Brussels: A Former Novus-Ordo Church Stripped Off Its Parish Status

Archbishop Luc Terlinden, 55, of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium, has stripped the Don Bosco church in Buizingen of its parish status because of its Eucharists, which, according to Terlinden, are "presided …More
Archbishop Luc Terlinden, 55, of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium, has stripped the Don Bosco church in Buizingen of its parish status because of its Eucharists, which, according to Terlinden, are "presided over by a woman".
A diocesan statement issued on 20 March said the move came after 18 months of talks that revealed major differences, mainly over the vision of the presidency of the Novus Ordo sacraments.
Because of the "fundamental nature of the divergent positions, the former parish will in future be an independent religious organisation [= sect]," the diocesan statement said.
According to Terlinden, the parish was "known for far-reaching innovations [= apostasies] in the field of liturgy and sacraments".
There is not a single example in the world where this kind of apostasy has not led to the death of a parish.
Picture:, #newsEtfmmkztem
fruit of Assisi prayer meeting thanks JP II
This is MURDER….murder of a Church, and murder of the lost, deluded, pathetic souls who have been diabolically deceived into believing that the apostasy they are engaged in has salvific value. May God help them…may God help them all.
Simon North
The faux church on display along with the faux heretical hierarchy that constructed it - plank by plank.
Aaron Aukema
Seriously. That the hierarch in charge of that diocese just stripped the parish of its status says he has no concern for the souls of the people who attend services there.
And dialogue for 18 months? Should he have excommunicated everyone involved immediately? Of course, when you make a service that emphasizes the assembly and not the act on the altar, you only breed the idea that women can preside …More
Seriously. That the hierarch in charge of that diocese just stripped the parish of its status says he has no concern for the souls of the people who attend services there.

And dialogue for 18 months? Should he have excommunicated everyone involved immediately? Of course, when you make a service that emphasizes the assembly and not the act on the altar, you only breed the idea that women can preside. I mean women can sit in a chair and direct was well as men...
Simon North
@Aaron Aukema Well said.