
Bishop Says It Again: Francis Is An Antipope

The present Church crisis can only be resolved by a group of cardinals who find that the election of "Francis the Merciful" in 2013 was invalid, Monsignor René Gracida (94), the retired bishop of Corpus …More
The present Church crisis can only be resolved by a group of cardinals who find that the election of "Francis the Merciful" in 2013 was invalid, Monsignor René Gracida (94), the retired bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas, wrote on June 2 on his blog “abyssum.org”.
Already in April, he stated that he considers Francis an anti-pope.
According to Gracida, some Cardinals including Jorge Bergoglio, violated Canon law by plotting what became known as the “St Gallen mafia”, and they are therefore now excommunicated.
Picture: René Gracida, © okietraditionalist.blogspot.com, #newsGytexutzev
Pray that antipope be removed and true pope known. Purification. First Saturdays..intention specifically reparation for blasphemies against Immaculate Heart of Mary will cure this. How about every Mass for this intention until this is cured. Era of Peace as promised by Our Lady of Fatima.
angry bob
There are not enough cardinals who have the cahonas to speak up and take action.
Torkay, 1. in any Church crisis Bishops and faithful are obliged to supply Cardinals with truth. 2. Whenever there are two or more living popes one is valid and other antipopes. 3. The natural way out of such situation is to simply recognize the valid pope by antipopes and Hierarchy, as Bp. Gracida has recognized BXVI. 4. In this case, a correction of "emeritus" institution being heretical is also …More
Torkay, 1. in any Church crisis Bishops and faithful are obliged to supply Cardinals with truth. 2. Whenever there are two or more living popes one is valid and other antipopes. 3. The natural way out of such situation is to simply recognize the valid pope by antipopes and Hierarchy, as Bp. Gracida has recognized BXVI. 4. In this case, a correction of "emeritus" institution being heretical is also required. 5. Francis should be encouraged to recognize Pope Benedict XVI or be deposed because of formal heresy, i.e. against the Indissolubility of Marriage, and the Church should be informed by declaration. 6. No other pope should be elected before pope Benedict XVI's natural death. 7. If not, then a future pope or Council may resolve the present errors.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
Torkay The Verdict is already dictated by the Magisterium of the Church when it said that a heretic can not be a pope. Canon Law 1917 confirmed the bull "Cum ex apostolatus" that annuls the elevation of a heretic to the papacy.
St. Pius V’s Inter Multiplices Confirms Cum ex Apostolatus Officio.
Derecho Canónico confirmó “Cum ex apostolatus” que ANULA la elevación de un hereje al papado en 1917.More
Torkay The Verdict is already dictated by the Magisterium of the Church when it said that a heretic can not be a pope. Canon Law 1917 confirmed the bull "Cum ex apostolatus" that annuls the elevation of a heretic to the papacy.
St. Pius V’s Inter Multiplices Confirms Cum ex Apostolatus Officio.
Derecho Canónico confirmó “Cum ex apostolatus” que ANULA la elevación de un hereje al papado en 1917.
@Torkay so what do we call the wolve dressed as sheep, the one trying everyday to eclipse sound teaching? Well there's no antipope anywhere in the bible, no freemason, there's a lot of things not there but we know exist... so this Judas clothed as Peter Bergoglio who happens to live an act like freemasons do, excellency Gracida can't say the obvious? Well if it barks like a dog it aint a chicken. …More
@Torkay so what do we call the wolve dressed as sheep, the one trying everyday to eclipse sound teaching? Well there's no antipope anywhere in the bible, no freemason, there's a lot of things not there but we know exist... so this Judas clothed as Peter Bergoglio who happens to live an act like freemasons do, excellency Gracida can't say the obvious? Well if it barks like a dog it aint a chicken. It is just sad to see the day where prophecy after prophecy gets fulfilled under this antipope... so yeah, call him antipope because just saying wolve in sheep clothing is way too long. Blessings
Unfortunately, as much as I would like to agree with him, this is not His Excellency's judgment to make. It requires a Council of Cardinals and a trial, and then a "guilty" verdict.
vandlent shares this

Guy McClung, Texas
This is not simply a man who talks the talk of laying down one's life for one's friends-this man made 64 trips across the English Channel in WWII, without a valid tourist visa, didn't get to tour along the Champs Elyssee, laying down his life on each trip for every one of us and for all our grandchildren. He is the 21st century's Athanasius, and we ignore him at our eternal peril. Truer words were …More
This is not simply a man who talks the talk of laying down one's life for one's friends-this man made 64 trips across the English Channel in WWII, without a valid tourist visa, didn't get to tour along the Champs Elyssee, laying down his life on each trip for every one of us and for all our grandchildren. He is the 21st century's Athanasius, and we ignore him at our eternal peril. Truer words were never spoken about the perverts, pederasts, sodomites, effeminates, and demons in the Vatican and running the church worldwide, and the man currently wearing papal white, "By their fruits you will know them." And all those who join in the criticism of Bergoglio, and who share the abominable truths about him and his minions, rejoice - because "No one can be condemned forever." Guy Mcclung, Texas
Lisi Sterndorfer
Happy Birthday, Bishop (95)
Yes, clearly Francis is anti-Pope; and an anti-Christ in his actions.
San Atanasio ora pro nobis
The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden
Then Our Lord said to Saint Peter: “You are the founder and defender of the faith and of my Church. While my host is listening, state the sentence of the five men!” Peter answered: “O Lord, all praise and honor to you, for the love you have shown to your earth. Blessed be you by all your host, for you allow us to see and know all things in …More
The Prophecies and Revelations of Saint Bridget of Sweden
Then Our Lord said to Saint Peter: “You are the founder and defender of the faith and of my Church. While my host is listening, state the sentence of the five men!” Peter answered: “O Lord, all praise and honor to you, for the love you have shown to your earth. Blessed be you by all your host, for you allow us to see and know all things in you that have been and will be, and that is why we see and know all things in you. It is true justice that the first man who sits upon your seat, while having the deeds of Lucifer, should shamefully lose the seat he dared to sit on and become a partaker in the torment of Lucifer. The right judgment of the second man is that he, who has fallen away from your faith, should fall down to hell with his head down and feet up, for he loved himself and despised you who should have been his head. The right judgment of the third man is that he will not see your face and that he should be tormented for his malice and greed, since unbelievers do not deserve to see your glory and beauty. The right judgment of the fourth is that he should be locked up like a man out of his senses and banished to the city of darkness. The right judgment of the fifth is that help should be sent to him.”
As the world is going, the Church is going. Totally backwards !!! A whole lot of C O N F U S I ON in this Papacy. Truth is clear. Black and White can be done with mercy. Instead we have grey with apparent mercy.
When this Bishop speaks, we best listen to him for he is truly a man of God!
This St Gallen mafia reminds me of the current U.S.A. political crisis revealing Obama's people spied on private citizens, the similarity being our church leaders and politicians are arm-linked in corrupt practices. More and more and more, the people's response becomes, with a shrug, is anyone surprised this is going on? However, the difference in the two scenarios is of grave, Eternal consequence …More
This St Gallen mafia reminds me of the current U.S.A. political crisis revealing Obama's people spied on private citizens, the similarity being our church leaders and politicians are arm-linked in corrupt practices. More and more and more, the people's response becomes, with a shrug, is anyone surprised this is going on? However, the difference in the two scenarios is of grave, Eternal consequence. It's one thing when the actions of men (and women) to disappoint. It's entirely other for shepherds, teachers in the Church to tempt hopelessness and despair.