
Francis Is A Heretic But There Is No Automatism That Makes Him Lose His Office - Philosopher

Pope Francis “has made a lot of heretical statements,” the famous Austrian philosopher Josef Seifert told Gloria.tv (video below, German) (May 31).

Seifert stresses that the list of seven heresies contained in the April letter of eighty scholars is “not exhaustive.” He remembers that Francis has also claimed that evil souls vanish after death or that hell is empty.

The Abu Dhabi declaration is for Seifert “more than heretical, it is actually apostatical.”

Seifert believes that a pope who spreads objective heresies, loses his office, however, there is no competent authority to judge a pope. Therefore only a later pope will be able to condemn Francis.

There are some Church teachers, like the Jesuit Robert Bellarmine, who argue that a heretical pope loses his office automatically but this was never the official teaching of the Church, Seifert adds.

Against hope he hopes that Francis will recant his heresies because otherwise he has chances to be condemned retrospective and to be "deleted from the list of popes.”

In a side-remark Seifert hints at the climate of fear that reigns in the Francis Church quoting a bishop who told him that he likely would lose his diocese if he would express any criticism.


Rand Miller
Seifert is wrong. Francis is an obstinate heretic and has been long before he was elected "Pope". He is not a Catholic and obviously cannot be the head of that which he is not a member. This argument and many others that could be sited prove without doubt he is an antipope. This is not an opinion. This is Church doctrine.
Until people realize this and act upon it Francis doesn't care who criticizes …More
Seifert is wrong. Francis is an obstinate heretic and has been long before he was elected "Pope". He is not a Catholic and obviously cannot be the head of that which he is not a member. This argument and many others that could be sited prove without doubt he is an antipope. This is not an opinion. This is Church doctrine.
Until people realize this and act upon it Francis doesn't care who criticizes him. In fact he laughs at them. Start referring to him as antipope Francis. Instead of referring him as "his holiness", use the language of The Church and call him what he is- a "son of Satan" who shows nothing but contempt for Catholics. Perhaps that will get some misguided semi-traditionals thinking!
What the Church teaches and has always taught is that a heretic can not be Pope. Therefore, a Pope is not deposited, but a heretic.
Ludovic Denim
Sure, but it makes 60 years that the Cardinals and Bishops are sleeping deeply and not explaining what late Father Hesse explained like this for instance : www.youtube.com/watch
So when they have to run from Islamists that are everywhere around Roma, Paris and the main capitals of Europe, what do they expect from us ? Because we expected that they did THEIR job and that they explained that Vatican …
Sure, but it makes 60 years that the Cardinals and Bishops are sleeping deeply and not explaining what late Father Hesse explained like this for instance : www.youtube.com/watch

So when they have to run from Islamists that are everywhere around Roma, Paris and the main capitals of Europe, what do they expect from us ? Because we expected that they did THEIR job and that they explained that Vatican 2 itself is NOT acceptable as a Council and showed up the heresies of Lumen Gentium and Nostra Aetate, which they didn't do !!
It's to such an extent that even here on Gloria some Modernists on the French version come regularly to attack the faithful because these latter are nearly totally abandoned and don't know a thing or two about the two dogmatic constitutions of Vatican 2 that in reality are not dogmatic at all... And so, they will certainly let all this happen during 3 years and half because this event must happen but they're all cowards or not capable to stay awake for 1 hour like the apostles for Christ at the garden of Gethsemani...

Many of them will be beaten by Muslims as clearly they don't pray in order to oppose these mistakes. They're shaming only themselves because they're the human part of the Divine Church. They don't ask the assistance to the Holy Spirit otherwise they would show up some great energy to attack these errors and everyone would see that it's a surnatural sign. We can see clearly the difference between the so-called "Saint" Mother Theresa that never converted anyone according to her words and the ones that opposed the 2nd Vatican Council and that resisted so well : the main difference between these two categories is clearly ... the prayers. The first ones couldn't pray the same amount than the second ones... It's crystal clear. The second category of peoples were not mistaken by all these mistakes that clearly allow Pope Francis to be on the Seat of the Vatican while uncanonically elected and spreading heresies...

They will end up beaten by the Muslims and even some former Catholics if they don't oppose the heresies that have taking place since 60 years. People have lost the faith, it's the chaos that is coming everywhere on the streets and I can't figure out how they could escape themselves. Even Freemasons that want to divide the society didn't escape too like when the "journalists" of Charlie Hebdo were killed at Paris, one known freemason was killed by the assaillants and there are others. Cardinals and Bishops that keep the silence must open up so that the faithful can understand what's going on behind the scenes, even if they must die for this. Christ gave His life. Or are they simply ignorant ...? I can't imagine this.
Ivan Tomas
Read the recent article of akacatholic.
Many will be surprised!
Ivan Tomas
And, of course St. Bellarmino is RIGHT!
Tony M
The one who is still Pope, Pope Benedict can make a declaration on Bergoglio. We do not have to wait for the next one.
Tony M
If Bergoglio is a heretic now as is manifest to the world as he speaks and writes, do we really believe he only became a heretic after he took the Chair of Peter??? That is fanciful!!!. See the thoughts of a traditional Catholic journalist published in Rorate Caeli on March 13, 2013.
‘The Horror’……rorate-caeli.blogspot.com
If he was a heretic before the supposed ‘conclave’, he was never the Pope.