
“I Didn't Criticize the Pope, I Asked Him For Clarity" – Dutch Cardinal Eijk

“I did not criticize the pope," Utrecht Cardinal Willem Eijk insisted in a May 28 video-interview with LifeSiteNews.com, adding, "I just asked him for clarity with regard to some aspects of the doctrine …More
“I did not criticize the pope," Utrecht Cardinal Willem Eijk insisted in a May 28 video-interview with LifeSiteNews.com, adding,
"I just asked him for clarity with regard to some aspects of the doctrine, for instance intercommunion."
Eijk said that it is the duty of a cardinal to do so. He stressed that clarity is also needed in the field of gender theory "because there is much confusion now about that in Church."
Stating that every pope has his own qualities, he praises Francis for his "more pastoral approach" [as if clarity were not the first requirement for somebody who wants to be "pastoral."]
Picture: John Henry Westen, Willem Eijk, LifeSiteNews.com, #newsGqlvjitqak
People here don't laugh at Pope Francis & his rubber duckie. We ask him for the Chistian guidance his communist ideology prevents him from providing.
Ludovic Denim
Most of them should say something as Pope Francis is not canonically elected but they continue to tell nothing...
It's unbelievable as they would be held hostage, but when the war with Islam happens they will have to flee OR to convert and which side will choose Pope Francis elected thanks to the St Gallen mafia uncanonically ???
WHY THEY STAY SILENT ???!!!!!!!??????!!!!!
- Pope Benedict XVI …More
Most of them should say something as Pope Francis is not canonically elected but they continue to tell nothing...

It's unbelievable as they would be held hostage, but when the war with Islam happens they will have to flee OR to convert and which side will choose Pope Francis elected thanks to the St Gallen mafia uncanonically ???

WHY THEY STAY SILENT ???!!!!!!!??????!!!!!

- Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation the 11th February 2013 after more than 1 month that Bank of Italy with Bank of Germany blocked the payments at the Vatican (from the 1st January to the 12th February 2013)
- The 12th February 2013, Bank of Italy lifted up the ban on the plastic cards and the ATMs
- There was nothing else done against the pretext of money-laundering scheme invoked by Bank of Italy, except the announcement of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI the day before and even the 12th February when Bank of Italy reversed her decision no decision was done in order they could justify to reverse their decision... So there can't be no other reason at all
- Pope Benedict XVI chose to announce his resignation the 11th February 2013 which is not only the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes but also the feast day of the Lateran Treaty... That Pope Benedict XVI chose to announce his resignation this very day is not a coincidence as many know that magistrates used to chose a date in memory of an event that please them in the same way that Pope or Cardinals used to give the imprimatur for a book or release an encyclical on the feast day of a saint in relation with the book or their speeches. The Lateran Treaty was made in order to compensate the loss of the Vatican's territories and properties. That this date was chosen and not another mean there is a sequel in the same way that there was a sequel to Vatican I with Vatican 2 due to the invasion of the Italian army in the Vatican in 1870. It's not a hazard that in the both dates it was a question of a financial convention as if the agreement was again put into question and then the Vatican himself...
- The light struck the dome of the Vatican the same day the 11th February 2013 and no one that believe in God's signs can say that it's a mere coincidence...

Pope Francis is not validly elected, we have the talks of some Cardinals that plotted to get rid of Pope Benedict and get Francis :
- Cardinals Daneels admitted that he was part of a mafia that plotted to get him elected.
- Saint John Paul II’s Apostolic Constitution Universi Domini Gregis, 79, clearly condemns the constitution of a “Mafia” like the Sankt-Gallen group: “Confirming the prescriptions of my Predecessors, I likewise forbid anyone, even if he is a Cardinal, during the Pope's lifetime and without having consulted him, to make plans concerning the election of his successor, or to promise votes, or to make decisions in this regard in private gatherings.”
Ironically, he published the Apostolic Constitution in February 1996, the very year that the Sankt-Gallen group was formed.
- Cardinal McCarrick, now defrocked, also explained why they plotted to get Francis and how

And if it wasn't enough, we have the message of Our Lady of La Salette that says that "neither the Pope nor his successor will see the Triumph of the Church". Our Lady can't be wrong as she knows everything she wants from her Son who is God. If Francis was a validly elected Pope, she would have had to say in order to be correct : "neither the Pope nor his predecessor will see the Triumph of the Church". It makes a huge difference and not only for a linguist...

And last but not least, even Francis doesn't recognise himself as the Pope given that he officially de-emphasizes papal titles.. Another part of the text :
"Pope Francis has on several occasions emphasized his role as a bishop, rarely referring to himself as pope or pontiff -- even on the night of his election www.ncronline.org/…/cardinals-elect… in St. Peter's Square it was "the task of the conclave was to give Rome a bishop.""

He acts like he's still just a Bishop while Pope Benedict XVI kept his office and many distinctive signs that are those of the Pope like his name.