Gloria.TV News on the 30th of October 2015 Contradiction: Paragraph 58 of the final document of the Synod on the Family contradicts Familiaris Consortio. Nevertheless, it was voted by 94 percent of …More
Gloria.TV News on the 30th of October 2015
Contradiction: Paragraph 58 of the final document of the Synod on the Family contradicts Familiaris Consortio. Nevertheless, it was voted by 94 percent of the probably clueless bishops. Paragraph 58 claims that the family can not be the only place for sex education. By contrast, Pope John Paul II says in Familiaris Consortio that sex education is the right and duty of the parents and can only take place under their control.
Mercy Trick: Father Longenecker writes that – quote – “I’m having problems with the present talk about mercy in the Church.” He explains: “Of course I don’t have problems with the Divine Mercy, but with the way some churchmen and the press are using the concept of mercy to twist the Catholic Church’s teaching and practice.”
Soviet Union is Now in the West: During a meeting with the Protestant Evangelist Franklin Graham, Moscow Patriarch Kirill said that Christian moral values in Western society have become secondary. Kirill …More
Noticias en Español
"Agradecemos al P. Lombardi el desmentido, pero mientras los hechos no nos digan lo contrario seguiremos tomando por ciertas las alegaciones de Scalfari, al modo que el Vaticano toma por cierta su primera entrevista con Francisco, aunque el portavoz haya dicho que no es fiablegloria.tv/post/1xAZPVPHn9HmAv2Fmw1FeLmwr
En el artículo publicado en La Repubblica, …More
"Agradecemos al P. Lombardi el desmentido, pero mientras los hechos no nos digan lo contrario seguiremos tomando por ciertas las alegaciones de Scalfari, al modo que el Vaticano toma por cierta su primera entrevista con Francisco, aunque el portavoz haya dicho que no es fiablegloria.tv/post/1xAZPVPHn9HmAv2Fmw1FeLmwr
En el artículo publicado en La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari dijo que Bergoglio hizo el comentario durante una entrevista telefónica: “Todos los divorciados que lo pidan serán admitidos” a los sacramentos"
a2f3eb1dc48fceb3d11aff62f3a8822532172807.googledrive.com/…/La Repubblica N…
Noticias en Español
In an article in La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari said Bergoglio made the comment during a phone interview.
a2f3eb1dc48fceb3d11aff62f3a8822532172807.googledrive.com/…/La Repubblica N…More
In an article in La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari said Bergoglio made the comment during a phone interview.

a2f3eb1dc48fceb3d11aff62f3a8822532172807.googledrive.com/…/La Repubblica N…
One more comment from Noticias en Español
Noticias en Español
Catholicherald said that Jesuit Federico Lombardi denies Bergoglio told Italian journalist that ‘all divorced’ will be admitted to Communion"
People in Europe are upset because the politicians and the bishops support since decades Islam in Europe.
God bless the adherents of PEGIDA - the Patriots against the Islamization of Europe!
>>>In Germany as a whole, more than 400 Roman Catholic churches and more than 100 Protestant churches have been closed since 2000, according to one estimate. Another 700 Roman Catholic …More
People in Europe are upset because the politicians and the bishops support since decades Islam in Europe.
God bless the adherents of PEGIDA - the Patriots against the Islamization of Europe!


>>>In Germany as a whole, more than 400 Roman Catholic churches and more than 100 Protestant churches have been closed since 2000, according to one estimate. Another 700 Roman Catholic churches are slated to be closed over the next several years.

By contrast, there are now more than 200 mosques (including more than 40 mega-mosques), 2,600 Muslim prayer halls and a countless number unofficial mosques in Germany. Another 128 mosques are currently under construction, according to the Zentralinstitut Islam-Archiv, a Muslim organization based in Germany.

In neighboring France, nearly 150 new mosques are currently under construction. The total number of mosques has already doubled to more than 2,000 during just the past ten years.

By contrast, the Roman Catholic Church has built only 20 new churches during the past decade, and has formally closed more than 60 churches, many of which are destined to become mosques, according to research conducted by La Croix. <<<
Changing God´s Word - is to despise God.
It´s the same sin that led Israel to distruction.
Therefore Jesus was shaken to the core and told them that their house, the Temple of God - may be He meant also their body - will be destroyed and left desolate.
He knew what terrible things would happen in the future because they rejected Him as Saviour and King, because they had decided for Barrabas. (…More
Changing God´s Word - is to despise God.
It´s the same sin that led Israel to distruction.
Therefore Jesus was shaken to the core and told them that their house, the Temple of God - may be He meant also their body - will be destroyed and left desolate.
He knew what terrible things would happen in the future because they rejected Him as Saviour and King, because they had decided for Barrabas. (Matthew 27,20)
The new and eternal covenant apply to those who accept Him as King and live His
Noticias en Español
Cardinal Arinze: People in objectively sinful situation can’t receive Communion ‘in good conscience’
Noticias en Español
Bombshell: Francis to His Favorite Journalist: "All the Divorced who ask will be admitted [to Communion]"
Przerażają mnie te Obrazy z Piekła
There are 193 United Nations member states in friendship with the Vatican State in the UN Organization, who are responsible that daily systematically hundreds of thousands of people are abused and killed: Adolescents and elderly people, consiously by their alleged ´human rights´ of abortion and vaccination program, the pharmaceutical industry, malnutrition, atheistic education of children and …More
There are 193 United Nations member states in friendship with the Vatican State in the UN Organization, who are responsible that daily systematically hundreds of thousands of people are abused and killed: Adolescents and elderly people, consiously by their alleged ´human rights´ of abortion and vaccination program, the pharmaceutical industry, malnutrition, atheistic education of children and adolescents, arms industry and wars.
What they call "mercy" are in truth crimes against humanity.
There is not a single peace-loving state from east to west because of the false peace based on their own anxiety and their hatred against the people.
It is alarming that they choose to do what is evil instead good, because they make common cause with the barbarian islamic adherents and call them "brothers".
But the double-tounged rulers and officials can only deceive those people with their freemasonic ´human rights´, who despise the original Bible and the original Law of God. As the fallen angels they worship Satan, but adjust as angels of light in discharge of their richness and their dress uniforms.




2 more comments from mowa_nienawiści
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Traducción Noticia de Gloria tv.
Segundo Lugar:
Francisco fue elegido por los jóvenes en la Encuesta Anual de 2015 del Foro Económico Mundial Global Shapers como una de las figuras más inspiradoras y admirables del mundo. Ocupó el segundo puesto, justo detrás del polémico Nelson Mandela. Otros personajes ofrecidos en la encuesta fueron Mahatma Gandhi, Barack Obama y Bill Gates.
Noticias en Español
Traducción Noticia de Gloria tv.
La Unión Soviética esta ahora en el Occidente: Durante una reunión con el protestante evangélico Franklin Graham, el Patriarca de Moscú Kirill dijo que los valores morales cristianos en la sociedad occidental se han convertido en secundarios. Kirill especialmente ha criticado las leyes homosexuales. Cito: “Las personas que no están de acuerdo con estas leyes …More
Traducción Noticia de Gloria tv.
La Unión Soviética esta ahora en el Occidente: Durante una reunión con el protestante evangélico Franklin Graham, el Patriarca de Moscú Kirill dijo que los valores morales cristianos en la sociedad occidental se han convertido en secundarios. Kirill especialmente ha criticado las leyes homosexuales. Cito: “Las personas que no están de acuerdo con estas leyes están siendo incluso sometidas a la represión.” Kirill dijo que su iglesia ha roto las relaciones con las iglesias que han aceptado la idea de las uniones del mismo sexo.
There are many Bible exegete who build on sand. There are of course conditions of God that must be fulfilled. Jesus speaks of hard conditions, to comply the narrow gate and the narrow way, but that the gate once will be closed. He call Himself as "the Gate", through which we attain to the Father.
"Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to damnation, and …More
There are many Bible exegete who build on sand. There are of course conditions of God that must be fulfilled. Jesus speaks of hard conditions, to comply the narrow gate and the narrow way, but that the gate once will be closed. He call Himself as "the Gate", through which we attain to the Father.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to damnation, and there are many who enter through it, for the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to Life, and there are few who find it." Matthew 7,13-14

And someone said to Him, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?" And He said to them: "Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, 'Lord, open up to us!' then He will answer and say to you: 'I do not know where you are from.'"…Luke 13,23-25
Chris P.
ALL Seminaries should go back to teaching LATIN as the universal language of the Church - so that all Bishops will understand each other.
Groups according to various different languages - is not acceptable since it can lead to confusion with a greater possibility of error.
The LATIN language does not change according to slang or other cultural language idioms.