Scales Fall from Eyes: New Rite Priest Starts Celebrating the Old Mass. Scales Fall from Eyes: New Rite Priest Starts Celebrating the Old Mass Father Johannes Nebel who belongs to the Belgian/Austrian …More
Scales Fall from Eyes: New Rite Priest Starts Celebrating the Old Mass.
Scales Fall from Eyes: New Rite Priest Starts Celebrating the Old Mass
Father Johannes Nebel who belongs to the Belgian/Austrian community "Das Werk" in Bregenz, Austria has begun celebrating the Traditional Mass in Latin. "The scales fell from my eyes," he wrote in the June edition of the "Information Bulletin" of the Fraternity of Saint Peter. Father speaks - quote – of “the joy which the Roman Rite in its traditional form aroused in him."
He Grew Up with the New Liturgy
Since Father Nebel was born in 1967, he grew up with the new liturgy. He was ordained a priest in 1998. His community "Das Werk" celebrates only the new liturgy. Having a doctorate in Sacred Liturgy, he always celebrated the New Mass devoutly and according to the rubrics. However, Father Nebel came to recognize that the Mass of the Ages expresses the special relationship of the priest with God for the Church.
The New Mass Is a Celebration of the …More

Le père Johannes Nebel, qui appartient à la communauté belgo-autrichienne "Das Werk" de Bregenz, en Autriche, a commencé à célébrer la messe traditionnelle en latin. « Les écailles me sont tombées des yeux », écrivait-il dans l'édition de juin …More

Le père Johannes Nebel, qui appartient à la communauté belgo-autrichienne "Das Werk" de Bregenz, en Autriche, a commencé à célébrer la messe traditionnelle en latin. « Les écailles me sont tombées des yeux », écrivait-il dans l'édition de juin du "Bulletin d'information" de la Fraternité Saint-Pierre. Le Père parle - citation - de « la joie que le rite romain, dans sa forme traditionnelle, suscita en lui ».

Il a grandi avec la nouvelle liturgie

Depuis que le Père Nebel est né en 1967, il a grandi avec la nouvelle liturgie. Il a été ordonné prêtre en 1998. Sa communauté "Das Werk" ne célèbre que la nouvelle liturgie. Docteur en liturgie sacrée, il a toujours célébré la Nouvelle Messe avec dévotion et selon les rubriques. Cependant, le Père Nebel en est venu à reconnaître que la Messe ancienne exprime la relation spéciale du prêtre avec Dieu pour l'Église.

La nouvelle messe est une célébration de la communauté

Le Père Nebel ne dit pas que dans la liturgie du Novus Ordo une expérience sacerdotale authentique n'est pas possible. Cependant, selon lui, la Nouvelle Messe est centrée sur les célébrations communautaires et sur une assemblée présidée par un président. Il regrette les changements qui se sont produits après le Concile Vatican II, mais, selon lui, ils ne figurent pas dans les documents du Concile. Citation : « Au Concile, la liturgie est encore comprise de façon classique comme un culte public. »

Le Prêtre s'oublie lui-même

Pour le Père Nebel, la messe traditionnelle est une activité sacrée où le prêtre s'oublie totalement. Ceci est dû à la solennité des rites. Il donne par exemple la coïncidence précise des paroles et des gestes liturgiques, l'ouverture de chaque prière avec Dominus vobiscum, l'adresse solennelle fréquente à Dieu et la distinction constante entre le célébrant et la communauté.

[Évidemment, il essaie d'excuser Vatican II, comme Denis Crouan le fait à Pro Liturgia. Or, c'est pourtant Vatican II qui a introduit tous les changements et la ruine actuelle : Vatican II est donc inexcusable puisque sans lui, tout serait resté dans l'état.]
Not only the liturgy, but the doctrine. And they have also changed the sacrament of priestly order.
Novella Nurney
They have changed the wording of all 7 sacramental rites.The New mass is only part of the explosive parcel of the VII revolution. With it came new or revised rites of rituals, a new theology reversing the role of priest as leader of the parish, to an equal that merely presides over the blessed meal the congregation joins in celebrating. The almost complete omissions to the mass as a sacrifice and …More
They have changed the wording of all 7 sacramental rites.The New mass is only part of the explosive parcel of the VII revolution. With it came new or revised rites of rituals, a new theology reversing the role of priest as leader of the parish, to an equal that merely presides over the blessed meal the congregation joins in celebrating. The almost complete omissions to the mass as a sacrifice and the importance of our own suffering and penance. Sacraments, church community, roles of laity, the accompanying external visuals of the desecration of sacred objects and buildings, is but a reflection of the desecration of the souls of the people. Examles abound, the revolution( as all revolutions) continues marching forth, on and on. The very documents of the council were left purposefully ambiguous, so they may always be open to theological evolution of interpretation and implementation.
Sacred Tradition, (as well as small"t"tradition) the preaching and teaching of sound doctrine, the blessing, encouragement of use of sacramentals, exposition of Our Lord present in the Holy Eucharist, Benediction, devotions to Saints, Angels, Our Blessed Mother Mary, the Holy days, vigils, feasts, of the traditional calender, etcetera, are nearly completely absent in modern, self styled progressive, all inclusive parishes . They cease to be Catholic Churches in all but name only, but, even then, many have replaced "Church" on thier signage, to replace it with " Community ".
Our current pontiff has an undeniable, often loudly proclaimed distaste of all things pre- concillior. Thereby , it would seem On the surface he is denying his flock of the example and living proclamation of the Catholic faith of nearly every canonized Saint and devout Catholic within the Church Suffering and Triumphant over the past two millennia.
*Pope rails against attempts to restore old-style Catholic worship;
Pope Francis talks with bishops during an audience he held for participants at the 68th National Liturgical Week in the Pope Paul VI Hall at the Vatican on Aug. 24, 2017.
VATICAN CITY (RNS) — It’s not every day that Pope Francis chooses to invoke the full weight of his office. This is, after all, the pontiff renowned for his freewheeling, informal style and that famous phrase “who am I to judge.”
But when it comes to the furious internal rows over Catholic worship, he’s decided enough is enough.
In a detailed, 2,500-word address at the Vatican on Thursday (Aug. 24), Francis declared that the Roman Catholic Church’s liturgical reforms of the 1960s are “irreversible,” a move designed to stop groups of traditionalists trying to roll back those changes.
While acknowledging that “there is still work to do” in interpreting changes made during the Second Vatican Council, the pontiff said it is not a question “of rethinking the reform by reviewing its choices, but of knowing better the underlying reasons.”
The speech almost certainly won’t end the Catholic liturgy wars. Just a few hours after it was delivered the Latin Mass Society, based in the United Kingdom, responded: “Is it a piece of poetic prose about the liturgy? Have got through about half of it and lost the will to live.”
Link to article:religionnews.com/…/pope-rails-agai…
Deus in adiutorium meum intende;
Domine ad adiuvandum me festina.
God bless Fr. Johannes Nebel and God bless his bishop for allowing him to offer the Mass in Latin.
No priest needs his bishops permission to allow him to offer the TLM.
The mass of all ages, indeed it is!
As my (adult) children like to say, "He's not wrong."
Holy Cannoli
...my (adult) children like to say...
I am shocked! 🥴
You must have been a child bride? In my mind’s eye, I’ve always pictured you as elegant, poised and, as we’d say in the old neighborhood, una ragazza bellissima. (translation= a real hottie biscotti. 👌
😎 www.youtube.com/watchMore
...my (adult) children like to say...

I am shocked! 🥴

You must have been a child bride? In my mind’s eye, I’ve always pictured you as elegant, poised and, as we’d say in the old neighborhood, una ragazza bellissima. (translation= a real hottie biscotti. 👌

😎 www.youtube.com/watch