
Francis’ Preaches During 17 Minutes That a Homily Shouldn't Last More Than 8 Minutes

On Saturday, Pope Francis made a day visit to the southern Italian island of Sicily. He garnered big applause when he said in his homily that that a homily shouldn't last more than 8 minutes: “A 40 …More
On Saturday, Pope Francis made a day visit to the southern Italian island of Sicily.
He garnered big applause when he said in his homily that that a homily shouldn't last more than 8 minutes: “A 40 minute homily? No.” But Francis’ own homily lasted 17 minutes.
Francis further suggested that the whole Mass should last about 40 minutes implying that it is good not to spend too much time in church.
What serious minded Catholic would give this man the time of the day, let alone listen to his blather. Ignore him. He has been talking nonsense ever since he was 'elected.'
Joseph a' Christian
But, who is he to judge?
He is a puny masonic troll.
Jesus Is King.
Gag him! Don't let him preach at all! 30 seconds of a Luciferian priest's iniquitous ramblings is harmful enough. Throw rotten tomatoes at him so he'll run away!
Take a look at this instead........
He must think what he has to say is more important 😎 .. probably making sure priests don’t talk about the scandals going on. I knew the minute he came out on that balcony, there was something wrong. God help us!
"And He said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour with me? Stay awake and pray that you may not enter into temptation. For the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matt 26: 40-1, Mk 14: 37-8. Does the Pope not meditate these words? Are Catholics so pusillanimous that they cannot worship God for at least an our a week? This shepherd is failing the sheep.
Gesù è con noi