
The message is out!

@가입을 원합니다 According to
Australiaforfreedom this is in Western AustraliaAltro
@가입을 원합니다 According to

Australiaforfreedom this is in Western Australia


@GTVisrockin Looks like the lady who posted the tweet you referenced has retracted her claims: news.com.au/…er-jab/news-story/66a9f0ff5355e923f0a25cbf894b4a64

If Abortion is Wrong..

@Jmy1975 You wrote: "Stop quoting scripture to justify hatred"
I quote Scripture to show your words contradict the Truth. I am not promoting hatred of anyone. A Christian is to love all people. Nonetheless St. Paul puts us on guard, letting us know there is a group of people that is inimical to the rest of mankind. It doesn't mean we are to hate this group of people.
Do you believe the Jews "are …Altro
@Jmy1975 You wrote: "Stop quoting scripture to justify hatred"
I quote Scripture to show your words contradict the Truth. I am not promoting hatred of anyone. A Christian is to love all people. Nonetheless St. Paul puts us on guard, letting us know there is a group of people that is inimical to the rest of mankind. It doesn't mean we are to hate this group of people.

Do you believe the Jews "are adversaries to all men" (Col 2:15)?
If not, please seek the gift of Faith that you may love Truth above your own opinions and ideas.

"Jesus the man is ethnically Jewish". If by "ethnically" you mean biologically, so what?

"the traditional Latin mass shares much in common with the synagogue". Catholics do not venerate books that specifically blaspheme our Lord and our Lady in the most vile terms. That is why St. Louis IX had the Talmud burnt. No other religious group exhibits such hatred towards Christ and, by extension, His Church. Again, we are to love Jews and work for their conversion.

If Abortion is Wrong..

In his first epistle to the Thessalonians (chapter 2, verses 14 and 15) St. Paul wrote:
the Jews, [15] Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;
As you rightly point out, we should seek to bring all to Jesus Christ. So I shall seek to bring you to Christ: Love the Word more than the world! Conform to the Gospel. …Altro
In his first epistle to the Thessalonians (chapter 2, verses 14 and 15) St. Paul wrote:

the Jews, [15] Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men;

As you rightly point out, we should seek to bring all to Jesus Christ. So I shall seek to bring you to Christ: Love the Word more than the world! Conform to the Gospel. Don't nullify the Gospel so as to conform to those who hate Christ and His Church.

You claim "We owe our Catholicism to the Jews". The Jews who accepted our Lord as Messiah were persecuted by the Jews who rejected Him. The former group became known as Christians. The latter group are currently called Jews. We most certainly do not owe our Faith to the Jews.

St. Paul teaches that conversion to Christ obliterates the distinction between Jews and Gentiles:

Where there is neither Gentile nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian nor Scythian, bond nor free. But Christ is all, and in all. (Colossians 3:11)

So it is those that are outside of Christ that define themselves as Jews.

E Michael Jones finally banished

Since you deem my question to be a rhetorical one, am I to understand you disagree with the argument made by the author of the article you referenced?

E Michael Jones finally banished

From the article you referenced:
In his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History, Jones quotes passages in the New Testament supposedly proving that the Jews are the children of Satan. Should such scriptures be read literally? I should think the scriptures carry a deeper spiritual message, requiring an understanding of symbolical and metaphoric allusions — in respect …Altro
From the article you referenced:

In his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History, Jones quotes passages in the New Testament supposedly proving that the Jews are the children of Satan. Should such scriptures be read literally? I should think the scriptures carry a deeper spiritual message, requiring an understanding of symbolical and metaphoric allusions — in respect of the soul and transcendence. Jones weaponizes those allusions to persuade his reader that the eradication of Jewish influence would allow the manifestation of God’s intended order on earth. This proposition bears a striking likeness to totalitarian Utopianism. Thus, as Eric Voegelin would say, Jones is a gnostic whose claim to knowledge centers on allegations of Jewish villainy. In doing this he has politicized the scriptures by way of antisemitism — all in a quest to “immanentize the gnostic eschaton.” In other words, he proposes antisemitism as a path to salvation. But this salvation is political and cultural, not spiritual. He seeks salvation in the world — through anti-Jewish agitation — eschewing the transcendent altogether.

Does living in a society that promotes sin have nothing to do with one's eternal salvation?

E Michael Jones finally banished

Which dogma does EMJ misrepresent?

Come mai la morale islamica può permettere che si produca e si traffichi droga

Per quanto riguarda il ruolo dell'ascetismo nella vita dei musulmani, ho sentito più di uno dei loro apologeti affermare che il termine jihad si riferisce non solo alla lotta esteriore contro coloro che i musulmani ritengono essere infedeli ma anche alla lotta nella vita interiore dello stesso musulmano. Poi, se questa spiegazione fosse una messa in pratica della dottrina di taqiya, questo non lo so.

Solomon's Temple BRAZIL is "Landmark for whole world" // R$E

From Fr Leonard Goffine's "The Church's Year"
Why did the people meet Christ with palm branches?
This happened by the inspiration of God, to indicate that Christ, the conqueror of death, hell and the devil, would reconcile man with God, and open the heavenly Jerusalem to him, for the palm is the emblem of victory and peace. By this we learn also the inconsistency and mutability of the world; for …Altro
From Fr Leonard Goffine's "The Church's Year"

Why did the people meet Christ with palm branches?

This happened by the inspiration of God, to indicate that Christ, the conqueror of death, hell and the devil, would reconcile man with God, and open the heavenly Jerusalem to him, for the palm is the emblem of victory and peace. By this we learn also the inconsistency and mutability of the world; for the very people who on this day met Christ with palm branches exclaiming: "Hosanna to the Son of David," a few days later shouted: "Crucify him! Crucify him!" - Learn from this to despise the praise of the world, and be careful not to imitate the inconsistency of this people by crucifying Him again by sin (Heb. VI. 6.) after having received Him with joy in holy Communion.

Archbishop Celebrates Pre-1960 Liturgy

Here the author appears to use the word "abolished" to mean "modified". They are referring to the liturgy for Candlemas (February second) not the entire Roman rite.
I was aware of Pius XII modifying the Paschal Triduum but not Candlemas. I wonder if the changes to the Candlemas liturgy were another "gift" from Annibale Bugnini.

Francesco "amareggiato" sui convertiti - Ma un sacerdote ha la soluzione

La versione in inglese di questo articolo parla di due giovani convertiti dall'induismo e dall'anglicanesmo rispettivamente. Si suppone si siano convertiti al Cattolicesimo.

Michael Voris and ChurchMilitant TV Episode against Novus Ordo Missae - Open Support of SSPX Position …

If Mr. Voris sees the liturgy of Bl Paul VI as valid but inferior to that of St John XXIII does it follow he should not take issue with the SSPX's disobedience towards the Supreme Pontiff?
I don't think so.
Having seen the programs by Mr. Voris devoted to the new liturgy and its effects as well as his recent anti-SSPX pieces, I did not notice contradictions.Altro
If Mr. Voris sees the liturgy of Bl Paul VI as valid but inferior to that of St John XXIII does it follow he should not take issue with the SSPX's disobedience towards the Supreme Pontiff?
I don't think so.

Having seen the programs by Mr. Voris devoted to the new liturgy and its effects as well as his recent anti-SSPX pieces, I did not notice contradictions.