
"New Vision" - Benedict XVI Devalues Christ and the Church

The dialogue between Jews and Christians will "never" lead to unity or is "reserved to God at the end of time," former Benedict XVI wrote in an confused August 2018 letter, published now by Elio Guerriero.

The letter was addressed to Vienna Rabbi Arie Folger. It was written in midst of an academic controversy with Folger.

Benedict does not confess Christ as God, instead he starts off with Moses whom he calls the "decisive form of hope" because Moses spoke to God face to face, like a friend.

Comparing Christ to Moses he writes that the Son of God "appears to us Christians" as the "central figure of hope," explaining this with the fact that Christ "stands on a first-name basis with God."

Benedict calls his strange theories "a new vision" and concludes from them that the time of the Church is "no longer" about the definite redemption of the world but regards only "us Christians" - as opposed to the Jews - and is the Christians what the "forty years in the desert" were for Israel - [as if the Church were not Israel].

Benedict further acknowledges Zionism, a controversial movement of secular Jewish nationalism. He calls Israel a State that has entirely legitimately "religious foundations” and even claims that in the formation of this State [by atheists] one can recognize in a "mysterious way" the "fidelity of God to Israel” - a thesis contradicted by a consistent part of religious Jews.

This article (and actually the majority of the news articles) fails to give proper links to the original articles/documents. This is a very serious problem. Some articles state very significant issues that should be confirmed by the proper source.
For example, Elio Guerriero must be a well known person and teologist - why not to give proper link to the document published and referred above?
See …More
This article (and actually the majority of the news articles) fails to give proper links to the original articles/documents. This is a very serious problem. Some articles state very significant issues that should be confirmed by the proper source.
For example, Elio Guerriero must be a well known person and teologist - why not to give proper link to the document published and referred above?

See @CarolineA03's comments below.
Ancient Jewish Writings profess God to be a Trinity. Both in the Zohar and other ancient writings.. Why doesn't Benedict XVI know that ? He's no fool! He is far more of a scholar than most of us.
Also, The Trinity is clearly shown throughout the Hebrew Scriptures - here are some examples.
Ancient Jewish Writings profess God to be a Trinity. Both in the Zohar and other ancient writings.. Why doesn't Benedict XVI know that ? He's no fool! He is far more of a scholar than most of us.


Also, The Trinity is clearly shown throughout the Hebrew Scriptures - here are some examples.


These explain the authentic Jewish Roots of the Roman Catholic Church, Why doesn't B XVI show them to the Rabbi? I think Christ would consider him a Saint if he were to do so. They are Incredible videos. We are well blessed by Christ that they have been made and are able to be watched. God bless and protect all those responsible for making these documentaries and that they have enabled hem to be …More
These explain the authentic Jewish Roots of the Roman Catholic Church, Why doesn't B XVI show them to the Rabbi? I think Christ would consider him a Saint if he were to do so. They are Incredible videos. We are well blessed by Christ that they have been made and are able to be watched. God bless and protect all those responsible for making these documentaries and that they have enabled hem to be shared at no cost over the Internet.


Dr Ray
The Footprints of God: Mary The Mother of God-----------uploaded by irapuato
The Footprints of God: Peter Keeper of the Keys
The Footprints of God: Paul Contending for the Faith

Then of course Benedict could show him the videos that have been previously listed on here - where scientific/medical analysis has proved the real Living Presence of Christ in a Eucharistic Miracle - and can now be seen of Shroud.com that enough information can be gleaned from the blood from the Shroud to see that it contains exactly the same DNA attributes as all of the Eucharistic Miracles. See Science and Faith) Dr Ricardo Castanon.

It is nonsense to say people can not be bought to faith. One problem I have seen pointed out during study, - in the modern Tanakh versions, key passages referring to prophecies of Christ have been adjusted so the meaning is not clearly fulfilled by Christ.

For instance "They pierced my hands and feet " Psalm 22 (21 in Douay Rheims).
In the modern Jewish Tanakh this passage has been adjusted to "Like a Lion my hands and feet.

Yet "They pierced my hands and feet - is the correct version as the Dead Sea Scrolls prove.
dssenglishbible.com/psalms 22.htm

Also Zechariah 12
God says in Our Bibles "They will look upon ME whom they have pierced...."
Tanakh since 1980 says "and they shall lament to me about those that are slain.
dssenglishbible.com/zechariah 12.htm

It would HELP Pope Benedict if you would slay the demon who says you must not TALK -