
Cardinal Müller Claims Francis "Not A Heretic“

The "worst thing" happening in the Church is when a pope is accused of heresy, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told DieTagespost.de (May 15). Müller stresses that this accusation comes from “renowned …More
The "worst thing" happening in the Church is when a pope is accused of heresy, Cardinal Gerhard Müller told DieTagespost.de (May 15).
Müller stresses that this accusation comes from “renowned theologians” and that this has happened only to very few popes in Church history. Therefore, Francis should publish an official theological clarification.
Personally, Müller doesn't believe that Francis is a heretic because this term implies a "persistent" denial of the Catholic faith which, he believes, is not the case with Francis. According to this twist a pope could proclaim any heresies as long as he declares not to do it "persistently."
Again, Müller sees the problem not with Francis but with the "'Friends' of the Pope" who label every faithful Catholic as an "enemy of the Pope" and confuse the Faith with a "neo-Marxist neo-liberal ideology."
Unfortunately, he avoids a clear answer regarding Francis' heretical Abu Dhabi declaration. He sidesteps the problems and claims that Francis' "intention …More
This Liberation theology fan loves hedging his best. Probably worse in a certain way than Francis, who makes the evilness of V2 as plain as day.
What we need is a Pope that is the real Vicar of Christ ,that is 100 % in keeping the Catholic Faith ,Tradition the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ as the only the Alpha and Omega ,The Way The Truth and life ,only through Him you come to the Father ,and Give God what,s God and Ceisar what,s Ceisar ,a trully Sheppard to bring souls to Heaven ,no confusion ,clear and honest to the things of God , …More
What we need is a Pope that is the real Vicar of Christ ,that is 100 % in keeping the Catholic Faith ,Tradition the doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ as the only the Alpha and Omega ,The Way The Truth and life ,only through Him you come to the Father ,and Give God what,s God and Ceisar what,s Ceisar ,a trully Sheppard to bring souls to Heaven ,no confusion ,clear and honest to the things of God , not a politician
Rome lost Faith. Are there some Catholic cardinals, bishops, maybe the Pope? No, only the revue of the apostates.
Because Rome did not disclose the 3rd secret of Fatima and did not convert, so will be exterminated, just as sister Lucy wrote in her testimony on April 1, 1944 at the request of her bishop, but none of the popes took it seriously. The countdown of the critical 69 weeks, during which …More
Rome lost Faith. Are there some Catholic cardinals, bishops, maybe the Pope? No, only the revue of the apostates.

Because Rome did not disclose the 3rd secret of Fatima and did not convert, so will be exterminated, just as sister Lucy wrote in her testimony on April 1, 1944 at the request of her bishop, but none of the popes took it seriously. The countdown of the critical 69 weeks, during which Rome had a chance to convert, began on the day the 3rd secret was written down and handed over to the bishop - the time elapsed on April 1, 2013! The dogma of Faith will no longer be preserved by Rome (= the Roman Catholic church), but in Fatima, that is, in the person of the Mother of the Church - She, the Blessed Virgin is the depository of the Catholic faith.
The papacy in Rome has been dissolved irrevocably (Feb. 28, 2013) - no man on earth has the power to re-establish it. This does not mean, however, that the papacy ceased to exist at all. The papacy means the father's authority: in the Old Testament it was God the Father, in the Holy Church - Jesus Christ, in the Kingdom of God it will be the Paraclete, Father of the Poor.
Avoiding formal heresy while leading lambs to sin. Jesus will not quibble. Is not episcopal silence consent?
Looks like a heretic, talks like a heretic. Bingo it's a heretic. Repent! Resign!
What is he anybody knows ?
"The "worst thing" happening in the Church is when a pope is accused of heresy"
Wrong. The "worst thing" is when you have a heretic imposter running around pretending to be the pope, and everyone goes along with it.
Nobody accused the pope of heresy. It's Jorge who is the heretic.
Note well who, FINALLY, answered the dubia: the Pope.More
"The "worst thing" happening in the Church is when a pope is accused of heresy"

Wrong. The "worst thing" is when you have a heretic imposter running around pretending to be the pope, and everyone goes along with it.

Nobody accused the pope of heresy. It's Jorge who is the heretic.

Note well who, FINALLY, answered the dubia: the Pope.