A statue of a virgin wept in Weston

A statue of a virgin wept in Weston



Bible Readings at Holy Mass today mention Hell,fire and never ending suffering

February 23, 2017

Memorial of Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
Lectionary: 344

Reading 1 Sir 5:1-8
Rely not on your wealth;
say not: "I have the power."
Rely not on your strength
in following the desires of your heart.
Say not: "Who can prevail against me?"
or, "Who will subdue me for my deeds?"
for God will surely exact the punishment.
Say not: "I have sinned, yet what has befallen me?"
for the Most High bides his time.
Of forgiveness be not overconfident,
adding sin upon sin.
Say not: "Great is his mercy;
my many sins he will forgive."
For mercy and anger alike are with him;
upon the wicked alights his wrath.
Delay not your conversion to the LORD,
put it not off from day to day.
For suddenly his wrath flames forth;
at the time of vengeance you will be destroyed.
Rely not upon deceitful wealth,
for it will be no help on the day of wrath.

Responsorial Psalm Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6
R. (40:5a) Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.
Blessed the man who follows not
the counsel of the wicked
Nor walks in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the company of the insolent,
But delights in the law of the LORD
and meditates on his law day and night.
R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.
He is like a tree
planted near running water,
That yields its fruit in due season,
and whose leaves never fade.Whatever he does, prospers.
R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.
Not so the wicked, not so;
they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
For the LORD watches over the way of the just,
but the way of the wicked vanishes.
R. Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Alleluia 1 Thes 2:13
R. Alleluia, alleluia.
Receive the word of God, not as the word of men,
but as it truly is, the word of God.
R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel Mk 9:41-50
Jesus said to his disciples:
"Anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink
because you belong to Christ,
amen, I say to you, will surely not lose his reward."Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,
it would be better for him if a great millstone
were put around his neck
and he were thrown into the sea.
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.
It is better for you to enter into life maimed
than with two hands to go into Gehenna,
into the unquenchable fire.
And if your foot causes you to sin, cut if off.
It is better for you to enter into life crippled
than with two feet to be thrown into Gehenna.
And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.
Better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God with one eye
than with two eyes to be thrown into Gehenna,
where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.

"Everyone will be salted with fire.
Salt is good, but if salt becomes insipid,
with what will you restore its flavor?
Keep salt in yourselves and you will have peace with one another."


Hell: The Scariest Vision of Hell Ever Seen


Where the Worm Dieth Not - Michael Voris

STUFF HAPPENS...GO TO CONFESSION NOW WHILE YOU CAN : There are millions of people in Hell today who thought they had one more day to repent.

There are millions of people in Hell today who thought they had one more day to repent.
from Dympha Road


Doctor had vision of netherworld

Doctor had vision of netherworld
"Those who profit from the health of others will find their reward in the jewels of hell."
If that "word of knowledge" bears credence, there are some in the medical industry (pharmaceutical companies, insurance conglomerates, hospitals, surgeons, specialists) who may want to pay heed.
For those who claim to have glimpsed sheol have been known to describe precisely this: mounds of tainted gold, filthy rubies, diamonds, and money under the throne of a beastly creature. Not pleasant. More than one has so testified. But perhaps necessary to consider.

Or one may want to listen to an anesthesiologist named Rajiv Parti, who says he was taken to the cusp of the netherworld precisely for this reason: due to his greed.

"Feeling like a master of the universe is easy in the world of modern medicine," he writes (in Dying To Wake Up"). "In my specialty alone, heart surgery anesthesia, the medical world had made so many advances in technology and techniques that we could literally bring patients back from the dead by doing everything from unclogging an artery with a balloon to replacing it or even dropping in a transplanted heart."
But Dr. Parti relates how he grew to view patients not as individuals but as numbers and dollar signs. His preoccupation: a huge house, luxury cars, and day-trading on the stock market. Then he "died."
Two days before Christmas in 2010, he was rushed to a hospital with a severe infection and resultant fever that shot his temperature to 104 degrees. Emergency surgery was initiated as the infection, caused by a recent procedure in the area of his pelvis, spread through his blood. Ironically, he "died" -- left his body -- due to the anesthesia.
"I was a mechanistic medical doctor, and this event represented new physical laws that I didn't understand," he said. "How can I be hovering? Where is my brain, and what am I seeing with? Am I breathing? Why can I hear?"
"My world turned dark, and for a moment I was relieved. I'm returning to my body, I thought.
"But that relief was replaced by fear as I saw a distant lightning storm off to my right, one that seemed to draw me in very quickly and soon became loud with the sound of thunder and... What is that?... screams and moans of pain and anguish as wildfire moved over burned souls that withered from the intense heat. I was made to lie on a bed of nails, where their needle sharpness tortured my flesh.
"I was drawn in as if on a moving sidewalk that took me to the edge of this flaming canyon. Smoke filled my nostrils and with it the sickening odor of burning flesh. I was on the lip of hell.
"I tried to turn and I couldn't. I tried to move back but couldn't. Every time I took a step back, an unseen force moved me forward, leaving me with a horrific view of the most agonizing place one could ever imagine."
As a Hindu, he knew this place as naraka (hell).
"You have clearly not been making love," Dr. Parti heard a voice say, telepathic but as clear as if spoken in his ears, "so powerful," he writes, "that it may well have been spoken by God." Added the voice: "You have led a materialistic and selfish life."
He knew that was only too true and felt ashamed.
"I saw my patients as profit centers, people who could give me the wealth and prestige I wanted in exchange for my services as an anesthesiologist," he bravely says, unconcerned with how others in the medical profession might view his otherworldly experience. "I was a doctor who did his job well but cared very little that he was working on a human being."
Now, standing on the rim of hell, he recalled a woman with arthritis who had come to him for pain medication (Dr. Parti, in addition to his hospital work, owned a pain clinic) and weeping, sought his counsel about her husband, who was suffering from lung cancer. "'I would love to talk to you,' I said, writing out a prescription for her pain and sleeping pills and handing them to her. 'But I have several patients waiting.' And I left."
This he saw in the review of his life.
It is not just sins like adultery and murder.
It's how we treat people. We are all subject to the temptation of selfishness. It's certainly not just the medical profession.
Many are the good and caring doctors. We've met many personally. And who can begrudge a comfortable living to those plugged through long years of medical school and then strenuous internships and residencies; who now find themselves on call, with long hours.
But are some -- too many -- in it for the money?
It is certainly a time of unrestrained health-care costs. And within that field -- whether hospital CEOs or laboratory owners -- are indeed those motivated far too strongly by profit.
That may go unaddressed in our current society, but apparently not after life on earth.

[resources: afterlife books, especially What You Take To Heaven]
[Luke 16: "
'Now there was a rich man, and he habitually dressed in purple and fine linen, joyously living in splendor every day. 20 And a poor man named Lazarus was laid at his gate, covered with sores, 21 and longing to be fed with the crumbs which were falling from the rich man's table; besides, even the dogs were coming and licking his sores. 22 Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's bosom; and the rich man also died and was buried. 23 In Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far away and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried out and said, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus so that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool off my tongue, for I am in agony in this flame." 25 But Abraham said, "Child, remember that during your life you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus bad things; but now he is being comforted here, and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you there is a great chasm fixed, so that those who wish to come over from here to you will not be able, and that none may cross over from there to us.'"]

People testify about hell. How hell looks like!

People testify about hell. How hell looks like!

The Hell - Apaya



These People Went To Hell - Studying Near Death Experiences, Demons and Spiritual Beings. 1 / 5

Where the Worm Dieth Not - Michael Voris


There are millions of people in Hell today who thought they had one more day to repent.
from Dympha Road

Gospel today July 28, 2016 : The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth

Jesus said to the disciples:
“The Kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea,
which collects fish of every kind.
When it is full they haul it ashore
and sit down to put what is good into buckets.

What is bad they throw away.
Thus it will be at the end of the age.The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous
and throw them into the fiery furnace,
where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.”

“Do you understand all these things?”
They answered, “Yes.”
And he replied,
“Then every scribe who has been instructed in the Kingdom of heaven
is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom
both the new and the old.”
When Jesus finished these parables, he went away from there.

MT 13:47-53

July 28, 2016

Thursday Of The Seventeenth Week In Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the horrors of hell can help us to avoid ending up there


Apparitions of the Damned
Third in a Series on Hell

by Fr. François Xavier Schouppe, S.J

St. Antoninus, Archbishop of Florence, relates in his writings a terrible fact which, about the middle of the fifteenth century, spread fright over the whole North of Italy. A young man of good stock, who, at the age of 16 or 17, had had the misfortune of concealing a mortal sin in confession, and, in that state, of receiving Communion, had put off from week to week, month to month, the painful disclosure of his sacrileges. Tortured by remorse, instead of discovering with simplicity his misfortune, he sought to gain quiet by great penances, but to no purpose. Unable to bear the strain any longer, he entered a monastery; there, at least, he said to himself, I will tell all, and expiate my frightful sins. Unhappily, he was most welcomed as a holy young man by his superiors, who knew him by reputation, and his shame again got the better of him. Accordingly, he deferred his confession of this sin to a later period; and a year, two years, three years, passed in this deplorable state; he never dared to reveal his misfortune. Finally, sickness seemed to him to afford an easy means of doing it. "Now is the time," he said to himself; "I am going to tell all; I will make a general confession before I die." But this time, instead of frankly and fairly declaring his faults, he twisted them so artfully that his confessor was unable to understand him. He hope to come back again the next day: an attack of delirium came on, and the unfortunate man died.

The community, who were ignorant of the frightful reality, were full of veneration for the deceased. His body was borne with a certain degree of solemnity into the church of the monastery, and lay exposed in the choir until the next morning when the funeral was to be celebrated.
A few moments before the time fixed for the ceremony, one of the Brothers, sent to toll the bell, saw before him, all of a sudden, the deceased, encompassed by chains, that seemed aglow with fire, while something blazing appeared all over his person. Frightened, the poor Brother fell on his knees, with his eyes riveted on the terrifying apparition. Then the damned soul said to him: "Do not pray for me, I am in here for all eternity;" and he related the sad story of his false shame and sacrileges. Thereupon, he vanished, leaving in the church a disgusting odor, which spread all over the monastery, as if to prove the truth of all the Brother just saw and heard. Notified at once, the Superiors had the corpse taken away, deeming it unworthy of ecclesiastical burial.
After having cited the preceding example, Monsignor de Segur adds what follows:

In our century, three facts of the same kind, more authentic than some others have come to my knowledge. The first happened almost in my family.

It was in Russia, at Moscow, a short while before the horrible campaign of 1812. My maternal grandfather, Count Rostopchine, the Military Governor of Moscow, was very intimate with General Count Orloff, celebrated for his bravery, but as godless as he was brave.

One day, at the close of a supper, Count Orloff and one of his friends, General V., also a disciple of Voltaire, had set to horribly ridiculing religion, especially hell. 'Yet,' said Orloff; 'yet if, by chance, there should be anything the other side of the curtain?' 'Well,' took up General V., 'whichever of us shall depart first, will come to inform the other of it. Is it agreed?' 'An excellent idea,' replied Count Orloff; and both interchanged very seriously their word of honor not to miss the engagement.

A few weeks later, one of those great wars which Napoleon had the gift of creating at that time, burst forth. The Russian army began the campaign, and General V. received orders to start out forthwith to take an important command.

He had left Moscow about two or three weeks, when one morning, at a very early hour, while my grandfather was dressing, his chamber door is rudely pushed open. It was Count Orloff, in dressing-gown and slippers, his hair on end, his eye wild, and pale like a dead man. 'What, Orloff, you? at this hour? and in such a costume? What ails you? what has happened?' 'My dear,' replies Count Orloff, 'I believe I am beside myself. I have just seen General V.' 'Has General V., then, come back?' 'Well, no,' rejoins Orloff, throwing himself on a sofa, and holding his head between his hands; 'no, he has not come back, and that is what frightens me!'

My grandfather did not understand him. He tried to soothe him. "Relate to me," he says to Orloff, "what has happened you, and what all this means." Then, striving to stifle his emotion, the Count related the following: "My dear Rostopchine, some time ago, V. and I mutually swore that the first of us who died should come and tell the other if there is anything on the other side of the curtain. Now, this morning, scarcely half an hour since, I was calmly lying awake in my bed, not thinking at all of my friend, when, all of a sudden, the curtains of my bed were rudely parted, and at two steps from me I see General V. standing up, pale, with his right hand on his breast, and saying to me: 'There is a hell, and I am there!' and he disappeared. I came at once to you. My head is splitting! What a strange thing! I do not know what to think about it."

My grandfather calmed him as well as he could. It was no easy matter. He spoke of hallucinations, nightmares; perhaps he was asleep... There are many extraordinary unaccountable things... and other common-places, which constitute the comfort of freethinkers. Then he ordered his carriage, and took Count Orloff back to his hotel.

Now, ten or twelve days after this strange incident, an army messenger brought my grandfather among other news, that of the death of General V. The very morning of the day, Count Orloff had seen and heard him, the same hour he appeared at Moscow, the unfortunate General, reconnoitering the enemy's position, had been shot through the breast by a bullet, and had fallen stark dead.

"There is a hell, and I am there!" These are the words of one who came back.

Mgr. de Segur relates a second fact, which he regards as alike free from doubt. He had learned it in 1859, of a most honorable priest, and Superior of an important community. This priest had the particulars of it from a near relation of the lady of whom it had happened. At that time, Christmas Day, 1859, this person was still living, and little over forty years.

She chanced to be in London in the winter of 1847-48. She was a widow, about twenty-nine years old, quite rich and worldly. Among the gallants who frequented her salon, there was noticed a young lord, whose attentions compromised her extremely, and whose conduct, besides, was anything but edifying.

One evening, or rather one night, for it was close upon midnight, she was reading in her bed some novel, coaxing sleep. One o'clock struck by the clock; she blew out her taper. She was about to fall asleep when, to her great astonishment, she noticed that a strange, wan glimmer of light, which seemed to come from the door of the drawing-room, spread by degrees into her chamber, and increased momentarily. Stupefied at first, and not knowing what this meant, she began to get alarmed, when she saw the drawing-room door slowly open and the young lord, the partner of her disorders, entered her room. Before she had time to say a single word, he seized her by the left wrist, and with a hissing voice, syllabled to her in English: "There is a hell!" The pain she felt in her arm was so great that she lost her senses.
When, half an hour after, she came to again, she rang for her chamber-maid. The latter, on entering felt a keen smell of burning. Approaching her mistress, who could hardly speak, she noticed on her wrist so deep a burn, that the bone was laid bare, and the flesh almost consumed; this burn was the size of a man's hand. Moreover, she remarked that, from the door of the saloon to the bed, and from the bed to that same door, the carpet bore the imprint of a man's steps, which had burned through the stuff. By the directions of her mistress, she opened the drawing-room door: there, more traces were seen on the carpet outside.

The following day, the unhappy lady learned with a terror easy to be divined that, on that very night, about one o'clock in the morning, her lord had been found dead drunk under the table, that his servants had carried him to his room, and that there he had died in their arms.

I do not know, added the Superior, whether that terrible lesson converted the unfortunate lady, but what I do know is that she is still alive, and that to conceal from the sight the traces of her ominous burn, she wears on the left wrist, like a bracelet, a wide gold band, which she does not take off day or night. I repeat it, I have all these details from her near relation, a serious Christian, in whose word I repose the fullest belief. They are never spoken of, even in the family; and I only confide them to you, suppressing every proper name.
Notwithstanding the disguise beneath which this apparition has been, and must be enveloped, it seems to me impossible, adds Mgr. de Segur, to call in doubt the dreadful authenticity of the details.

Here is a third fact related by the same writer. In the year 1873, he writes, a few days before the Assumption, occurred again one of these apparitions from beyond the grave, which so efficaciously confirm the reality of hell. It was in Rome. A brothel, opened in that city after the Piedmontese invasion, stood near a police station. One of the bad girls who lived there had been wounded in the hand, and it was found necessary to take her to the Hospital of Consolation. Whether her blood, vitiated by bad living, had brought on mortification of the wound, or from an unexpected complication, she died suddenly during the night. At the same instant, one of her companions, who surely was ignorant of what had just happened at the hospital, began to utter shrieks of despair to point of awaking the inhabitants of the locality, creating a flurry among the wretched creatures of the house, and provoking the intervention of the police. The dead girl of the hospital, surrounded by flames, had appeared to her, and said: "I am damned! and if you do not wish to be like me, leave this place of infamy and return to God."

Nothing could quell the despair of this girl, who, at daybreak, departed, leaving the whole house plunged in a stupor, especially as soon as the death of her companion at the hospital was known.

Just at this period, the mistress of the place, an exalted Garribaldian, and known as such by brethren and friends, fell sick. She soon sent for a priest to receive the sacraments. The ecclesiastical authority deputed for thus task, a worthy prelate, Mgr. Sirolli, the pastor of the parish of Saint-Saviour in Laura. He, fortified by special instructions, presented himself, and exacted of the sick woman, before all, in the presence of many witnesses, the full and entire retractation of her blasphemies against the Sovereign Pontiff, and the discontinuance of the infamous trade she plied. The unhappy creature did so without hesitating, consented to purge her house, then made her confession and received the holy Viaticum with great sentiments of repentance and humility.

Feeling that she was dying, she besought, with tears, the good pastor not to leave her, frightened as she always was by the apparition of that damned girl. Mgr. Sirolli, unable to satisfy her on account of the proprieties which would not permit him to spend the night in such a place, sent to the police for two men, closed up the house, and remained until the dying woman had breathed her last.
Pretty soon, all Rome became acquainted with the details of these tragic occurrences. As ever, the ungodly and lewd ridiculed them, taking good care not to seek for any information about them; the good profited by them, to become still better and more faithful to their duties.

[The following video contains a sermon delivered by a traditional Catholic priest entitled We Can't Imagine the Pain of Hell.]

Video : We Can't Imagine the Pain of Hell




Video : Make Your Choice!


Description of hell -Medugorje visionaries



The entrance it seems to me was similar to a very long and narrow alleyway, like an oven, low and dark and confined; the floor seemed to me to consist of dirty,
muddy water emitting foul stench and swarming with putrid vermin...The bodily
pains were so unbearable that though I had suffered excruciating ones in this life and according to what doctors say, the worst that can be suffered on earth for all my nerves were shrunken when I was paralyzed, plus many other sufferings of many kinds that I endured and even some as I said, caused by the
devil, these were all nothing in comparison with the ones
I experienced there...-St.Teresa of Avila's description of Hell.
catholicharboroffaithandmorals.com/St. Teresa of A…
These are the Tortures suffered by all the damned together, but that is not
the end of the sufferings.


There are special Tortures destined for particular souls.
These are the torments of the senses. Each soul undergoes terrible and indescribable sufferings related to the manner in which it has sinned.

I would have diedThere are caverns and pits of torture where one form of agony differs from another. I would have died at the very sight of these tortures if the omnipotence of God had not supported me...-St.Faustina Kowalska's description of Hell.


Second Circle (Lust)
Gianciotto Discovers Paolo and Francesca
In the second circle of Hell are those overcome by lust. Dante condemns these "carnal malefactors"[ for letting their appetites sway their reason. They are the first ones to be truly punished in Hell. These souls are blown back and forth by the terrible winds of a violent storm, without rest. This symbolizes the power of lust to blow one about needlessly and aimlessly.
In this circle, Dante sees
Semiramis, Dido, Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Achilles, Paris, Tristan, and many others who were overcome by sexual love during their life.
Dante is told by
Francesca da Rimini how she and her husband's brother Paolo Malatesta committed adultery,but then died a violent death, in the name of Love, at the hands of her husband, Giovanni (Gianciotto).
Francesca reports that their act of adultery was triggered by reading the adulterous story of
Lancelot and Guinevere (an episode sculpted by Auguste Rodin in The Kiss). Nevertheless,
she predicts that her husband will be punished for his
fratricidein Caïna, within the ninth circle (Canto V).
Alse see Dante's experience in Hell in The Divine Comedy( Inferno).



It contains in it, after the Preparatory Prayer and two Preludes, five Points and one Colloquy:
Prayer. Let the Preparatory Prayer be the usual one.
First Prelude. The first Prelude is the composition, which is here to see with the sight of the imagination the length, breadth and depth of Hell.
Second Prelude. The second, to ask for what I want: it will be here to ask for interior sense of the pain which the damned suffer, in order that, if, through my faults, I should forget the love of the Eternal Lord, at least the fear of the pains may help me not to come into sin.
First Point. The first Point will be to see with the sight of the imagination the great fires, and the souls as in bodies of fire.
Second Point. The second, to hear with the ears wailings, howlings, cries, blasphemies against Christ our Lord and against all His Saints.
Third Point. The third, to smell with the smell smoke, sulphur, dregs and putrid things.
Fourth Point. The fourth, to taste with the taste bitter things, like tears, sadness and the worm of conscience.
Fifth Point. The fifth, to touch with the touch; that is to say, how the fires touch and burn the souls.

Colloquy. Making a Colloquy to Christ our Lord, I will bring to memory the souls that are in Hell, some because they did not believe the Coming, others because, believing, they did not act according to His Commandments; making three divisions...
- The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, [1914]www.sacred-texts.com/chr/seil/seil15.htm
People that died and saw hell. Video Testimonies of Hell


Will shock you like nothing else!

By A Customer on Nov. 5 1999
Hell and How to Avoid Hell by Thomas A. Nelson
(Amazon Books)

This book is an absolute must for everyone, regardless if you are Christian or not! You will not be able to put the book down as it captivates you with an absolutely overwhelming feeling of fear and terror. It really causes you to re-evaluate your own conscience and whether or not you are on the path to heaven. This book is especially needed for those who do not know Jesus Christ and for those that do know Him but think they are "once saved always saved." The Bible clearly states that we must accept Christ into our lives in order to be saved from the fires of Hell, but we must also "work out our salvation with nervous trembling." This book discusses these points in great detail as well as many other important biblical facts about Heaven, Hell, and salvation. It's a must buy!


Monday, June 27, 2016

Manifestations of Hell by Fr. François Xavier Schouppe, S.J.- 2

Manifestations of Hell

Second in a Series on Hell
Fr. François Xavier Schouppe, S.J.

The dogma of hell stands on the infallible word of God; but
in his mercy, God, to aid our faith, permits at intervals
the truth of hell to be manifested in a sensible manner.
These manifestations are more frequent than is thought;
and, when supported by sufficient proofs, they are
unexceptionable facts which must be admitted like all
the other facts of history.

St. Francis Jerome

Here is one of these facts.
It was juridically
proved in the process
of the canonization
of St. Francis of Jerome,
and under oath
attested by a large number
of eye-witnesses.
In the year AD 1707, St.
Francis of Jerome
was preaching, as was his wont, in the
neighborhood of the city of Naples.
He was speaking of hell and the awful
chastisements that await obstinate sinners.
A brazen courtesan who lived there,
troubled by a discourse which aroused her
remorse, sought to hinder it by jests and
shouts, accompanied by noisy instruments.
As she was standing close to the window,
the Saint cried out:
Beware, my daughter, of
resisting grace; before
eight days God will
punish you.

The unhappy creature grew only more
boisterous. Eight days elapsed, and
the holy preacher happened to be again
before the same house. This time she was
silent, the windows were shut. The hearers,
with dismay on their faces, told the
Saint that Catherine - that was the name
of the bad woman - had a few hours
before died suddenly. "Died!" he repeated,
"well, let her tell us now what she has
gained by laughing at hell. Let us ask
her." He uttered these words in an
inspired tone, and every one expected
a miracle.
Followed by an immense crowd, he
went up to the death chamber, and
there, after having prayed
for an instant, he uncovers the face
of the corpse, and says in a loud voice:
"Catherine, tell us where art thou now."

At this summons, the dead woman lifts her head,
while opening her wild eyes, her face borrows
color, her features assume an expression of horrible
despair, and in a mournful voice, she pronounces
these words:
In hell; I am in hell.
And immediately, she falls back again into the
condition of a corpse.

"I was present at that event," says one of the
witnesses who deposed before the Apostolic
tribunal, "but I never could convey the
impression it produced on me and the bystanders,
nor that which I still feel every time I pass that
house and look at that window. At the sight of
that ill-fated abode, I still hear the pitiful cry
resounding: 'In hell; I am in hell'."

Ratbod, King of the Frisons, who is mentioned
in ecclesiastical history in the eighth century,
had said to St. Wolfrand that he was not afraid
of hell; that he wished to be there with the
kings, his ancestors, and most illustrious
personages. "Moreover," he added, "later
on, I shall be always able to receive baptism."
"Lord," answered the Saint, "do not neglect
the grace that is offered to thee. The God
who offers the sinner pardon, does not
promise him tomorrow." The King did not
heed this advice, and put off his conversion.
A year after, learning the arrival of St.
Willibrord, he dispatched an officer to him,
to invite him to come to the court and
confer baptism on him. The Saint answered
that it was too late. "Your master," he said,
"died after your departure. He braved eternal
fire; he has fallen into it. I have seen him
this night, loaded with fiery chains, in the
bottom of the abyss."

St. Francis Xavier Resurrecting the Son
of an Inhabitant of Cangoxima
Nicholas Poussin (1594-1665)

Here is another witness
from beyond the grave.
History avers that when
St. Francis Xavier was
at Cangoxima, in Japan,
he performed a great
number of miracles, of
which the most celebrated
was the resurrection of
a maiden of noble birth.
This young damsel died in
the flower of her age,
and her father, who loved
her dearly, believed
he would become crazy. Being an idolater, he
had no resources in his affliction, and his friends,
who came to console him, rendered his grief only
the more poignant. Two neophytes, who came
to see him before the funeral of her whom he
mourned day and night advised him to seek help
from the holy man who was doing such great
things, and demand from him with confidence
the life of his daughter. The pagan - persuaded
by the neophytes that nothing was impossible to
the European bonze, and beginning to hope
against all human appearances, as is usual with
the afflicted, who readily believe whatever
comforts them - goes to Father Francis, falls
at his feet, and, with tears in his eyes,
entreats him to bring to life again his only
daughter whom he has just lost, adding
that it would be to give life to himself.

Xavier, touched by the faith and sorrow
of the pagan, went aside with his companion,
Fernando, to pray to God. Having come
back again after a short time, "Go," he said
to the afflicted father, "your daughter is alive!"

The idolater, who expected that the Saint
would come with him to his house and
invoke the name of the God of the Christians
over his daughter's body, took this speech
as a jest and withdrew, dissatisfied.
But scarcely had he gone a few steps
when he saw one of his servants, who,
all beside himself with joy, shouted from
a distance that his daughter was alive.
Presently, he beheld her approaching.
After the first embraces the daughter
related to her father that, as soon as
she had expired, two horrible demons
pounced upon her, and sought to hurl
her into a fiery abyss; but that two
men, of a venerable and modest
appearance, snatched her from the
hands of these executioners and
restored her life, she being unable
to tell how it happened.

The Japanese understood who were
these two men of whom his daughter
spoke, and he led her directly to Xavier
to return him such thanks as so great
a favour deserved. She no sooner saw
the Saint with his companion, Fernando,
than she exclaimed: "There are my
two deliverers!" and, at the same time,
the daughter and the father demanded

The servant of God, Bernard Colnago,
a religious of the Company of Jesus,
died at Catana in the odor of sanctity
in they year AD 1611. We read in his
biography that he prepared for the
passage by a life full of good works and
the constant remembrance of death, so
apt to engender a holy life. To keep in
mind this salutary remembrance, he
preserved in his little cell a skull which
he had placed upon a stand to have it
always before his eyes. One day it
struck him that, perhaps, that head had
been the abode of a mind rebellious
to God, and now the object of His wrath
. Accordingly, he begged the Sovereign
Judge to enlighten him, and to cause
the skull to shake if the spirit that had
animated it was burning in hell. No
sooner had he finished his prayer
than it shook with a horrible trembling,
a palpable sign that it was the skull of a
damned soul.

This saintly religious, favored with singular gifts,
knew the secret of consciences, and, sometimes,
the decrees of God's justice. One day, God revealed
to him the eternal perdition of a young libertine,
who was his parents' heart-scald. The unfortunate
young man, after having rushed into all sorts of
dissipation, was slain by an enemy. His mother,
at the sight of so sad an end, conceived the liveliest
terrors for her son's everlasting salvation, and
besought Father Bernard to tell her in what state
his soul was. Despite her entreaties, Father
Bernard did not answer by a single word,
sufficiently showing by his silence that he had
nothing consoling to say. He was more
explicit to one of her friends. This person
inquiring why he did not give an answer
to an afflicted mother, the religious openly
said to him that he was unwilling to increase
her affliction; that this young libertine was
damned, and that, during his prayer, God
had shown him the youth under a hideous
and frightful aspect.

On the 1st of August, 1645, there died in the
odor of sanctity, at the College of Evora,
in Portugal, Anthony Pereyra, Coadjutor Brother
of the Company of Jesus. His history is,
perhaps, the strangest furnished by the annals
of this Society. In AD 1599, five years after
his entrance into the novitiate, he was
seized by a mortal malady in the Isle of
St. Michael, one of the Azores; and a
few moments after he had received the
last sacraments, beneath the eyes of the
whole community, who were present at his
agony, he seemed to expire, and became
cold like a corpse. The appearance - almost
imperceptible - of a slight throbbing of the
heart alone, prevented his immediate burial.
Accordingly, he was left three whole days on
his death-bed, and there were already plain signs
of decomposition in the body, when all of a sudden,
on the fourth day, he opened his eyes, breathed
and spoke. He was obliged by obedience to
account to his superior, Father Louis Pinheyro,
all that had passed in him after the last pangs
of his agony; and here is the summary of the
relation which he wrote with his own hand:

' First, I saw from my death-bed
my Father,St. Ignatius, accompanied
by some of our Fathers in heaven,
who was coming to visit his sick
children, seeking those who seemed
worthy to be presented to our Lord.
When he was near me, I thought
for an instant that he might take
me, and my heart leaped with
joy; but he soon described to
me what I must correct before
obtaining so great a favor.

Then, however, by a mysterious
dispensation of Providence, the
soul of Brother Pereyra was
momentarily released from his
body, and immediately the sight
of the hideous troop of demons,
rushing headlong upon him,
filled him with dread. But,
at the same time, his
angel-guardian and St.
Anthony of Padua, his
countryman and patron,
put his enemies to flight,
and invited him in their
company to take a momentary
glimpse and taste of something
of the joys and pains of eternity.
They then, by turns, led me
to a place of delights, where
they showed me an
incomparable crown of glory,
but one which I had not yet
merited; then, to the brink of
the abysmal pit, where I
beheld souls accursed
falling into the everlasting
fire, as thick as grains of
corn, cast beneath an
ever-turning millstone.
The infernal pit was like
one of these lime kilns,
in which the flame is
smothered for an instant
beneath the heap of materials
thrown into it, only to fire up
again by the fuel with a
more frightful violence.

Led thence to the tribunal of the Sovereign Judge,
Antony Pereyra heard his sentence to the fire
of purgatory, and nothing here below, he
declares, could give an idea of what is suffered
there, or of the state of anguish to which
the soul is reduced by the desire and
postponement of the enjoyment of
God and of His blessed presence.

So when, by our Lord's
command, his soul
was united again to
his body, neither the
new tortures of sickness,
which, for six
entire months, combined
with the daily
help of iron and fire,
caused his flesh,
irremediably attacked by the corruption
of this first death to waste away; nor
the frightful penances to which, so far
as obedience allowed him, he never
ceased to subject himself for the
forty-six years of his new life,
were able to quench his thirst for
sufferings and expiation. He used to say:

All this is nothing to what
the justice and mercy of
God have caused me not
only to see, but to endure.

Finally, as an authentic seal of so many wonders,
Brother Pereyra detailed to his Superior the
hidden designs of Providence on the future
restoration of the Kingdom of Portugal, at
that time still distant nearly half a century.
But it may be fearlessly added that the
most unexceptionable avouchment of all
these prodigies was the surprising
sanctity to which Antony Pereyra never
ceased for a single day to rise.