Denis Efimov
"It is defensible to assert that Pope Francis can no longer exercise jurisdiction because of his status as a heretic. It seems repugnant to accept that a public heretic can exercise supreme jurisdiction …More
"It is defensible to assert that Pope Francis can no longer exercise jurisdiction because of his status as a heretic. It seems repugnant to accept that a public heretic can exercise supreme jurisdiction over the Church"

Pope Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves No Doubt — by Dr. John Lamont

Pope Francis as Public Heretic: The Evidence Leaves No Doubt — by Dr. John Lamont Editorial Note: Rorate Caeli’s position …
So who is in charge?
Tony Smith
Just a case of stating the obvious.
Denis Efimov
Excerpts about the capitulation of the conciliar church to freemasonry, from the new book "Golpe nella Chiesa. Documenti e cronache sulla sovversione" ("Coup in the Church. Documents and chronicles on …More
Excerpts about the capitulation of the conciliar church to freemasonry, from the new book "Golpe nella Chiesa. Documenti e cronache sulla sovversione" ("Coup in the Church. Documents and chronicles on subversion") by Don Andrea Mancinella, preface by Don Curzio Nitoglia, afterword by Aldo Maria Valli.

L’esultanza nei documenti massonici per l’ecumenismo conciliare e la rivoluzione nella Chiesa: assaggi.

Volentieri offriamo ai lettori questo importante estratto de Golpe nella Chiesa. Documenti e cronache …
Denis Efimov
"The true Church must be visible so that it can fulfill this mission of safeguarding the Catholic Faith in its integrity and purity. It is therefore blasphemous to assert that the unholy Synodal Church …More
"The true Church must be visible so that it can fulfill this mission of safeguarding the Catholic Faith in its integrity and purity. It is therefore blasphemous to assert that the unholy Synodal Church led by Francis — which is dedicated to undermining the integrity and purity of the Catholic Faith— is the visible Holy Catholic Church".

Pope Leo XIII and the Church’s Visibility as Satan Reveals His Throne in the Holy Place

In the Holy Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth for the …
Denis Efimov
"there are many who profess the Gospel in words but are heretics in their actions and deeds. Shortly, they are heretics in practice"

The Heresy of Practice: Some Insights from Saint Bernard and Saint Alphonsus

Recently used by Cardinal Müller,[i] the phrase “practical heresy” has been popularized in a couple of his latest articles …
William Paul Newman
Even worse is when practical heretics are prelates who make their sins into a «development» of doctrine, not even perceived as a heresy any longer, but …More
Even worse is when practical heretics are prelates who make their sins into a «development» of doctrine, not even perceived as a heresy any longer, but as a renewed teaching of the entire Church instead.
Denis Efimov
“From all that has been said, it is clear that the conciliar church is not only a sickness, nor a theory, but that it is an association of high ranking catholic Churchmen inspired by liberal and …More
“From all that has been said, it is clear that the conciliar church is not only a sickness, nor a theory, but that it is an association of high ranking catholic Churchmen inspired by liberal and modernist thinkers, who want, according to the goals of the one worlders, to bring to fruition a new type of church, with many Catholic priests and faithful won over by this ideal. It is not a pure association of victims. Formally considered the conciliar church is a sect which occupies the Catholic Church" (Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, 2013).

Archbishop Lefebvre and the Rupture Between the Synodal Church and the Catholic Church

“[W]e have never wished to belong to this system which calls itself the Conciliar Church, and defines itself with …
Denis Efimov
"it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ.…More
"it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ. This parallel church progressively obscured the divine institution founded by Our Lord in order to replace it with a spurious entity, corresponding to the desired universal religion that was first theorized by Masonry" (Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 9.06.2020; my emphasis on "technical" verbs).
Denis Efimov
"Prayer... it is a proper cause and the proper remedy for the highest effects, such as would be - since it is reserved for God - the removal from this world of a still believing but incorrigible Pope.…More
"Prayer... it is a proper cause and the proper remedy for the highest effects, such as would be - since it is reserved for God - the removal from this world of a still believing but incorrigible Pope... If then the salvation of the Church demands that such and such a Pope should be removed, then undoubtedly the prayer we have mentioned will remove him... We have become blind to the point of refusing to pray as we ought, while yet desiring the fruit of prayer; of refusing to sow, while still wanting to reap. Let us not call ourselves Christians any longer! Or if we do, let us turn to Christ; and the Pope, were he frantic, furious, tyrannical, a render, dilapidator and corrupter of the Church, would be overcome." [Cajetan, De Comparatione auctoritatis Papae et Concilii, 27, 417-420].

Cajetan — Quotation (Or, in my vernacular, "Quotes") — Matthew K. Minerd, Ph.D. Philosophical Catholic

Giambattista Vico, On the Study Methods of Our Time, trans. Elio Gianturco (Ithaca, NY: Cornelll …
Denis Efimov
"See that I do not have to complain of you to Jesus crucified," wrote St. Catherine of Siena to Pope Gregory XI; "there is none other to whom I can …More
"See that I do not have to complain of you to Jesus crucified," wrote St. Catherine of Siena to Pope Gregory XI; "there is none other to whom I can appeal, since you have no superiors on earth." And again, a little earlier in the same letter: "Take care, as you value your life, that you commit no negligence." (Charles Journet, The Church of the Word Incarnate. Sheed and Ward: London, New York, 1955).
Denis Efimov
"Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of Francis. May God remove him, we humbly pray, …More
"Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of Francis.
May God remove him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
cast from the Church Francis, and all the other Modernists, who have infiltrated the Church seeking the ruin of souls. Amen". (A PRIEST'S PRAYER: For the End of the Francis Pontificate)
Denis Efimov
"In-depth research by Prof. Dörmann identifies with absolute certainty an error that we can call “integra permanet”, and upon closer examination it is no less serious than the error “subsistit in”..."

Questioni sulla vera fede Domande su questioni vitali per il bene della Chiesa e la nostra salvezza.

In un precedente articolo nella nostra traduzione da ‘Le Sel de la Terre’ [qui] avevamo anticipato …
By their fruits you know them (parable of the fig tree comes to mind as we look at the modern church)
Denis Efimov
"So now that Francis has revealed his and Satan’s Synodal Ape Church, what do we do? As an initial matter, it should be obvious that faithful Catholics must distance themselves from the Synodal Church..."

How Francis and Satan Empty Their Synodal Ape Church of Divine Content

In his Communism and the Conscience of the West, Bishop Fulton Sheen foretold the eventual rise of Satan’s ape church: “In the …