
“Serious Rift” - Seven German Bishops Denounce their Heretical Brethren Bishops at the Vatican

There is a “serious rift” between the German bishops about the recent introduction of Communion for Protestants, reports the Kölner Stadtanzeiger (April 4).

On February 22, two-thirds of the German bishops "allowed" Protestants to receive Holy Communion.

Against that decision, six bishops and Cologne Cardinal Rainer Woelki wrote recently a letter to both, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Council for Christian Unity.

The seven prelates call the decision illegitimate, offending Catholic doctrine and Church unity. According to them, the bishops’ conference has exceeded its competence.

Picture: Rainer Maria Woelki, © Raimond Spekking, CC BY-SA, #newsJsphjnlcwz
Maudie N Mandeville
Some Protestants in my parish objected to the taste. The bishop has ordered a local baker to flavor the Hosts in cherry and grape.
Paolo Pagliaro
Let me understand: I, as a Catholic, need to believe in the reality of the sacrament and to confess (with another sacrament) my sins in order to receive the Holy Communion. Instead, in Germany, a Protestant, who does not believe in the very reality or validity of those sacraments (an invention of the anti-Christic papacy, according to Luther), can freely go for it, because: feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel …More
Let me understand: I, as a Catholic, need to believe in the reality of the sacrament and to confess (with another sacrament) my sins in order to receive the Holy Communion. Instead, in Germany, a Protestant, who does not believe in the very reality or validity of those sacraments (an invention of the anti-Christic papacy, according to Luther), can freely go for it, because: feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel gooooooooooooooood! Or, in the word of our current pope: "These are only interpretations!"
I'm sick and tired of these clowns.
lets pray that these bishops that are doing these wrong things come to their senses ,before more damage is done
I appreciate this true and significant explanation of their decision: "...offending Catholic doctrine and Church unity."