Simon North

"Durante la messa presieduta stamane da papa Francesco sul sagrato vaticano per la Domenica di Pasqua …

"And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." (Acts 2). At Pentecost, the Twelve Apostles went from there to convert the world to Truth Himself. Francis (and every Bishop of Rome since Vatican II) has thought it more important to make friends with the world. By the mighty wind that toppled the icon of "The Resurrection"…More
"And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting." (Acts 2). At Pentecost, the Twelve Apostles went from there to convert the world to Truth Himself. Francis (and every Bishop of Rome since Vatican II) has thought it more important to make friends with the world. By the mighty wind that toppled the icon of "The Resurrection" in the presence of this Destroyer, the Holy Ghost may be speaking very loudly.
Simon North

Washington Cardinal Wilton Gregory on President Biden: “I would say that he's very sincere about his …

Nothing but a low-rent heretic. The Episcopal Office has been commissioned by Our Lord to teach, govern and sanctify. He has a duty to protect the flock from public scandal. But, of course, this has never been done since the faux-Council of '65.
Simon North

The West Is Falling. Cardinal Müller Has A Solution

@SonoftheChurch Yeah, give me the evidence.
Simon North

The West Is Falling. Cardinal Müller Has A Solution

@philosopher Don't be fooled. It may be comparative heresy - but it's still heresy. He's also got theological problems with Our Lady's perpetual virginity in partu as well as transubstantiation.
Simon North

The West Is Falling. Cardinal Müller Has A Solution

Cardinal Mueller is one of the architects of the post-Conciliar ecclesial monstrosity. He would just prefer a little less-deformed monstrosity. This is neo-con propaganda - a product of Catholic TINOS (Traditional In Name Only).
Simon North

Un exorcista Comparte su momento más aterrador. con el P. Chad Ripperger. ¿ Quién es él?

It's time for Fr. Ripperger to spend less time with his face on the internet - and more time in prayer and penance. The amount of time that exorcists spend talking about their confrontational exploits with the demons is, simply put, foreign to the cautionary warnings always given to those who fight the demonic with the Church's rituals.
Simon North

Brussels: A Former Novus-Ordo Church Stripped Off Its Parish Status

The faux church on display along with the faux heretical hierarchy that constructed it - plank by plank.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

A Blessed Easter, Father. Again, the tragedy of living in these times requires me to reiterate: one does - cannot - belong to Christ unless one is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. And the best barometer for knowing what is of the Faith and what has been time-tested:
“That which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.” – St. Vincent of LerinsMore
A Blessed Easter, Father. Again, the tragedy of living in these times requires me to reiterate: one does - cannot - belong to Christ unless one is a member of the Roman Catholic Church. And the best barometer for knowing what is of the Faith and what has been time-tested:

“That which has been believed everywhere, always, and by all.” – St. Vincent of Lerins
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 The Pope who summoned the Council and the Pope who reconvened it expressly stated that Council would be defining neither new dogma nor doctrine. Therefore, I'm bound by nothing the Council says - except when it refers to dogma and doctrine already binding on Catholics due to the teachings of 20 centuries of Catholic history. BUT: the hierarchs for the past 60 years have acted as if …More
@petrus100452 The Pope who summoned the Council and the Pope who reconvened it expressly stated that Council would be defining neither new dogma nor doctrine. Therefore, I'm bound by nothing the Council says - except when it refers to dogma and doctrine already binding on Catholics due to the teachings of 20 centuries of Catholic history. BUT: the hierarchs for the past 60 years have acted as if Vatican II is binding unto every jot and tittle of the Conciliar documents. The fact that you won't even read Fenton tells me that you're not interested in what one of the foremost theologians (a perilous at the Council) of the 20th century writes about the very subject we have been discussing - which means you believe it is outdated. Sadly, that means we possess different ecclesiologies and we belong to different churches. Either yours or mine is the Roman Catholic Church. Both cannot be.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 A combox is a poor place to discuss theological issues that require pages to properly address. My suggestion is to find Monsignor Joseph Fenton's classic work, "The Catholic Church and Salvation." It was published in 1958 before the faux Council and it's the best book I can find on the subject.
Simon North

Latest Tucker on X..... Ep. 84 ~ Tulsi Gabbard could be the next vice president. Here’s what she …

She's a pro-abortion Socialist. I don't think so.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 The remarks of Pius IX are not inconsistent with what I said above. It is a given that God is not bound to the means of salvation that He has established - but no one enters Heaven who is not justified. Pius IX's comment that no one suffers eternal torment who is not guilty of deliberate sin is true enough - but: how many people in world history would fit that bill? Enunciating a …More
@petrus100452 The remarks of Pius IX are not inconsistent with what I said above. It is a given that God is not bound to the means of salvation that He has established - but no one enters Heaven who is not justified. Pius IX's comment that no one suffers eternal torment who is not guilty of deliberate sin is true enough - but: how many people in world history would fit that bill? Enunciating a principle makes no conclusion about how often the principle applies. Again, Pius IX would absolutely repudiate what Modernists have done with his doctrine. The post-conciliar establishment actually has a name for it: "the Anonymous Christian." It has absolutely no pedigree in the spiritual and theological history of the Church - as do not a few statements in Vatican II documents.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 The dogma that I refer to in the second line in my answer above is "extra ecclesiam nulla salus." Spell check doesn't know a word of Latin.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 I sincerely believe that you are of good will. But your understanding of "extra ecclesial null sallus" is the one taught to you by the post-conciliar counterfeit crew. There is NO evidence that the Church Fathers ever even entertained the notion about which you've been taught. Jesus taught one criteria of evidence that you love Him: "If you love me, keep my commandments." Among those …More
@petrus100452 I sincerely believe that you are of good will. But your understanding of "extra ecclesial null sallus" is the one taught to you by the post-conciliar counterfeit crew. There is NO evidence that the Church Fathers ever even entertained the notion about which you've been taught. Jesus taught one criteria of evidence that you love Him: "If you love me, keep my commandments." Among those commandments are the need of the Sacraments as the source of sanctifying grace - without which human acts cannot please God. People of other denominations (I suppose you mean Protestants) receive sanctifying grace at Baptism (everyone who is baptized begins as a Roman Catholic). But if they do not continue to adhere to the Catholic Faith, they are heretics. Sanctifying grace is lost - and will not be renewed until they return to the One True Faith and make a good Confession in the Sacrament of Penance. THIS is the Faith of the Church that was taught and believed for 20 centuries before Vatican II.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 I'll not engage in a general debate about the faux Vatican II. But your converse conclusion, via St. Augustine, is simply incorrect. Here is what St. Augustine really thinks: “No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the sacraments, one can sing alleluia, one can …More
@petrus100452 I'll not engage in a general debate about the faux Vatican II. But your converse conclusion, via St. Augustine, is simply incorrect. Here is what St. Augustine really thinks: “No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the sacraments, one can sing alleluia, one can answer amen, one can have faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, and preach it too, but never can one find salvation except in the Catholic Church.” (Sermo ad Caesariensis Ecclesia plebem)"
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 : Apologies. I think we're talking past each other. I don't see how Augustine is saying what it seems you say he's saying from that article. And to answer your question: All theological references must be from pre-Vatican II. That is the only basis for discussion.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

Apologies. I think we're talking past each other. I don't see how Augustine is saying what it seems you say he's saying from that article. And to answer your question: All theological references must be from pre-Vatican II. That is the only basis for discussion.
Simon North

The more I study the Marian apparitions the more they seem to be all, in one way or another, pointing …

@petrus100452 I've made mistakes (and, hopefully, have learned a little bit from them). I asked for clarification because I had read Father Grabouski's article and that, along with other quotes from Augustine - it just didn't sound like him. The Second Vatican Council is worthless on the subject (and others as well).