
Resurgence of Pachamama worship in the Church

that was NOT a legitmate church authority... the LEGITIMATE ones never could place a budah in a Catholic Church... so, dont call them "legitimate"

Cardenal Sarah: “Obediencia a los obispos es el principio seguro para no errar”

y por favor! que esos Sacerdotes no esten bajo la "tutela" del infernal bergolgio y sus secuaces romanos!

Cardenal Sarah: “Obediencia a los obispos es el principio seguro para no errar”

Oh si!. el mundo ha de terminar, PERO no necesariamente tu con el!
eres LIBRE de elegir: entre quedarte en una FALSA BARCA DE UN FALSO PEDRO (y terminar con ella y como ella!) o pasarte a la VERDADERA BARCA

Cardinal: Archbishop Lefebvre Will Be Declared A Doctor Of The Church

subito? a traitor!... "Subito" Joaquin Saens Arriaga

Francis’ Curia Reform Signed: How Francis Will Get Rid of Cardinal Sarah

bergoglio does not need to "get rid of sarah"... as sarah is part of "protectors of him" IN DISGUISE of "traditional"... sarah is a fraud... controlled opposition

Full page spread in Time Magazine

what ??? "beauty" in the humilliation of "close the churches" order by an APOSTATE ??? ... he MUST BE at the CHURCH ... (and of course! not follow an heretic!)

Danger Averted, at Least for Now

you are PLAIN WRONG... the "danger" its still there... on the first lines of the document, he APROVES the "synodal document" ... so, the "synodal document" (the 'final syndo conclusions') its "MAGISTERIUM" (according to bergoglio)... Also, he states that QueridaAmazonia is not intented to REPLACE the "synodal document"...

German Bishops: Adultery "No Sin"; Homosexuality "Normal", "Unchangeable"

and his "church" its not "church", but a sect inside a sect

German Bishops: Adultery "No Sin"; Homosexuality "Normal", "Unchangeable"

but is in COMUNION with the VATICAN SECT... so... same thing

A “Significant Number Of Cardinals" Considers Francis "Worst Pope In History”

as fake as montini, wojtyla, kowalska, agnes, etc.

A “Significant Number Of Cardinals" Considers Francis "Worst Pope In History”

@McGowan .... you have my bet! so, as far as you are concern, those "automatic excomunion" are worthless?? thats your bet?... GOT IT!

A “Significant Number Of Cardinals" Considers Francis "Worst Pope In History”

as Ratiznger, Wojtyla, Montini did before Bergoglio does

A “Significant Number Of Cardinals" Considers Francis "Worst Pope In History”

WHAT ??? a "new pope" ??? will be selected BY THE SONS OF BERGOGLIO !!! it will be WORST, not BETTER.....

There Will Be No Schism: It Will Be Much Worse – by Father Reto Nay

WTF ?? those peoples are not "sedevacants" ... they are FULL CATHOLICS but, for the moment, sill waiting for a Pope afthe the last one, died

There Will Be No Schism: It Will Be Much Worse – by Father Reto Nay

where were you for the past 50 years???
the schism began with the so called "vatican council 2" ... you are well behind of the news!

Whistle-Blower Viganò Blew Francis Credibility Away

and what is going to happen when b16 dies?
plain "sede-vacant" ?

Instead of a Homily: Insulter Francis Complains about Insults

so... he is finally, getting the point?

Amazon Synod: Liberal Cardinals Held Conspirative Meeting

.... and, by the way... that "council" was not a Catholic one!

Goal of Amazon Synod Even Worse Than Expected

apostates, apostates, apostates...

Benedict XVI: “There Is Only One Pope And He Is Francis”

more to the point: this "thing" that they have, it is NOT the Catholic Church... they FABRICATED a sect after the CV2 ... new "mass", new "rosary", new "ecumenism".... new EVERYTHING