
Benedict XVI: Evangelising the Jews Is "Not Necessary"

Ah yes, the "conservative" Pope who re-wrote the Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews to make it less if the salvation of souls is "offensive."

SSPX Father: Wrong Arguments against Henry Sire’s „Dictator Pope“

How about the exposure of scandals in the SSPX, like Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX, endorsing "theistic evolution," and another SSPX priest, who attempted to correct him by writing a tract, being transferred to Canada and silenced? Apparently, according to numerous elements in the SSPX, the Church's full tradition does not include exposing and resisting error. This is what happens when your Society becomes …More
How about the exposure of scandals in the SSPX, like Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX, endorsing "theistic evolution," and another SSPX priest, who attempted to correct him by writing a tract, being transferred to Canada and silenced? Apparently, according to numerous elements in the SSPX, the Church's full tradition does not include exposing and resisting error. This is what happens when your Society becomes completely in-bred and xenophobic.

America Born Apostolic Nuncio Recommends Traditional Latin Mass

Wrong, Pope Benedict. The Novus Ordo doesn't need to be inspired by the true Mass: the Novus Ordo needs to be disposed of, as it is a destroyer of the Faith and an insult to God. And why would you want to have a Novus Ordo at all, when you have the Traditional Mass? This is more "reform of the reform" baloney. Vatican II was not a reform: it was a destruction and a rebellion, just like the Protestant …More
Wrong, Pope Benedict. The Novus Ordo doesn't need to be inspired by the true Mass: the Novus Ordo needs to be disposed of, as it is a destroyer of the Faith and an insult to God. And why would you want to have a Novus Ordo at all, when you have the Traditional Mass? This is more "reform of the reform" baloney. Vatican II was not a reform: it was a destruction and a rebellion, just like the Protestant "Reformation."

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury Hoax

Shame on you people, you have lost the plot. Go read your Malachi Martin, and withdraw this embarrassing video!

Trump About Priest in Cassock: "He Has More Power Than Me“

The President should give the federal Catholic Relief Services contract to the SSPX, instead of to the subversive homosexual Democrats at the USCCB.

Bishop Says It Again: Francis Is An Antipope

Unfortunately, as much as I would like to agree with him, this is not His Excellency's judgment to make. It requires a Council of Cardinals and a trial, and then a "guilty" verdict.

Situation in Church “Very Alarming” – Cardinal Burke

I'm glad you added the last sentence, because the lack of strong leadership is with the resistance to this Pope, not in Rome.

Bishop, “People Tody Have Been Taught to Be Offended”

The goal of the globalists is to destroy order and create anarchy (which is then controlled by tyranny). But in order to have anarchy at the social level, you have to have narcissism at the individual level. This business of constantly being offended is narcissism in action....and homosexuality is also the result of narcissism. Bishop Morlino is a very wise man.

Old Mass Shouldn't Be Called “Extraordinary” But the “More Ancient And Constant Form”

The term "Extraordinary Form" was a sop to the German bishops who strenuously objected to the freeing of the old Mass. But what is wrong with simply "the Traditional Mass"?

Ratzinger Is not a Solution to the Present Problems

The major and crucial difference between Francis and the other Conciliar Popes is that we are no longer being subjected to the "boiled frog syndrome" (i.e. the attempt to conceal Modernism with orthodox-sounding language, so that the multitudes are not aware of the incremental destruction taking place). With Francis, it is perfectly clear that we are being boiled...and destroyed...

No Justice: Francis Kills A Flourishing Fraternity

If I may ask for support, please go to the Catholic Truth Scotland blog to join in condemning the outrageous new BBC video blaspheming the Holy Eucharist:…/video-confirms-…

Francis Bootlicks Leftwing Fake "Youth"

Tattoos deface the body, but Francis defaces the soul and the mind as well. He is Judas in the Passion of the Church - or, more precisely, the chief of an entire army of Judases.

Gloria.TV News on the 15th of May 2017

@J. Boanerges: The question of why this Rabbi doesn't convert also occurred to me, but first of all, the conciliar Church says there's no need to convert, and second, why would he convert to a Church which has, as he so succinctly realizes, abandoned the Faith?

Gloria.TV News on the 6th of December 2016

I would be very careful about quoting any claim by Hilary White, since (a) she has stepped into the shallow end of the sedevacantist sewer, (b) since she has recently published an article putting false words in Cardinal Zen's mouth - and now, regarding the first claim she makes, which you quote, about "abolishing First Vespers of Advent sung by the Pope," I suggest you Google that to confirm it. I …More
I would be very careful about quoting any claim by Hilary White, since (a) she has stepped into the shallow end of the sedevacantist sewer, (b) since she has recently published an article putting false words in Cardinal Zen's mouth - and now, regarding the first claim she makes, which you quote, about "abolishing First Vespers of Advent sung by the Pope," I suggest you Google that to confirm it. I just did, and the results were a grand total of zero. As far as I am concerned, she is a dishonest yellow journalist to be shunned. And by the way, who is she to decide that Pope Francis isn't Catholic? Clearly, he thinks he is a Catholic, even though he certainly sounds more like a Marxist.