
Benedict XVI: “There Is Only One Pope And He Is Francis”

“There is only one pope and he is Francis”, former Benedict XVI told the oligarch newspaper Corriere della Sera according to VaticanNews.va (June 27). Benedict XVI observed that for centuries the …More
“There is only one pope and he is Francis”, former Benedict XVI told the oligarch newspaper Corriere della Sera according to VaticanNews.va (June 27).
Benedict XVI observed that for centuries the Church's unity has been endangered and that internal conflicts and threats of schism haven't been uncommon.
But taking refuge in historical whitewash Benedict claimed that in the end, the Church's unity [allegedly] has always been "stronger than internal struggles and wars."
Even now, Benedict XVI is still the best thing that ever happened to the Church in living memory. One simple sentence, clear and true, instantly surpassing all the convoluted pseudo-legalisms of Gesù è con noi and his ilk. The whole sorry lot of you just got BTFO (again) by the very man you claim is pope. Oh, the irony of that!
It would be a much clearer situation if
- he wouldn't be Pope emeritus,
- he wouldn't wear the papal clothing,
- he would have returned to the position, clothing and title of a cardinal, (e.g. using the title 'the former XVI. Pope Benedict')
Gesù è con noi
Here the issue is more serious than if Benedict resigned or did not resign here the issue is that Bergoglio is unable to be Pope because he was already an apostate in Argentina then the Bergoglian church has the seat vacant because if Benedict resigned there is no pope.
Pope Benedict would need to officially renounce the Petrinus munus and stop dressing as Pope and stop calling himself Benedict XVI …More
Here the issue is more serious than if Benedict resigned or did not resign here the issue is that Bergoglio is unable to be Pope because he was already an apostate in Argentina then the Bergoglian church has the seat vacant because if Benedict resigned there is no pope.
Pope Benedict would need to officially renounce the Petrinus munus and stop dressing as Pope and stop calling himself Benedict XVI and remove the title of emeritus. With Bergoglio a false papacy has been fabricated contrary to the one founded by Christ. And the worst is that Bergoglio attributes the invention to Pope Benedict XVI. Starting because the figure of a pope emeritus is not biblical is a modernist invention.
more to the point: this "thing" that they have, it is NOT the Catholic Church... they FABRICATED a sect after the CV2 ... new "mass", new "rosary", new "ecumenism".... new EVERYTHING