
Vatican Hires a Rich Company Which Promotes Gay Ideology

The Vatican has hired the big Irish technology company Accenture to design and run vaticannews.va.

Accenture defines itself as “a proud leader in supporting the LGBT community”. One wonders if the Vatican considers itself part of it. According to the ‘Global Diversity List’ the company is among the “top 10 LGBT employee networks”. It also sponsors many events promoting gay ideology.

The prefect of Vatican Communications, Monsignor Dario Viganò, tried to justify himself by calling the software he purchases from Accenture as “agnostic”, however, the Vatican money still goes to a company that actively promotes mortal sin. All this, the Vatican calls “reform”.

San Atanasio ora pro nobis and one more user link to this post
It would be better if the Vatican would not care. But they do. Much worse.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Vatican is connected to the Internet. So they know and don't care or want it.
The company designing the Vatican News site filed this brief in support of the redefinition of marriage www.morganlewis.com/…/fc24eebc6aa041b…
I wonder whose making these decisions ?? who is evangelizing who??
This is the self-definition: "we strongly support our LGBT employees and are committed to educating all of our people about the LGBT community."
Read more: www.accenture.com/…/Accenture-Lesbi…More
This is the self-definition: "we strongly support our LGBT employees and are committed to educating all of our people about the LGBT community."

Read more: www.accenture.com/…/Accenture-Lesbi…