73,1 Tsd.
Ngome Südafrika: Marienerscheinung. Ngome: An diesem Ort hatte eine Missions- Benediktinerin, Schwester Reinolda May OS B, angeblich Erscheinungen der Mutter Gottes. So soll sich ihr Maria am 22. August …Mehr
Ngome Südafrika: Marienerscheinung.

Ngome: An diesem Ort hatte eine Missions-
Benediktinerin, Schwester Reinolda May OS B,
angeblich Erscheinungen der Mutter Gottes. So soll
sich ihr Maria am 22. August 1955 als „Tabernakel des
Allerhöchsten“ geoffenbart und den Wunsch geäu
ßert haben, unter diesem Titel verehrt zu werden. Erst
nach langen Nachforschungen gab 1985 der Bischof
von Eshowe, Mansuet Biyase (+ 2005) die Erlaubnis
zum Bau einer kleinen Kirche und erkannte Ngome
als „Gebetsstätte“ an. Mittlerweile ist Ngome das wohl
bekannteste Marienheiligtum in Südafrika.
Ursula Wegmann 🤗 Bibiana ✍️ Ich suche....
1954 war meines Wissens als marianisches Jahr von Pius XII ausgerufen worden.
Weiss jemand das Dezember Datum von Sr. Reinolda
....preceded by an unusual occurence, on December 1954....?
👏 Photos of Sister Reinolda May: BIOGRAPHY OF SR. REINOLDA MAY OSB 👍
Regina-Maria 👍 Gerne... 🙏 Beten wir für die Rückkehr aller Katholiken zur knienden Mundkommunion. 👍 😇 ✍️ I have tried to find a photo of Sister Reinolda May, but with no luck... 🤨
Tina 13
✍️ Sr. Reinolda had a total of ten Marian visions, preceded by an unusual occurrence, on December 1954: she perceived two figures, a woman in white and a monk. The woman held something, covered, in her right hand; the monk held something like an offering. Something ascended like incense, then the figures disappeared. Eight months later, the visions of the Virgin began.
22 August 1955: right after …Mehr
✍️ Sr. Reinolda had a total of ten Marian visions, preceded by an unusual occurrence, on December 1954: she perceived two figures, a woman in white and a monk. The woman held something, covered, in her right hand; the monk held something like an offering. Something ascended like incense, then the figures disappeared. Eight months later, the visions of the Virgin began.
22 August 1955: right after receiving communion, the Virgin showed herself to her, stating she wished to be venerated as "the Tabernacle of the Most High" and encouraging Sr. Reinolda to tell her priest.
20 October 1955: similar to the first vision, but with the added injunction to tell everyone.
22 October 1955: similar to the second.
15 March 1956: the Virgin points in a north-westerly direction and asked that "a sanctuary be built at a place where seven springs well up and meet," to allow for grace to flow and for people to be converted.
5 June 1956
15 March 1957
24 May 1957
17 April 1958: during this vision she felt a need for a picture. Bishop Bilgeri of Eshowe consents to the painting of a picture according to Sr. Reinolda's instructions.
28 March 1970: she has an apparition of the devil, after which "Mary, the Tabernacle of the Most High" comforted her, and pointed to the archangel Michael, who stood on the other side with a lance, wearing a breast plate, and a cherubim in white standing next to him.
2 May 1971: the picture of the Tabernacle of the Most High came alive
Sr. Reinolda had a total of ten Marian visions, preceded by an unusual occurrence, on December 1954: she perceived two figures, a woman in white and a monk. The woman held something, covered, in her right hand; the monk held something like an offering. Something ascended like incense, then the figures disappeared. Eight months later, the visions of the Virgin began.
22 August 1955: right after receiving communion, the Virgin showed herself to her, stating she wished to be venerated as "the Tabernacle of the Most High" and encouraging Sr. Reinolda to tell her priest.
20 October 1955: similar to the first vision, but with the added injunction to tell everyone.
22 October 1955: similar to the second.
15 March 1956: the Virgin points in a north-westerly direction and asked that "a sanctuary be built at a place where seven springs well up and meet," to allow for grace to flow and for people to be converted.
5 June 1956
15 March 1957
24 May 1957
17 April 1958: during this vision she felt a need for a picture. Bishop Bilgeri of Eshowe consents to the painting of a picture according to Sr. Reinolda's instructions.
28 March 1970: she has an apparition of the devil, after which "Mary, the Tabernacle of the Most High" comforted her, and pointed to the archangel Michael, who stood on the other side with a lance, wearing a breast plate, and a cherubim in white standing next to him.
2 May 1971: the picture of the Tabernacle of the Most High came alive