
Swiss Nuncio: Old Liturgy is "Better"

Reverence is the habit of the Roman Liturgy but it is not the second nature to the Novus Ordo, "For example, the Roman Canon is just not the same between the two forms; the Novus Ordo form has been hampered in various ways", Swiss Nuncio Thomas E. Gullickson wrote on his blog on August 5.

A day earlier he had celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in Salem, a town belonging Sioux Falls diocese where he hails from.

The archbishop asks for a "liturgical restoration", "We need to get back [in the liturgy] to the work of God and relegate catechism to the classroom."

But he points to the "resignation" of those who believe that «we have no choice» but file away the old liturgy which they believe was "jettisoned", and carry on with the liturgy of the 1960s.

Gullickson considers this a "notion of progress which denies the fact that something better - which is our millennial patrimony [of the Old Liturgy] - is still very much there and vibrant" especially among young families.

"I live in hope of the restoration in liturgical matters and yoke it to a renewal of Catholic family life", he concludes.

Picture: Thomas E. Gullickson, © fsspwigratzbad.blogspot.com, #newsFyvlwjqgau
De Profundis
Because Pennsylvania was so overrun with Extraordinary Form Masses over the past five decades.