
New Creed: “I Believe In Pope Francis”

Can anyone say papolatry?

Scales Fall from Eyes: New Rite Priest Starts Celebrating the Old Mass

No priest needs his bishops permission to allow him to offer the TLM.

Argentinian Bishop, “Many Approach Communion Without Having Confessed Mortal Sins”

Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.
These verses are not found anywhere in the …More
Therefore whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and of the blood of the Lord. But let a man prove himself: and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of the chalice. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh judgment to himself, not discerning the body of the Lord.

These verses are not found anywhere in the new Lectionary!

A Catholic who attends the Traditional Latin Mass will hear this teaching of the Apostle at least three times every Church year

A Catholic who spends his or her entire life attending the Novus Ordo Mass may never once encounter it.

Bishop Sharfenberger on excommunicating Gov. Andrew Cuomo

The fallout from this travesty (no one excommunicating Cuomo) will be less attendees at their Novus Ordo Masses. The remaining faithful will be made to feel guilty, to fork over more money to pay the bills. Less people will attend. More parishes will close and they'll still pretend everything is ok. How pitiful. In the 60's, before the 'Spirit of Vatican II' was implemented, 85% of Catholics attended …More
The fallout from this travesty (no one excommunicating Cuomo) will be less attendees at their Novus Ordo Masses. The remaining faithful will be made to feel guilty, to fork over more money to pay the bills. Less people will attend. More parishes will close and they'll still pretend everything is ok. How pitiful. In the 60's, before the 'Spirit of Vatican II' was implemented, 85% of Catholics attended weekly Mass. It now stands at 15% here in America. And the entire hierarchy think they're doing a wonderful job in proclaiming the Catholic faith. I think not. Here is another instance which will literally chase faithful Catholics from the pews. Oh. And don't forget to give to the bishops yearly appeal $$$$$.

Francis Again Against Sunday-Christians

He judges faithful Catholics who attend Mass. This has been going on since the beginning of his 'pontificate'. Hypocritical Catholics? The just man sins seven times a day. So every Catholic who sins and attends weekly Mass is a hypocrite! I think not.

Cheated by the popes. Why did you close heaven - for us and for you?

Thank God you have found the true Mass. If one wants a protestant 'praise and worship ' service he will remain in the novus ordo sect. If one desires the true Catholic Mass, where Jesus is offered to His Father in an unbloody manner, he will seek out the Traditional Latin Mass. I urge you to follow your Catholic conscience, that obviously is being prompted by God Himself, to seek out the truth. …More
Thank God you have found the true Mass. If one wants a protestant 'praise and worship ' service he will remain in the novus ordo sect. If one desires the true Catholic Mass, where Jesus is offered to His Father in an unbloody manner, he will seek out the Traditional Latin Mass. I urge you to follow your Catholic conscience, that obviously is being prompted by God Himself, to seek out the truth. There is so much out there to educate oneself on this important topic, be it through the internet, books and/or periodicals.

Francis’ Preaches During 17 Minutes That a Homily Shouldn't Last More Than 8 Minutes

What serious minded Catholic would give this man the time of the day, let alone listen to his blather. Ignore him. He has been talking nonsense ever since he was 'elected.'

Remember: Sexual Abuses Are Preceded by Liturgical Abuses - By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood

I too would be angry Bob if I had to attend a n o mess. Just a month ago I made the decision to only attend the TLM. Does that mean possible missing Mass on Sunday? Only God knows the future. I grew tired of being extremely mad all the moments preceding, during and after a happy novus ordo mess. Pray hard and I am sure you will find what God is asking of you.

Remember: Sexual Abuses Are Preceded by Liturgical Abuses - By Dr Geoffrey Brushwood

Dr Geoffrey. End all of your turmoil and attend exclusively a Traditional Latin Mass. There you will find peace and a Mass suited for the Sacrifice of our Lord to His Father. Not one iota of ecumenism has dare to seep into it's unchanged liturgy. The Mass you attended was fabricated in the 60's by a committee with the help of 6 Protestants, who did/do not believe in the Real Presence. Lex orandi …More
Dr Geoffrey. End all of your turmoil and attend exclusively a Traditional Latin Mass. There you will find peace and a Mass suited for the Sacrifice of our Lord to His Father. Not one iota of ecumenism has dare to seep into it's unchanged liturgy. The Mass you attended was fabricated in the 60's by a committee with the help of 6 Protestants, who did/do not believe in the Real Presence. Lex orandi, lex credendi, "the law of praying is the law of believing." Discover "The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven" and you will truly worship God in a Catholic Way. Yes, there is a Catholic Way and the Novus Ordo Mass is not it.

Bishop Worries About Old Latin Mass - But Not About Contradicting the Gospel

He belongs to the Novus Ordo religion. It is not Catholic.