
Benedict XVI: Evangelising the Jews Is "Not Necessary"

Former Benedict XVI confessed in the recent issue of the anti-Catholic German magazine Herder Korrespondenz that he has never spoken in favour of evangelising Jews, rather "about dialogue" and "not …More
Former Benedict XVI confessed in the recent issue of the anti-Catholic German magazine Herder Korrespondenz that he has never spoken in favour of evangelising Jews, rather "about dialogue" and "not about evangelisation".
According to Benedict XVI, Judaism and Christianity are simply “two ways of interpreting” the Bible [which contradict each other and therefore cannot both be true].
The former pope writes that Christ’s missionary mandate concerns all peoples and cultures and is "universal", but then he contradicts this statement by saying that there is “one exception”,
“Evangelising the Jews [allegedly] was simply not planned and is not necessary because they alone among all peoples knew the ‘unknown God’”.
Benedict's weird claims manifestly contradict the New Testament which unequivocally states that Christ sent his apostles exclusively to the Jews. Only later the pagans were included in these efforts.
Excluding the Jews from Christ's salvation, the highest good in this world, is the …More
The Jews reject the new testament because they reject Christ. Remember that Benedict was one of the modernist leaders of Vatican II. He has always supported ecumanism. It is shameful that so many neo-traditional clerics have this distorted notion that Benedict is a conservative pope.
How many Jews will go to hell because Benedict et. al. don't believe they need to be Catholic in order to be saved? Woe to them
i believe the scripture
Don"t believe this. This is as manipulated as manipulated was the presentation of Benedict's purposed hidden paragraphs letter to force us to think he is in line with Apostate Bergoglio.
It seems to me that nuchurch doesn't see the need to evangelize anyone.
Ah yes, the "conservative" Pope who re-wrote the Prayer for the Conversion of the Jews to make it less offensive....as if the salvation of souls is "offensive."
Mark 16:15 English Standard Version (ESV). 15 And he said to them, "Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
How does Benedict XVI explain the planned "Conversion of St. Paul" at Damascus? The famous conversion of the Jew Alphonsus Ratisbone by Our Lady and Her Miraculous Medal in 1842? Or the powerful passage on the "Road to Emmaus"...."Oh you foolish men...so slow to believe....."
It is a shame these post conciliar popes were not around 2000 years ago. They could have corrected St. Peter and St. James and saved them a lot of trouble.