Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015 Dangerous Directions: Political commentator Andrew Napolitano believes that the pope uses moral relativism to take the Church in two dangerous directions.…More
Gloria.TV News on the 25th of September 2015
Dangerous Directions: Political commentator Andrew Napolitano believes that the pope uses moral relativism to take the Church in two dangerous directions. Quote: “The first is an assault on the family, and the second is an assault on the free market — two favorite political targets of the left.”
Basic Duties: According to Napolitano the pope has disappointed those who believe the Catholic Church preserves and teaches the Truth. Quote: “The Truth is Christ risen and unity with Him. It is not a debate about the minimum wage or air conditioning.” Napolitano adds: “If Francis fails in his basic duties as the pope, if his concern is more for secular than sacred, if he aids the political agenda of the atheistic left, he is a false prophet leading his flock to a dangerous place, where there is more central planning and less personal liberty.”
Moral Confusion: American columnist Pat Buchanan has noticed that Pope Francis declined to address the …More
OK Gregory, but the crisis of the Church in the time of St. Catherine was real, and yet never reached this point of gravity that we know today. Today, the whole moral conduct, after the only Gospel that the Church has constantly taught for 2,000 years, which may be challenged. I'm not saying it is the fault of Francis, but what is absolutely certain is that he is very bad surrounded : it's not a …More
OK Gregory, but the crisis of the Church in the time of St. Catherine was real, and yet never reached this point of gravity that we know today. Today, the whole moral conduct, after the only Gospel that the Church has constantly taught for 2,000 years, which may be challenged. I'm not saying it is the fault of Francis, but what is absolutely certain is that he is very bad surrounded : it's not a big secret that the Roman Curia is completely infiltrated, especially by Masonic sects ...
I know that Christ will not allow hell prevail against the Church, but that will not happen without us! Obedient Christians are not sheep, who say Bêêêê and think nothing ... We all Christians, we have the duty to read the Gospel and living the truth, helped by the sacraments, and by pastors. But if you do not know how the Church is in crisis today attacked by modernism which make his personal opinion as the truth, it is serious for you because you can not convert you to Jesus Christ !
We must make use of your intelligence, and will not blindly condemn those who pull the alarm Sonette.
And as I see that you have nothing to add as very mundane excommunications threats that do not cost you very expensive, and release you from any reflection, I leave you here.
May God enlighten you + Laudato Dominum nostrum Iesum-Christum ! +
La Communion pour les Clowns
Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form in Rome
Beauty of Catholic Tradition
Saint Catherine of Siena was a Scholastic philosopher and theologian, and was later proclaimed a Doctor of the Church; and in no way would she ever dare to spread any criticism, ridicule or sneer of the Holy Father publicly far and wide as this Gloria.Tv report does; this report, and the low rate prejudicial political commentators Napolitano and Buchanan, is what must be questioned!
One must take …More
Saint Catherine of Siena was a Scholastic philosopher and theologian, and was later proclaimed a Doctor of the Church; and in no way would she ever dare to spread any criticism, ridicule or sneer of the Holy Father publicly far and wide as this Gloria.Tv report does; this report, and the low rate prejudicial political commentators Napolitano and Buchanan, is what must be questioned!

One must take great care with their faith and not reject Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ, so that they do not find themselves rejected by Christ Our Lord!

So was Ste Catherine de Sienne : heretic, disobedient, and protestant...(!!!) She dared to give advice to the Pope !!!
You have a curious notion of obedience,Gregory. In all time of christianity, the Holy Father received advice from those of which he was the shepherd. As an exemple, Pie VII was tempted to give to Napoleon an clerical autority in his empire, before being returned to the reason by …More
So was Ste Catherine de Sienne : heretic, disobedient, and protestant...(!!!) She dared to give advice to the Pope !!!
You have a curious notion of obedience,Gregory. In all time of christianity, the Holy Father received advice from those of which he was the shepherd. As an exemple, Pie VII was tempted to give to Napoleon an clerical autority in his empire, before being returned to the reason by his cardinals. And finally he excommunicated Napoleon. So you see : will be heared by the Pope, emit a critic is not always being heretic, disobedient, or protestant, it can be obey God's will !
What is dangerous for the faith nowadays ? the communion in the hand, his distribution by women, or unconsecrated hands, religious service totally lacking of dignity, not even bending knees before the Sacred Sacement...
Eucharistic Sacrilege at Bergoglio Mass in Argentina
Comment transformer une messe dans une cérémonie païenne!
forgiveness for what little insight that is unappealing.
May the Holy Spirit descend abundantly on the Holy Catholic Church, so that it is truly a witness of truth and love of God and worthy of many of today's martyrs. Through the intercession of the Most Holy, Most Pure and Blessed, all Whole Immaculate Mother of God and ever Virgin Mary, and all the saints ! AMEN + 😇
It is incredulous to claim genuine faith in the Sacred Liturgy, while at the same time advancing discontent, ridicule, attacks, and disobedience for the Holy Father. Obedience to the Holy Father Pope Francis is at the heart of the life of the Catholic Church; he has precedence of honor and jurisdiction over the whole Church, and has always exercised supreme power in the Church, and that power has …More
It is incredulous to claim genuine faith in the Sacred Liturgy, while at the same time advancing discontent, ridicule, attacks, and disobedience for the Holy Father. Obedience to the Holy Father Pope Francis is at the heart of the life of the Catholic Church; he has precedence of honor and jurisdiction over the whole Church, and has always exercised supreme power in the Church, and that power has always been acknowledged by the Catholic; only ridiculed by the heretic, disobedient, and protestant.

@Dr Stuart Reiss Islam has no right to kill, rape, kidnap, and then ask to be respected. That's what this courageous woman says in this video : Je ne respecte pas l'islam
And you ??? What do you say, very brave mr??? You have not responded on this subject, you did was just overwhelming me with insults ! It might be an opportunity to do so and will not invoke Nostra Aetate !! Anyone can understand …More
@Dr Stuart Reiss Islam has no right to kill, rape, kidnap, and then ask to be respected. That's what this courageous woman says in this video : Je ne respecte pas l'islam
And you ??? What do you say, very brave mr??? You have not responded on this subject, you did was just overwhelming me with insults ! It might be an opportunity to do so and will not invoke Nostra Aetate !! Anyone can understand that Nostra Aetate speaks of those who adhere to Islam without being really muslims, but rather seek God. They are poor people manipulated. The true muslim are ISIS, Boko Haram and the like. They apply the Koran and Sharia law to the letter. So ? I am waiting for your answer.

@Gregory There is not only the person of the Pope, in the Church, which is sacred. There is also the liturgical tradition millennium, including the Mass of St. Pius V. Attacking this most holy liturgy, claiming falsely
be faithful to this current Pope is infinite harm to the faith of christians , who need to find the holy God by the sacred liturgie.
In the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary + Praise the Lord !
As much as I am always ready to admit that Gloria.TV is a premiere Catholic media, this news report, filled with sneers at the Holy Father Pope Francis, does not bear the stamp of truth; it fails to adhere to Catholic principles and pronounces an undue verdict on the Holy Father. The effect of this news report is to gradually undermine the faith and to promote discontent for the Holy Father Pope …More
As much as I am always ready to admit that Gloria.TV is a premiere Catholic media, this news report, filled with sneers at the Holy Father Pope Francis, does not bear the stamp of truth; it fails to adhere to Catholic principles and pronounces an undue verdict on the Holy Father. The effect of this news report is to gradually undermine the faith and to promote discontent for the Holy Father Pope Francis. The report is irksome and distasteful to the Catholic; it has the effect of overrating the critics and lowrating the Holy Father...

May God Bless the Holy Father Pope Francis. Let us pray for the Holy Father, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.

@Dr Stuart Reiss I do not find it very funny, mr ! My attacks against the Holy Father, that's just in your head, not in reality. You can not on your own invent reality. But even the acts of the Pope can be criticized because it is infallible only when it speaks ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals. And if not, well,
you sould attack directly Gloria.tv if you can not tolerate that one can …More
@Dr Stuart Reiss I do not find it very funny, mr ! My attacks against the Holy Father, that's just in your head, not in reality. You can not on your own invent reality. But even the acts of the Pope can be criticized because it is infallible only when it speaks ex cathedra on matters of faith and morals. And if not, well,
you sould attack directly Gloria.tv if you can not tolerate that one can criticize Francis !
Allow me also to be amazed, dear mr, after you have sent me:"Prat " , "Get out of my face ! ",
"unintelligent baboon , stupid brain, you are like isis , you are nothing but an idiotic yob. Go back to your cave. "
(without we have ever speak together, so you don't really know my thought ! ) ,
you may be shocked when I replay by calling you Dr Something...
This is nonsense, and it's very serious , more so than ever comes out of your mouth a sincere apology to the address of your many victims that you're enjoying accuse for free ! You have no respect for anyone, except perhaps to the Holy Father and especially to yourself ! Shame on you.
I just noticed the inability Dr Stuart Reiss to be calm, I just noticed his inability to speak to others without cause by nicknames, or even insults - I have paid the price!
I really wonder: is there something christian in the attitude of Dr Reiss? I found nothing so far. It's sad !
@Dr. John Smythe
They'd be wiser to consult the Holy Spirit and see if their uninformed criticism of our validly elected Pope does more for evangelisation than he has in the last week. Even if they had issues with his words, couldn't they at least acknowledge the good he has done too? It's not that hard to find it.
Dr. John Smythe
@Dr Stuart Reiss - "o who gives a monkey's about neapolitano's opinion (never heard of the chap) or pat Buchanan's (again....never heard of him either) opinion about the Holy Father...this is a softball post for all the odd balls posting here to go nuts over..I'm surprised that some of the frothing at the mouth usual suspects have not posted their vitriolic comments about the Holy Father here...but …More
@Dr Stuart Reiss - "o who gives a monkey's about neapolitano's opinion (never heard of the chap) or pat Buchanan's (again....never heard of him either) opinion about the Holy Father...this is a softball post for all the odd balls posting here to go nuts over..I'm surprised that some of the frothing at the mouth usual suspects have not posted their vitriolic comments about the Holy Father here...but, no doubt they'll come..." - I guess since you have never heard of them, they are not worthy of Gloria TV to report on.

I am sure they will contact you for your permission before they do another news segment. 🤦
Rafał_Ovile, First, you state, "Even heretic Luter had the honor and guts to leave". Yet Martin Luther did not leave the church in honor, he was excommunicated (1520), and also outlawed by the emperor and his heresy spread and led to many religious wars; and it all started when Luther took offense because he was not sufficiently held in esteem at Rome. Among his chief errors he proposed there was …More
Rafał_Ovile, First, you state, "Even heretic Luter had the honor and guts to leave". Yet Martin Luther did not leave the church in honor, he was excommunicated (1520), and also outlawed by the emperor and his heresy spread and led to many religious wars; and it all started when Luther took offense because he was not sufficiently held in esteem at Rome. Among his chief errors he proposed there was no supreme teaching power in the Church.

With regards to Andrew Napolitano and Pat Buchanan, they are both political commentators and columnist and extoll only ideas of political conservatism and their views lay on a low horizontal plane as it compares to the lofty and vertical ideas of the Catholic Church and the Holy Father Pope Francis. Moreover, it cannot be denied that the media commentators, Napolitano and Buchanan, have the opposite tendencies socially, politically, economically, and theoretically than the Holy Father; which is keen and precise in the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church.

At last, as much as I agree and praise Gloria.tv for their Catholic role in the media, and even their role in Catholic tradition, we must be sensible of the corrupting influence that is exercised on the Catholic Church and the Holy Father by media critics; in this case Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin. In Domino.

May God Bless the Holy Father Pope Francis. Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.
Next time try to gain knowledge from a reliable and trustworthy source to find truth. Don't make Cardinal Kasper a judge in his own case and of his own team.
Who do you suggest then is a reliable and trustworthy source that Pope Francis is in league with Cardinal Kasper?
I don't claim to be a moderator and nor would I, I'm not censoring and deleting comments like @Gloria.TV News but …More
Next time try to gain knowledge from a reliable and trustworthy source to find truth. Don't make Cardinal Kasper a judge in his own case and of his own team.

Who do you suggest then is a reliable and trustworthy source that Pope Francis is in league with Cardinal Kasper?

I don't claim to be a moderator and nor would I, I'm not censoring and deleting comments like @Gloria.TV News but if they publicise comments which are clearly designed to undermine the Pope, then I should be able to respond freely, just as you are able to respond to my comments (when they aren't removed) freely.

Interesting that you ask me if I've given and defence to Jesus and Our Lady - I don't need to, Gloria TV isn't undermining them, they're undermining Christ's representative on earth. Have you provided any defence in his favour so that people can see Christ working through him?

I think you have misread me and are presenting me in a different light to who I really am and what I have been on about.

"Each Catholic should strive to get "Sensus Catholicus" by opening to Tradition and listening to true Catholic hierarchy..."

Pope Francis maybe?
Lindsaywtf "...Raymond Arroyo's interview with Kasper..."
Next time try to gain knowledge from a reliable and trustworthy source to find truth. Don't make Cardinal Kasper a judge in his own case and of his own team.
There are direct and indirect means to influence people who ignore the truth. Pope Benedict XVI has encouraged Catholics to engage in social media to educate, influence and fight for …More
Lindsaywtf "...Raymond Arroyo's interview with Kasper..."

Next time try to gain knowledge from a reliable and trustworthy source to find truth. Don't make Cardinal Kasper a judge in his own case and of his own team.

There are direct and indirect means to influence people who ignore the truth. Pope Benedict XVI has encouraged Catholics to engage in social media to educate, influence and fight for Tradition. Catholics have positively responded by widely engaging in the revival of Catholic Tradition. Unfortunately, this engagement includes public criticism of Hierarchy who persistently teach heresies against natural law. Oh no! You perverted facts and flip-flopped cynics because in reality true cynics are heretics who don't want to leave the Church. Even heretic Luter had the honor and guts to leave. Fortunately, the Catholic opposition is a great disappointment for the modernists who fear seeing how quickly it is rising against them, also inside the Vatican according to latest news. Gloria.tv plays an important part in this counter-revolution and many souls that are rescued from the modernist heresy will once be thankful.

Once again, please apply to "savoir-vivre". You have been playing a role of a moderator of the owner while being a guest here. Have you published at least one petition in defense of Jesus Christ and Our Lady on gloria.tv? "The excellence of God is infinite, He being First Principle and Supreme Master of all things, the cult to which He has a right is supreme known as latria. Then Blessed Virgin is entitled to a cult of hyperdulia because of her eminent dignity as Mother of God. Lastly the cult of dulia or veneration is given to the rational creature, to the Saints." Often media in the world give sole support to Pope Francis while completely disregarding God, His Mother and Saints. Try to reason why. Therefore please do not force correctness and censorship upon Catholics and their media in minority bravely fighting to save the Church. Each Catholic should strive to get "Sensus Catholicus" by opening to Tradition and listening to true Catholic hierarchy otherwise one will fall into a pit and fully embrace the modernist heresy. I wish you all the best on your way to the TRUTH.
adeste fideles
Card. Danneels Admite Haber Sido Parte de Una «MAFIA» Para Elegir Papa
..."Las maquinaciones y acuerdos entre los cardenales para elegir papa están prohibidos por la constitución apostólica ‘Universi Dominici Gregis’, promulgada en 1996, y cuyo artículo 79 reza así:
«Confirmando también las prescripciones de mis Predecesores, prohíbo a quien sea, aunque tenga la dignidad de Cardenal, mientras …More
Card. Danneels Admite Haber Sido Parte de Una «MAFIA» Para Elegir Papa
..."Las maquinaciones y acuerdos entre los cardenales para elegir papa están prohibidos por la constitución apostólica ‘Universi Dominici Gregis’, promulgada en 1996, y cuyo artículo 79 reza así:
«Confirmando también las prescripciones de mis Predecesores, prohíbo a quien sea, aunque tenga la dignidad de Cardenal, mientras viva el Pontífice, y sin haberlo consultado, hacer pactos sobre la elección de su Sucesor, prometer votos o tomar decisiones a este respecto en reuniones privadas».
En el artículo 81, esos compromisos se castigan con la excomunión. "
On your evidence of Pope Francis being on the same team as Kasper, have you seen Raymond Arroyo's interview with Kasper. It's clear Kasper doesn't have the influence on the Pope that he pretended too and he has back-pedalled significantly.
If @Gloria.TV News wants to admonish the sinner as you say, I'm not sure how they're going to present this 'news' report to the Pope so that he …More

On your evidence of Pope Francis being on the same team as Kasper, have you seen Raymond Arroyo's interview with Kasper. It's clear Kasper doesn't have the influence on the Pope that he pretended too and he has back-pedalled significantly.

If @Gloria.TV News wants to admonish the sinner as you say, I'm not sure how they're going to present this 'news' report to the Pope so that he can be admonished. St Paul and Catherine were in direct contact with the Popes they admonished

Pope Francis freely admits that he is a sinner and I have not claimed that he is God. I'm only pointing out that the sources used in this news report do not reflect the facts of what Pope Francis has said in the US - he has done a great evangelical service for the Church in the US but some Catholics want to cut him down - this isn't admonishment.

There may be supporting posts for Pope Francis on this site but the face of this site @Gloria.TV News is misrepresenting his mission by only using cynics who tell half the truth in order to trash our Pope.

Those are the 'basic facts' that you can draw your conclusions from.
Lindsaywtf Dr Stuart Reiss Gregory "Pope Francis doesn't need to be undermined by his own team @Gloria.TV News"
There is evidence that Pope Francis plays on the same team with Cardinal Kasper who was appointed as the captain of a vessel taking a course straight onto an iceberg. His fleet inside is an army of extremely progressive and dangerous heretic modernists who undermine St. John Paul II' s …More
Lindsaywtf Dr Stuart Reiss Gregory "Pope Francis doesn't need to be undermined by his own team @Gloria.TV News"

There is evidence that Pope Francis plays on the same team with Cardinal Kasper who was appointed as the captain of a vessel taking a course straight onto an iceberg. His fleet inside is an army of extremely progressive and dangerous heretic modernists who undermine St. John Paul II' s teaching on the family and in consequence the Church's doctrine by eliminating the category of sin in pastoral practice.

As for gloria.tv, sometimes they exercise forgotten catholic spiritual works of mercy. Especially the following two: admonish the sinner (Proverbs 27:17,Luke 15:7; 17:3, 2 Timothy 4:2) and instruct the ignorant(Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:14-18,Luke 24:47-49,John 20:21, 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 4:1-5). Since every human being is a sinner no one should dare to deprive anyone from true mercy. Today, satan's deceit is to switch between mercifulness and mercilessness. The Pope is not God and Tradition shows that St. Paul, St. Catherine and others have admonished and instructed Popes. Finally on gloria.tv one can find many medias in support of Pope Francis and many modernists infected with numerous heresies freely publish here. This is proof of quintessence of mercy.

Guys, since almost a year has passed since the first part of the Synod I suggest you apply for some logic courses because you are clearly demonstrating an inability to draw straight conclusions from basic facts.

"Briefly, you can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it."

G.K. Chesterton
Pope Francis doesn't need to be undermined by his own team @Gloria.TV News
@Gregory God Bless you my friend, and God Bless our Pope who has been an exemplary apostle to the United States.
@Gloria.TV News One only needs to read the words of Pope Francis in their entirety while he was in the US and measure them against the Catechism to see that he has spoken the truth faithfully. Napolitano, Buchanan and 'Creative Minority Report' haven't bothered to to their homework and …More
@Gregory God Bless you my friend, and God Bless our Pope who has been an exemplary apostle to the United States.

@Gloria.TV News One only needs to read the words of Pope Francis in their entirety while he was in the US and measure them against the Catechism to see that he has spoken the truth faithfully. Napolitano, Buchanan and 'Creative Minority Report' haven't bothered to to their homework and have conjured up nonsensical half truths about the Pope.

I ask again, out of Pope Francis, Napolitano, Buchanan and 'Creative Minority Report' - which one has properly reflected Gospel values while Pope Francis was in the US?
Dr Stuart Reiss and Lindsaywtf, Although your comments did not appeal to the moderators, they surely appealed to Our Lord and His most blessed Mother.
May God Bless the Vicar of Christ; Pope Francis.
😇 🤗 👍 👏 🙏More
Dr Stuart Reiss and Lindsaywtf, Although your comments did not appeal to the moderators, they surely appealed to Our Lord and His most blessed Mother.

May God Bless the Vicar of Christ; Pope Francis.

😇 🤗 👍 👏 🙏
This low rate criticism of the Holy Father Pope Francis, coming from Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin, is very uninteresting and despicable; and serves only to foster and encourage evil propensities toward the Holy Father. These society media commentators are pandering to a prejudicial base, reporting every scandal in religion, and political feuds; such is the pabulum too often provided by the media …More
This low rate criticism of the Holy Father Pope Francis, coming from Napolitano, Buchanan, and Malkin, is very uninteresting and despicable; and serves only to foster and encourage evil propensities toward the Holy Father. These society media commentators are pandering to a prejudicial base, reporting every scandal in religion, and political feuds; such is the pabulum too often provided by the media. The truth today is that a large and growing proportion of the countless evils of the day and the unhappy consequence of society are to be ascribed to the media; the media has fallen low on the ethical scale. The Church and the Holy Father exhort the faithful to counter the corrupting influence of the media and the world and to follow Christ.

May God Bless the Holy Father Pope Francis. Let us pray for His Holiness Pope Francis, through the intercession of the most blessed Immaculate Virgin.

😇 🙏