
Francis Wants "Unanimous Agreement“ On Protestant Communion

The prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Luis Ladaria, received on May 3 a delegation of German bishops in order to talk about Communion for Protestants.

Munich Cardinal Marx, Cologne Cardinal Woelki, and four other German bishops were part of the delegation. Present at the meeting were also Swiss-born Curia Cardinal Kurt Koch and two German prelates.

Neither Ladaria, nor the Germans, nor the Pope have received any competence from God to introduce Communion for Protestants.

In the evening of the same day, the German bishops’ conference released a press statement saying that Pope Francis wants an “unanimous agreement” regarding this sacrilege.

The German Church, one of the most decadent local churches in the world, has been distributing Communion to Protestants for decades. The present discussion is therefore about sanctioning an abuse that will remain an abuse and sacrilege whether Francis agrees with it or not.

Picture: © Mazur, catholicnews.org.uk CC BY-NC-SA, #newsPfcdaegihq
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Protestant Communion // Kidding Korea ? -_-;;
A Catholic spouse is not able to recieve Communion nor Confession without Non-Catholic spouse's 'Promise & Signature'.

Some innocent Catholic wives can not receive sacraments because of non-Catholic husbands, despite their first marriage since most young Catholics are women. (my profile)More
Protestant Communion // Kidding Korea ? -_-;;

A Catholic spouse is not able to recieve Communion nor Confession without Non-Catholic spouse's 'Promise & Signature'.

Some innocent Catholic wives can not receive sacraments because of non-Catholic husbands, despite their first marriage since most young Catholics are women. (my profile)
#THIS is what "synodal" governance looks like. Disastrous.
Lisi Sterndorfer
The moment when bishops agreeing anything unanimously is in Mark 14:50... "And they all forsook him, and fled.”
In no way is Germany in 'Communion' with the Church of Christ.
I didn't realize this until the other day, but Germany had been ALREADY giving Communion to Protestants for many years now. They just want to 'formalize' their sacrilege.
What we have is the Catholic Church is schism. And it has been that way for quite a while more or less beginning with Vatican II which was a catastrophe.
Best sentence in above article: "The German Church, one of the most decadent local churches in the world, has been distributing Communion to Protestants for decades. The present discussion is therefore about sanctioning an abuse that will remain …More
What we have is the Catholic Church is schism. And it has been that way for quite a while more or less beginning with Vatican II which was a catastrophe.

Best sentence in above article: "The German Church, one of the most decadent local churches in the world, has been distributing Communion to Protestants for decades. The present discussion is therefore about sanctioning an abuse that will remain an abuse and sacrilege whether Francis agrees with it or not."
Holy Communion is a sacrament of the living. Jesus humbly washed the Apostles feet to spiritually cleans each to receive his Sacred Body and Blood, and to lead in the formation of His Church. To give this sacrament to those who do not believe, and have not had the training or desire to prepare to receive this most holy communion with the Son of God is a serious sacrilege that cries to Heaven for …More
Holy Communion is a sacrament of the living. Jesus humbly washed the Apostles feet to spiritually cleans each to receive his Sacred Body and Blood, and to lead in the formation of His Church. To give this sacrament to those who do not believe, and have not had the training or desire to prepare to receive this most holy communion with the Son of God is a serious sacrilege that cries to Heaven for punishment. May God have mercy on those bishops and on all of us...
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