
Funeral SoG Luisa Piccarreta

“More than forty priests, the Capitolo [the Ecclesiastical authorities] and the local Clergy, were present; the sisters, who brought her on their shoulders in turns, and an immense crowd of citizens.…More
“More than forty priests, the Capitolo [the Ecclesiastical authorities] and the local Clergy, were present; the sisters, who brought her on their shoulders in turns, and an immense crowd of citizens. The streets along which the procession was to pass, were packed – incredibly; even the balconies and the roofs of the houses were crammed with people, and the procession proceeded with great difficulty. The funeral was celebrated in the Matrice Church by the entire Capitolo. All the people of Corato followed the body of Luisa to the cemetery, and everyone tried to bring home a souvneir of the flowers which had accompanied and touched the body. A few years later, the body of Luisa was transferred to her Parish Church of Santa Maria Greca, where she is humbly waiting for her glorification.
3/7 – 1947 – Funeral Liturgy and Burial of Luisa Piccarreta
Servant of God, lived exclusively for 64years on the Blessed Sacrament. This period of time she was confined to her bed, voluntarily she remained …More
Father Mawdsley presented a classic subjective hit job on the writings of Servant of God Luisa. Absolutely subjective, and anyone listening wouldn’t …More
Father Mawdsley presented a classic subjective hit job on the writings of Servant of God Luisa. Absolutely subjective, and anyone listening wouldn’t know what is in context, what is in mystical conformity with the Church, what is Cabal texts as opposed to Luisa’s writing. A convoluted subjective attack according to Father’s interpretation. These perfidious attacks appeal to itching ears of those with a bias agenda.
I find it interesting that there is such a strong pushback to Father Mawdsley and others condemning the Divine Will devotion and L. Piccarreta. Clearly …More
I find it interesting that there is such a strong pushback to Father Mawdsley and others condemning the Divine Will devotion and L. Piccarreta. Clearly the deep Church has some agenda we may not be fully aware of.
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English Catholic
Or for the Truth: Part One: PART ONE: (Not for children). The "Divine Will" de… Part Two: Part Two: Deeply Disturbed: Indefensible errors in… Part …More
Or for the Truth:
Part One: PART ONE: (Not for children). The "Divine Will" de…
Part Two: Part Two: Deeply Disturbed: Indefensible errors in…
Part Three to follow.
The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has suspended the Cause of Luisa Piccaretta and a Nihil Obstat has not been granted, due to "Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties"
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The Ordinariate | Our Lady of the Atonement

The Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter is a structure, similar to a diocese, that was created by the Vatican in 2012 for former Anglican communities and …

Fr Celso Q&A on the Divine Will

“And you, will you also walk away?”

After St John Chapter 6, imagine explaining to traditional Jews. “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood”. A new epoch or Fiat of the Blessed Virgin Mary had arrived, “ Fiat mihi secundum verbum …More
After St John Chapter 6, imagine explaining to traditional Jews. “Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood”. A new epoch or Fiat of the Blessed Virgin Mary had arrived, “ Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum” and it was well outside the comfort zone of most humans on earth to comprehend the Real Presence. First Our Lord had to be Crucified, then the birth of the Church in the illumination of the Holy Ghost, then the Church could believe.
Now a third fiat dawns “Fiat voluntas tua” that which you call upon at least 6 times a day. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
We are back where the Jews where at Chapter 6 of Saint John the dawn of another epoch. We need to imitate the Essenes how they steadfastly prepared and recognised the Messiah Jesus Christ.
All errors are my own and stand to be corrected. But what I understand is SOG Luisa Piccarreta was a Traditionalist with exemplary obedience to Holy Mother Church. Maintain all your Traditions but desire to do …More
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Rousing, most rousing Gregorian Chant to lift up your day!More
Rousing, most rousing Gregorian Chant to lift up your day!

St Annibale M. Di Francia at the feet of St. Pius X

Pope Pius X. During the audience, as Fr. Annibale read one of the hours aloud to the pope, the Holy Father interrupted him, saying, “Father, those words should be read kneeling.”…More
Pope Pius X. During the audience, as Fr. Annibale read one of the hours aloud to the pope, the Holy Father interrupted him, saying, “Father, those words should be read kneeling.”
Scapular shares from Scapular
Fr. Mawdsley mentioned.This is the Saint that along with Luisa Piccarreta Bishop gave imprimatur’s to the first 19 Volumes.

1910 to 1927 Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia

English Catholic
@Luke 817 Actually, Fr Mawdsley says that his talks are not personal attacks on Luisa and her spiritual director, and hopes that they are in Heaven. …More
@Luke 817 Actually, Fr Mawdsley says that his talks are not personal attacks on Luisa and her spiritual director, and hopes that they are in Heaven. There is more on this topic, for those interested, at: Response to Father Mawdsley
English Catholic
@Scapular As we have also discussed before, Daniel O'Connor has absolutely no ecclesiastical authority to teach on Luisa and the Divine Will, especially …More
@Scapular As we have also discussed before, Daniel O'Connor has absolutely no ecclesiastical authority to teach on Luisa and the Divine Will, especially since the Church has made its recent declaration.
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Response to Father Mawdsley

Updates, Clarifications, & Responses (On My Last Video) Enemies of the Church delight in taking biblical quotes out of context. They accuse grotesque cannibalism out of eating “flesh and blood”. Very …More
Updates, Clarifications, & Responses (On My Last Video)
Enemies of the Church delight in taking biblical quotes out of context. They accuse grotesque cannibalism out of eating “flesh and blood”. Very easy for detractors to dishonestly discredit the Bible and Creation by the same method.
It reminds me of St Mark 14:53 “Then the high priest rending his garments, saith: What need we any further witnesses?”
We can’t understand Mystical from Physical with our tainted modernist sordid minds that we sucked from our mothers breasts.
Our Holy Mother Church has so many beautiful saints and approved revelations to help us appreciate the gifts of the Word of God and Holy Eucharist, that …More
Our Holy Mother Church has so many beautiful saints and approved revelations to help us appreciate the gifts of the Word of God and Holy Eucharist, that have been validated by the Church; from writings of the Early Church Fathers, and examples of the martyrs to the various apparitions and saints over 2000 years to assist us in our faith. I have read the parts of this woman’s writings that are supposedly taken out of context, and frankly, I don’t care what context they are taken out of, they are sickening. I wouldn’t let a teenager read them that’s for sure. We don’t have to believe the visions of anyone, whether approved or not. We have the full deposit of faith.
English Catholic
See how the above piece conflates those Catholics who accept the Church has officially cast doubt on the revelations of Luisa Piccarretta, with being …More
See how the above piece conflates those Catholics who accept the Church has officially cast doubt on the revelations of Luisa Piccarretta, with being 'enemies of the Church', when the Church has stated that in the case of Piccarretta and the Divine Will devotion (in brief): "Nihil Obstat Not Granted, Cause Suspended, Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties". One is not compelled to believe in any private revelation - even if it is declared genuine by the Church - which hasn't happened with the Divine Will devotion. So one cannot be an 'enemy of the Church' simply for failing to believe in this or that private revelation. If we had to believe and follow all these devotions - even the approved ones - there wouldn't be enough hours in the day. To imply someone is an 'enemy of the Church' for obeying legitimate ecclesiastical authority, is just plain wrong.
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Rousing, most rousing Gregorian Chant to lift up your day!More
Rousing, most rousing Gregorian Chant to lift up your day!

Divine Will

English Catholic
As I have written elsewhere, Daniel O'Connor has no legitimate ecclesiastical authority to judge in this matter.

Perfect Lent United in Our Lords Passion.

“These revelations say that this science of the Divine Will will form Saints of a perfection more sublime than that of all the Saints who ever existed. And if this expression should seem exaggerated …More
“These revelations say that this science of the Divine Will will form Saints of a perfection more sublime than that of all the Saints who ever existed. And if this expression should seem exaggerated to some, I invite them to read the treaty on True Devotion to the Most Holy Virgin Mary by Blessed [now Saint] Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort, in which they will find a page where it written that men would arise in the Holy Church of a sanctity before which the greatest saints of the Church will be but shrubs before gigantic trees.” Saint Annibale M. di Francia 1915
Top audio is excellent Role of The Priest in The Divine Will – Fiat Radio



Dad’s and Mum’s say NO to Fiducia Supplicans

Dad’s and Mum’s Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church We ask all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church to forbid the application of Fiducia Supplicans in their dioceses. …More
Dad’s and Mum’s Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church
We ask all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church to forbid the application of Fiducia Supplicans in their dioceses.
Your Eminencies, Your Excellencies:
We, the undersigned Catholic married spouses, rejoice in gratitude to the Holy Trinity, the initiators of the Sacrament of Marriage.
We are indebted to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church for Her unswerving promotion and teaching on Her sublime doctrine of Marriage.
We rejoice in the grace and fruit derived from the Papal Encyclicals CASTI CONNUBII and HUMANAE VITAE. Here we learn the beauty and wisdom of the Church’s teaching on marriage. An example and beacon to every spouse of goodwill, seeking the truth, meaning and fruit contained in the Sacrament of Marriage.
We rejoice in the grace to sacrifice ourselves in conformity with Sacrament of Marriage to nurture in love children for the Kingdom of Heaven.
We dearly need the fatherly support …More

The Third FIAT awaits. “It cannot remain unanswered”.

1. Fiat lux - Genesis 1:3 2. Fiat mihi - St Luke 1:38 3. Fiat Voluntas Tua - St Matthew 6:10 The first Fiat extracted the whole Universe from nothing. The second Fiat, pronounced by the Most Holy …More
1. Fiat lux - Genesis 1:3
2. Fiat mihi - St Luke 1:38
3. Fiat Voluntas Tua - St Matthew 6:10
The first Fiat extracted the whole Universe from nothing.
The second Fiat, pronounced by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, hailed by the Angel, determined the Incarnation of the Divine Word in Her most pure Womb and the subsequent Redemption of mankind.
The third Fiat was left to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ in the great Prayer of the Our Father, with those divine words: “Fiat Voluntas Tua Sicut in Coelo et in terra” – Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
This supplication of the third Fiat which has resounded for twenty centuries on the lips of the children of theHolyChurch, in the Royal Priesthood of the great Sacrifice of Holy Mass – this supplication, in spite of all the human oppositions and iniquities, must have its great fulfillment. It cannot remain unanswered. All Saints, all Doctors, all Preachers, all the Scholars of Ascetic Theology, have sung the praises of the fulfillment of …More

Dad’s and Mum’s it’s time to end this. FS has to GO.

Who is willing to sign this ? Dad, Mum and ex amount of children. Can anyone arrange for this letter or similar to gather signatures at Lifesite News? Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the …More
Who is willing to sign this ?
Dad, Mum and ex amount of children.
Can anyone arrange for this letter or similar to gather signatures at Lifesite News?
Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church
We ask all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church to forbid the application of Fiducia Supplicans in their dioceses.
Your Eminencies, Your Excellencies:
We, the undersigned Catholic married spouses, rejoice in gratitude to the Holy Trinity, the initiators of the Sacrament of Marriage.
We are indebted to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church for Her unswerving promotion and teaching on Her sublime doctrine of Marriage. We rejoice in the grace and fruit derived from the Papal Encyclicals CASTI CONNUBII and HUMANAE VITAE. Here we learn the beauty and wisdom of the Church’s teaching on marriage. An example and beacon to every spouse of goodwill, seeking the truth, meaning and fruit contained in the Sacrament of Marriage. We rejoice in the grace to sacrifice ourselves …More
Not only mums and dads - Everyone!
A very good report from Redacted about the push to recognise commercial farming as more efficient than home gardening. Has this happened before? Ukraine. The communist United Soviet Socialist Republic …More
A very good report from Redacted about the push to recognise commercial farming as more efficient than home gardening. Has this happened before? Ukraine. The communist United Soviet Socialist Republic under Stalin (a Jewish elite) seized thousands of farms that composed the bread basket of Russia, turning them into collective farms and giving the owners enough for them to starve on... and that they did.
Hang on! Now Bill Gates is coming for your backyard GARDENS? | Redacted with Clayton Morris
I personally talked to a Russian/Ukrainian lady in the mid-80s who worked on one of those farms and escaped to the west. She said the peasants knew there was no correlation between what they gathered and what they took home, so they left many potatoes in the ground. Watch the movie Mr Jones *
* "Agniezska Holland's Berlinale film revisits the Holodomor, the man-made famine that killed millions of Ukrainians in 1933. Reporter Gareth Jones broke the story that Soviets tried to hide and other journalists …More
In Defense of Luisa Piccarreta & the Divine Will (A Response to Fr. James Mawdsley) My book on the Divine Will: Divine Will Orthodoxy article: Divine Will OrthodoxyMore
In Defense of Luisa Piccarreta & the Divine Will (A Response to Fr. James Mawdsley)
My book on the Divine Will:
Divine Will Orthodoxy article: Divine Will Orthodoxy
English Catholic
Daniel O'Connor has absolutely no legitimate ecclesiastical authority to declare on the authenticity of Luisa Piccaretta anyway, but especially since …More
Daniel O'Connor has absolutely no legitimate ecclesiastical authority to declare on the authenticity of Luisa Piccaretta anyway, but especially since the Dicastery of the Causes of Saints has just suspended her Cause: "Nihil Obstat Not Granted, Cause Suspended, Theological, Christological, and Anthropological Difficulties"
Please in your charity spare an AVE for Ambrose Walton Reminder: Rorate Caeli Purgatorial Society RIP

Major crash unit investigating after missing FIFO worker is found dead in regional WA

A fly-in fly out (FIFO) worker who prompted a land and air search after he went missing in the Pilbara this week has …