
Archbishop Sample Abolishes Standing In Front of the Blessed Sacrament

Beginning on Corpus Christi, June 3, Archbishop Alexander Sample of Portland, U.S.A., determined that those attending Holy Mass will [again] kneel from the Lamb of God to Holy Communion.

According to a press realease of the archdiocese the change should “aid in the reverent participation of the Holy Mass and increase our devotion to the Holy Eucharist”.

Sample overrules a decision of his predecessor Archbishop John Vlazny who in 2000 made the faithful stand after the Lamb of God.

Sample's decision comes in a moment when the Pope himself is stubbornly refusing to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

Picture: Alexander Sample, © Steve Skojec, #newsPcapbnnfhw
I was under the impression that Portland is like Seattle bastions of socialism, atheism and communism. It was stunning to me to hear this archbishop speak. What a ray of hope. He is in so many ways the answer to Cupich. He ( archbishop Sample) may be the one we are looking for.
Sr. Marianna
we need more Bishops like him.
A true Catholic Bishop, thanks be to God!
Let's pray for this PASTOR.
Thanks be to God Archbishop Sample is re-implementing the practice in his Diocese; reverence for the Most Holy Eucharist; as it should be!
Lisi Sterndorfer
Click and laugh.