
Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga loses it

In his new interview book Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga loses his temper when lashing out on Cardinal Raymond Burke because he stated that the controversial document Amoris Laetitia is not part of the …More
In his new interview book Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga loses his temper when lashing out on Cardinal Raymond Burke because he stated that the controversial document Amoris Laetitia is not part of the Magisterium.
Rodríguez insults his confrere as a "disappointed man because he wanted power and lost it." He insinuates that "[Cardinal Burke] thought he was the highest authority in the United States."
Then he adds: "As Saint Therese of Lisieux said, 'I prefer to be small because if I happen to stumble, to fall, then the hit will not be so big; but those who are higher up make noise and hurt themselves badly when they fall'. [Cardinal Burke] is not the magisterium: the Holy Father is the magisterium, and he teaches the whole Church. The other only pronounces his thought and does not merit further comments. These are only the words of a poor man."
Picture: Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga, © Gabriele Merk, CC BY-SA, #newsSvykenmvpr
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Holy Cannoli
Interesting. Now they're going after one another. Cardinal Oscar is a Latin American 'progressive' nobody who has been and still is close to Pope Francis. Of course, he will defend his friend. Cardinal Burke will not respond. He's got too much class to get into the mud with this clown. Personally, I would speak to Cardinal Rodríguez privately (no witnesses) and, in so many words, would advise him …More
Interesting. Now they're going after one another. Cardinal Oscar is a Latin American 'progressive' nobody who has been and still is close to Pope Francis. Of course, he will defend his friend. Cardinal Burke will not respond. He's got too much class to get into the mud with this clown. Personally, I would speak to Cardinal Rodríguez privately (no witnesses) and, in so many words, would advise him to keep his big taco eating mouth shut or I would shut it for him. 🤬