
Twenty Priests And Scholars Conclude: “Francis Is A Heretical Pope“

Four priests and 16 lay scholars published (LifeSiteNews.com, April 30) an open letter, in which they accuse Pope Francis of the “canonical delict of heresy” and call him “a heretical pope."

The signees show that Francis has proclaimed the following heresies (see the full letter below),

• a person who is in God's grace can lack the strength to carry out God’s laws despite the help of divine grace.

• a Christian who knows divine law, may break it deliberately without committing sin.

• the conscience can come to the legitimate conclusion that sexual acts between Christians who are not sacramentally married can be morally right or even requested by God.

• there can exist good and morally licit sexual acts outside of marriage.

• there are no prohibitions that absolutely and always forbid particular evil actions.

• God positively wills the pluralism and diversity of religions.

The letter further mentions Francis’ endorsement of pro-gay prelates such as the Cardinals Calcagno, Coccopalmerio, Cupich, Danneels, Dew, Farrell, Gracias, de Kesel, Maradiaga, McCarrick, Wuerl, etc and Francis’ support for dubious figures like the Italian abortionist Emma Bonino (who performed 10,000 illegal abortions).

The letter is signed by

Georges Buscemi, Pro-lifer, Canada
Robert Cassidy, STL
Fr Thomas Crean, Dominican, England
Matteo d’Amico, Historian, Italy
Deacon Nick Donnelly, MA, England
Richard Fitzgibbons, Psychiatrist, USA
Maria Guarini STB, Pontificia Università Seraphicum, Italy
Robert Hickson, USA
Fr John Hunwicke, England,
Peter Kwasniewski, USA
John Lamont, Canada,
Brian McCall, Catholic Family News, USA
Fr Cor Mennen, Diocese of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Stéphane Mercier, Belgium
Fr Aidan Nichols, Dominican, England
Paolo Pasqualucci, Italy
Claudio Pierantoni, Chile
John Rist, England
Dr. Anna Silvas, University of New England, Australia
Wim Witteman, Netherlands

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsCfvhimjngx

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De Profundis
They all cried out "Crucify him! Crucify him!"
Beans needs to shut up.
Here is one of the signers
Lisi Sterndorfer
Very few faithful Catholics signing. But a lot of gays gays gays.
Although objectively 'pro obono Ecclesaie', corrections are applicable to valid popes. Therefore ongoing theological narratives that which concern present papal crisis should include the complete profile of the existing papal diarchy, not ignoring any living man in Vatican that dresses in white.
Thereby reality integrally and properly diagnosed may clarify all doubts about errors of the present …More
Although objectively 'pro obono Ecclesaie', corrections are applicable to valid popes. Therefore ongoing theological narratives that which concern present papal crisis should include the complete profile of the existing papal diarchy, not ignoring any living man in Vatican that dresses in white.

Thereby reality integrally and properly diagnosed may clarify all doubts about errors of the present pontificate and provide their solution, so as the "heretical papacy may not be tolerated or dissimulated to avoid a worse evil".

In consequence, it is crucial to recognize the validity of pope Benedict XVI's papacy and parallel anti-papacy of other claimants to correct errors. Otherwise, a sole declaration of present lawmaker as heretic will lead to another conclave being convened to elect anti - pope, unless Church acts after pope Benedict XVI is deceased.

Nevertheless, the drama of attacks on valid pope BXVI and its aftermath of expanded Petrine ministry produced the error pending prompt correction. The same men - Princes - who did not offer substantial support and obedience to valid pope and convened the last conclave, even though there existed official claimant to papal Throne (patiendo et orando) munus, , still living as visible pope, should act.

Finally, acting now by declaration of the living valid pope BXVI would invoke Francis' pontificate abrogation, formally speaking the legal (allowed) pontificate of the present supreme lawmaker until the abolition of his office or abrogation of the whole pontificate, and may set the visible (Hierarchical) Church free. (J. 8:32 - “the truth will set you free” )

"Parvus error in principio magnus est in fine"
Fr Aidan Nichols OP is someone of great distinction and clarity of thought.
A thank you to the 20 signatories.
Hallelujah. Oh... told you that years ago. The faithful are asleep. St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle.