permission by Jesus to try to destroy His Church. Satan asked for a period of 100 years and it was granted to him. As you can see, he's had a good TRY! The date 13th October 1884 was exactly 33 years prior to the "date of the so-called "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima which took place on 13th October 1917. An event where 100k people saw what appeared to be a second sun - falling to the earth as though to destroy the world (Strangely enough - an event similar to this involves the end of the world in the Book of the Apocalypse Chapter 8) Also interestingly at Akita ON THAT SAME DATE 13th October 1973 - Our Lady of Akita made this prophecy to Sr Agnes

"As I told you, if people do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the Flood, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests."

Meanwhile, without knowing that it takes a very silly person indeed to believe that they can enter into a battle against Christ and emerge triumphant - the erroneous Priests who dislike Christ's Church don't accept that they won't gain anything - by the time they DIE they will have actually LOST everything that was worth having of Christ's - The Kingdom

Yet they continue in their blindness (Romans 1) and go on preaching/training others in heresy - and forcing others to indulge in grave sin - which accepting for grace - & forgiveness could have lost those poor young sheep their own souls!
The Devil will never destroy & conquer Christ's Church, neither will he ever claim a soul who loves and serves the TRUE Christ.

Message to the Church Hierachy - FATIMA

La Salette

Akita and the Fatima Secret

Vatican II & Novus Ordo Prefigured in the Old Testament
@CarolineA03 your endless ranting makes you look desperate
A man making experiments in chemistry must expect chemical explosions, and a man making experiments in ethics must expect ethical explosions.
@Pjwm65 I beg your pardon, but it is YOU who are false. If you can find any fault with my words then you question not only authentic Church teaching but even stranger the words of GOD in Sacred Scripture
My friend, why so antagonistic? Why so dramatic? It is all very dangerous and seems to imply that you are feeling threatened in some way. It is wise to align yourself with the TRUE Christ who can …More
@Pjwm65 I beg your pardon, but it is YOU who are false. If you can find any fault with my words then you question not only authentic Church teaching but even stranger the words of GOD in Sacred Scripture

My friend, why so antagonistic? Why so dramatic? It is all very dangerous and seems to imply that you are feeling threatened in some way. It is wise to align yourself with the TRUE Christ who can never change - than a recent "Pontiff" who seems to force Our Lord's back against the wall so that he can dictate to GOD what He is meant to believe.

You are wrong. A false accuser who thinks that this Pope is right is hardly going to be of any great assistance to Our Lord OR His Holy Bride the Church. At La Salette, Our Lady told us "Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist." Perhaps Our Lady is full of slander and takes a vitriolic apporach also??? The true message has been supressed. They mock Melanie Calvert - yet she was a true Stigmatic who ate one boiled egg on Christmas Day so that she could offer reparation for the sins of the souls whom would be lost. Many of the Clergy who spoke out against her were found dead with grotesque expressions on their faces.. Never mind. I'd rather you didn't answer - your nerves are clearly on edge - I'd check you are recieving a validly consecrated Eucharist . Before you accuse me of being Judgemental once more - realise that accepted apparitions - have warned us that in the end time when the Church is driven underground and a false edifice superimposed over Her, there will be very FEW valid Masses celebrated. You clearly prefer a Church that is false....that's up to you. Don't tell me what Our Church believes - it becomes clearer to me that you haven't a clue.
Perhaps it is the Jesus on the cross who suffers when he sees François manipulating the magister as he pleases 🥴
@CarolineA03 How funny you say that I am not suitable for judging if you are a suitable Catholic. YOU have judged the hierarchy of the Church as FALSE. You have judged. You are found wanting. Just take time out of your vitriol online and think in quiet before the blessed sacrament about how damaging you are to Christ's body.
@Pjwm 65 PS With due respect, I don't believe you have the right to judge whether or not I am a suitable Catholic. We are all called not to reinterpret the True Faith - for Heretics, Apostates and Schismatics are called "Damned" in True Church Teaching.
Not one person is "damned" for calling for a Pope to stay in line with Church Teaching as handed down to us from the Apostles. In fact one was …More
@Pjwm 65 PS With due respect, I don't believe you have the right to judge whether or not I am a suitable Catholic. We are all called not to reinterpret the True Faith - for Heretics, Apostates and Schismatics are called "Damned" in True Church Teaching.

Not one person is "damned" for calling for a Pope to stay in line with Church Teaching as handed down to us from the Apostles. In fact one was Canonised for asking her Pope to stay faithful, she knew Christ TOO, He called her His Bride. St Catherine of Siena.

Watch Fr Gregory Hesse on Youtube. He is no longer with us here on earth, but he was an expert in Catholic Canon Law along with Fr Gomer depauw who ALSO is documented as leaving the modernists to their own destruction. "Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. [5] For her sins have reached unto heaven, and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities." sayeth the Lord.
Woe be to those who prefer to remain, preferring a new god who condemns all the TRUE God commanded those to adhere to who wished to serve Him faithfully.
Sólo Díos basta
Even radical Massimo Faggioli admits: "Pope Francis' decision on #DeathPenalty comes 50 years after the abolition of the death penalty from Vatican City law, and after hundreds of executions carried out by the Vatican executioner. I find it hard to defend Francis' decision from a strict "continuity" point of view."
@Pjwm65 I made no "rant" - I just quoted a few passages of Sacred Scripture which I guess appear to be "ranting" when viewed by those who are appalled to find out that God said that! Secondly, as always, The Sacred Magesterium is not the servant of a whimsical awful "Pope" - the Law is that EVERY Pope is the servant of the S. Magesterium AS HANDED DOWN THROUGH THEMSELVES TO US BY 2000 YEARS OF FORMER …More
@Pjwm65 I made no "rant" - I just quoted a few passages of Sacred Scripture which I guess appear to be "ranting" when viewed by those who are appalled to find out that God said that! Secondly, as always, The Sacred Magesterium is not the servant of a whimsical awful "Pope" - the Law is that EVERY Pope is the servant of the S. Magesterium AS HANDED DOWN THROUGH THEMSELVES TO US BY 2000 YEARS OF FORMER PONTIFFS. So, false accusation of my being enraged! Calm and placid as ever, I actually view God as He truly is and LIKE HIM as He truly is! I don't need a ficticious new god who alters everyone to like himself instead of Jesus Christ. When you have a moment take a look at some of the Mass readings in their fuller context (as Pope Benedict advised us to do) Read each Missal Reading in your Bible after Mass, and you'll find that many parts accusing people of SIN are missing from your Missal, tending to be mysteriously heavily edited out so that Jesus didn't object to certain sins so much. In the eyes of a fallen world, the real texts in their complete form made the true God look "mean" and "nasty" to those so steeped in sin that they preferred to create a NEW Jesus who fitted in with their agenda. Go to the Masons if you like. I actually LIKE the God who rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom because they preferred impurity to chastity & Holiness. Take a look at this Chapter Romans 1:26


Read St Bridget of Swedens Revelations Book 7 Ch 10 ? She KNEW Christ! You'll see He creates the same impression when allowed to speak freely - as the OLD God that was hushed up at Vatican II.

God Bless x
The father John Fongemie respects the teaching of Saint Thomas. What harm is there to defend his point of view while asking to pray for Francis ? I hope you will understand me because I have to learn to speak English quickly for a brother of prayer dear to my heart. Do not hesitate to correct me please ! Ohlalala Pray for me our Lady of Fatima, i need your help ! 😇
@pauljamesdwyer I hope he will be removed. If he cannot accept the magesterium, he has no place representing the Bishop.
@CarolineA03 You answer your rant in your own comment. OLD Testament. Our Lord draws us on into a deeper love and respect than that shown in the OT. I hope you are not a "Catholic" for if you claim to be, you have no right as you have no respect for the Magesterium. I hope one day you will find Our Lord in the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church and be an obedient and faithful servant …More
@CarolineA03 You answer your rant in your own comment. OLD Testament. Our Lord draws us on into a deeper love and respect than that shown in the OT. I hope you are not a "Catholic" for if you claim to be, you have no right as you have no respect for the Magesterium. I hope one day you will find Our Lord in the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church and be an obedient and faithful servant of Pope Francis.
The Old Testament God - whom we know views things identically to the Son and Holy Ghost mentioned during the Old Testament that there were to be occasions when the death penalty is the judgement requested by God.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that the horrendously anti-Catholic hierarchy of this falsified Catholic Church are trying to divide the indivisible Holy Trinity
We all accept that …More
The Old Testament God - whom we know views things identically to the Son and Holy Ghost mentioned during the Old Testament that there were to be occasions when the death penalty is the judgement requested by God.

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the horrendously anti-Catholic hierarchy of this falsified Catholic Church are trying to divide the indivisible Holy Trinity

We all accept that Christ taught that Something stated by the Father in Sacred Scripture will be in perfect accord with the views held by the Son and Holy GHost
This attitude of God the Father being strict and God the Son being a softie is an approach which deludes everybody that Christ and the Father are NOT one! The total opposite of what we know is proven to be true.


The first 5 books of the Old Testament (known to have been written by Moses) state that Yahweh requests the death penalty for offences such as ie Sorcery, Necromancy, Sacrificing to other Gods other than Yahweh, striking a Parent .....to name just a few of those sins considered so evil that Our Lord states that He wishes that the practitioners of these crimes must be put to death.

Christ is referring to the first 5 books of the Hebrew Scriptures being written by Moses when He says in John 5:45

45Do not think that I will accuse you before the Father. Your accuser is Moses, in whom you have put your hope If you had believed Moses, you would believe Me, because he wrote about Me. 47But since you do not believe what he wrote, how will you believewhat I say?”

By the way the writings of Moses that Christ says are not believed by unworthy servants include in the Book of Genesis the Creation Account dismissed by ALL who claim to follow Christ. For the sake of John 5 - It is best to believe it!

Our Lord Himself suffered the death penalty (unjustly) - in obediance to the Will of the Father.
Watch as Fr. John FONGEMIE is removed from his parish or forced to recant this statement.
@mattsixteen24 that may be so but it has now changed. That is the authority of the magesterium. If you don't accept that authority it is not the Pope who is a heretic it is you.
Did not the Church always and everywhere teach that it is admissible for the proper authority and for grave reasons? I do not understand how this proposition is not a rejection of Church teachings. Furthermore the CDF explanation is not coherent in my view for the following reasons
1. Not all countries have penitentiary systems capable of dealing with extremely evil people.
2. A criminal may die …More
Did not the Church always and everywhere teach that it is admissible for the proper authority and for grave reasons? I do not understand how this proposition is not a rejection of Church teachings. Furthermore the CDF explanation is not coherent in my view for the following reasons
1. Not all countries have penitentiary systems capable of dealing with extremely evil people.
2. A criminal may die unexpectedly in prison without due preparation thus damning himself to hell. Whereas a criminal who knows the hour of his death is more likely to make proper preparation.
3. The act of execution itself allows the criminal to suffer just punishment for his crime that, if he is truly repentant, will mitigate against his much greater suffering in purgatory. Indeed many death row inmates have given testimony to the value of this opportunity to make amends for the crime they have committed.

Of course you have to know there is an afterlife, hell, purgatory and heaven for all that to make sense. If you erroneously believe that the unrepentant soul is simply obliterated after death then when one speaks of reform and redemption one might merely be talking about nonrecidivism.
"The Church teaches, in the light of the Gospel, that “the death penalty is inadmissible ..." I've no problem with abolishing the death penalty, I do have difficulty with "The Church teaches", historically, factally its not true.
Joseph a' Christian
@Pjwm65 - False Francis, his own actions reveal that he is unfaithful to Almighty God. He publicly stated to Muhammadans, to cotinue on with the Quran, that the faith of their fathers will guide them.
The Quran contains the blasphemy of Muhammad who teached that Jesus was NOT crucified.
This is only one example of False Francis’ numerous evil deceptions.
Jesus Is Truth.
‘Inadmissible’ is not quite the same as ‘intrinsically evil’. But it does not mean ‘sometimes admissible’.