Gloria.TV News on the 30th of October 2015 Contradiction: Paragraph 58 of the final document of the Synod on the Family contradicts Familiaris Consortio. Nevertheless, it was voted by 94 percent of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 30th of October 2015
Contradiction: Paragraph 58 of the final document of the Synod on the Family contradicts Familiaris Consortio. Nevertheless, it was voted by 94 percent of the probably clueless bishops. Paragraph 58 claims that the family can not be the only place for sex education. By contrast, Pope John Paul II says in Familiaris Consortio that sex education is the right and duty of the parents and can only take place under their control.
Mercy Trick: Father Longenecker writes that – quote – “I’m having problems with the present talk about mercy in the Church.” He explains: “Of course I don’t have problems with the Divine Mercy, but with the way some churchmen and the press are using the concept of mercy to twist the Catholic Church’s teaching and practice.”
Soviet Union is Now in the West: During a meeting with the Protestant Evangelist Franklin Graham, Moscow Patriarch Kirill said that Christian moral values in Western society have become secondary. Kirill …More
Chris P.
GOD's MERCY is abundant - PROVIDED we repent of our sins, along with the purpose of amendment not to sin again.
Jesus taught about Hell, His judgment, required repentance, and to go and sin no more.
(Read your Catholic Bible.)More
GOD's MERCY is abundant - PROVIDED we repent of our sins, along with the purpose of amendment not to sin again.

Jesus taught about Hell, His judgment, required repentance, and to go and sin no more.
(Read your Catholic Bible.)
The Vatican should know better, but now we have heard in this unworthily ´Synod of Family´ and at the last audience about the Apostasy, that is a proof that they have established an evil connection with the oppressive Governments of the USA, Saudi Arabia, and the capitalism of the Rothschilds and the European noble houses, the Bilderberg group, and their freemasonic ´human rights´.
The signs of …More
The Vatican should know better, but now we have heard in this unworthily ´Synod of Family´ and at the last audience about the Apostasy, that is a proof that they have established an evil connection with the oppressive Governments of the USA, Saudi Arabia, and the capitalism of the Rothschilds and the European noble houses, the Bilderberg group, and their freemasonic ´human rights´.
The signs of the oppressive godless Governments are: - Promoting the killing of the children in the womb all over the world...
- Promoting a forced sexual perversions education of children...
- Opressed judges, therefore the lawless decisions and unconstitutional actions...
- Compulsive lying, Communist ideals...
- Seeing that Christianity is removed from the public arena...
- Promotes hate, terrorists and wars by setting whole classes and races of people against each other.
This is only possible that they have not accept the love of the truth by the Word of God, just as the messages of the blessed virgin, the Mother of God, that she gave at Fatima.
They compel not only the Vatican to abolish all catholic states and to adopt the freemasonic "human rights", but they also determine what is religious freedom and what is not.
A proof more that there is an evil connection under the control of Satan is also that they invites interreligious groups into the Vatican and that the adherents of Islam are called as "brothers".
Iam not surprised
paragraph 58 is being pushed in schools in ontario canada { \where they are teaching ,the litle ones .about homosexuallty ,masturbation and other bad things as part of the corriculum }.Our premier wants this badly ????????
Noticias en Español
Contradicción: El párrafo 58 del documento final del Sínodo sobre la familia contradice Familiaris consortio. Sin embargo, fue votado por el 94% de los obispos probablemente despistados. El párrafo 58 afirma que la familia no puede ser el único lugar de la educación sexual. Por el contrario, el Papa Juan Pablo II dijo en Familiaris consortio que la educación sexual es el derecho y el deber de …More
Contradicción: El párrafo 58 del documento final del Sínodo sobre la familia contradice Familiaris consortio. Sin embargo, fue votado por el 94% de los obispos probablemente despistados. El párrafo 58 afirma que la familia no puede ser el único lugar de la educación sexual. Por el contrario, el Papa Juan Pablo II dijo en Familiaris consortio que la educación sexual es el derecho y el deber de los padres y sólo puede tener lugar bajo su control.
Noticias en Español
Traducción Noticia de Gloria tv.
Misericordia engañosa: El Padre Longenecker escribió - cita - "Estoy teniendo problemas con el actual lenguaje de la misericordia en la Iglesia." Él explica: "Por supuesto que no tengo problemas con la Divina Misericordia, pero si con la forma en que algunos eclesiásticos y la prensa están utilizando el concepto de misericordia para torcer la enseñanza y la práctica …More
Traducción Noticia de Gloria tv.
Misericordia engañosa: El Padre Longenecker escribió - cita - "Estoy teniendo problemas con el actual lenguaje de la misericordia en la Iglesia." Él explica: "Por supuesto que no tengo problemas con la Divina Misericordia, pero si con la forma en que algunos eclesiásticos y la prensa están utilizando el concepto de misericordia para torcer la enseñanza y la práctica de la Iglesia Católica ".